
God Gives Us Power

Travelling from Watford, to do a revival after my radio broadcast, the enemy was trying to bombard my mind with negatives. Saying your too tired, is this worth it, the church is not ready, there is no excitement and there will be no visitors. But the Spirit reminded me God will give you strength, He […]


True Love

Today’s verse tells us how to make love great – by being kind. You may have heard today’s verse many times before, but one translation puts it this way “love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing […]


Anointed & Equipped

Not only has God equipped you, but He is also working in you. He has already lined up everything you need to live a victorious life. You were created to excel! Greatness is inside of you. Don’t settle where you are. Have the attitude, “I am anointed. I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome […]


Don’t Speak Negativity Into Your Future

Do you know that your negative or positive future can be determined by how you see the present? In the Old Testament, there was an Israelite woman who was about to give birth. She had just heard that the Ark of the Covenant which housed God’s presence had been stolen. She was so upset about […]


Declare It!

Did you know there is creative power in the words we declare? In the same way that God created the world with His words in Genesis 1, we “create” our own world with our words. We can create an atmosphere of peace, joy, power and love with our words, or we can create an atmosphere […]


Leap Of Faith: How Writing A Faith Journal Will Deepen Your Devotion

If you’ve never been in the habit of keeping a faith journal, you might think your meditative prayer and reading scripture has given you a strong spiritual life. But beginning your journaling journey can supplement your spiritual practices and make tangible much of the faith you’ve taken for granted. Staring a faith journal is a […]


Are You Too Busy To Be A Blessing?

It’s easy to get so consumed with all the obligations we have on a daily basis. Zoom, mobile phones, computers, the internet have all made it so much easier to pack more into our days. And while technology is a great blessing to us, we have to remember that how much we get done, isn’t […]


Words For Good Or Evil

This week I have felt the wrath of someone’s tongue, as well as wise words spoken to encourage and uplift. It’s easy to use words as a weapon. We’ve all either been “cut” by the words of others, or we’ve used words to put someone “in their place.” The truth of the matter is that […]


Which of These 5 Types of Project Managers Are You?

The outcome of a project always largely depends on the behaviour of the manager as their actions directly influences the behaviour of the employees.


Project Graham: The Ugly Face of Road Safety

Meet Graham the only person designed to survive on our roads. Australia’s Transport Accident Commission and agency Clemenger BBDO Melbourne created a figure ‘with bodily features that could be present in humans if they had been designed to withstand today’s high-impact road traumas.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Project Management for Christian Leaders

The lack of project management training or experience of many Christian leaders can be an enormous stress factor for them. Whilst natural organizational ability is enormously helpful, in itself it is no guarantee of any project being both successful and low stress.


Pocket Living in London: Micro-flats Gain Favour as the Answer to Big City Urban Density

Is building smaller homes the key to housing London’s first-time buyers – or a matter of concern? Sold at about 20 per cent below local market rate and backed by the Mayor, micro-flats could be the answer for London’s would-be home owners.


Are Women Better Project Managers Than Men?

Men and women are different on many levels, anyone can tell you this. While they have distinct physical and character differences, another telling difference between men and women is the way they work, manage, and handle different scenarios in a professional setting.


43 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better Christian Leader

A curated list of great leadership quotes by Christian thought leaders and from biblical passages, and scripture.


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