During these unprecedented times we have to be diligent to make time every day, throughout the day, to stop and pray and call on Him. God promises so many things to those who call on Him. He is always listening, He is always ready to receive us when we come to Him. The question is, […]
Tag: Benefits
Blessings While We Sleep
In this day and age with viruses increasing daily and lock down lasting months, sleep is very important to our wellbeing. God promises to give blessings to His beloved in their sleep! He wants you to rest securely in Him and be rejuvenated nightly, mind and body. Sleep has great benefits – it builds your […]
Loads Of Benefits
When you obey God’s Word and have an attitude of excellence and integrity, the Bible says that God’s blessings will overtake you. You won’t be able to outrun the good things of God no matter how hard you try. He will daily load you with benefits! You won’t have to go chasing after blessings. When […]
Can Tithing Make You Rich?
When we talk about money, the subject of giving is often a distant afterthought. That’s unfortunate, because tithing—that is, the practice of giving 10 percent of your income to charity (typically a church or religious community)— has been espoused for centuries, both by those in and outside religion.
Being able to lighten up and see the funny side might not seem important. But being able to laugh at yourself and at life is lifelong protection against depression, anxiety, and anger – all toxic emotions.
Has Nigeria Become the World’s Junk –Yard of Abandoned and Failed Projects Worth Billions
15 Shocking Project Management Statistics
The project management landscape is changing with an increased emphasis on productivity, reporting, and information technology. A number of studies have been completed that look into the success and failure rates of projects.
66% of IT Projects Fail
It’s a tough figure to swallow: 66% of enterprise software projects end in failure. Research highlights that only one in eight information technology projects can be considered truly successful (failure being described as those projects that do not meet the original time, cost and (quality) requirements criteria).
65% of Mega-projects Fail
Mega-projects come with big expectations. But a project’s success is often in the eye of the beholder.
Due to the large scale and outlook attached to them, mega-projects have a large opportunity for failure. Typically, the failure begins at the outset of the project, whether that be due to poor justification for the project, misalignment among stakeholders, insufficient planning, or inability to find and use appropriate capabilities.
Top 10 Project Management Myths Debunked
Project management is challenging enough without the myths. The profession has come a long way since the 1990s and some of these myths are fading. However, we still see remnants of them in one form or another. Great projects cut through false assumptions and confusion, allowing their teams to make smart decisions based on reality.
Modular homes sometimes referred to as “factory built construction”, encompass a category of housing built in sections typically at a factory location. These houses must conform to local and regional building codes for the country the buyer plans to situate the dwelling.
The term ‘Modern Methods of Construction’ (MMC) embraces a range of technologies involving various forms of prefabrication and/or off-site assembly.
Project Manager or Scapegoat?
Project managers have the toughest job; you’re pulled in a myriad of different directions trying to please management, your team and your clients. While you are often asked to perform miracles with tight turnaround times, it’s your head on the block when things don’t go according to plan.