Yesterday was yet another day of difficulties for many, particularly the two mothers I spoke with. Many Christians think we shouldn’t have trials or hardships. Yet, if the bible is true, it’s those hard times which make us strong and show our loyalty to God. Christians experience daily obstacles and struggles. Although you aren’t immune to life’s day-to-day challenges, you do […]
Tag: forever
Have You Ever Been Visited By The Devil?
Has the devil ever visited you? Well, he visited Jesus, and there are some things we can learn from the encounter between Jesus and the devil. Scripture says three times the devil tried to disguise a temptation as something good. Turning stones to bread would have sounded good to someone who had just fasted for […]
Heavenly Joy
Are you tired of sorrow and sadness? I have good news for you; get to heaven, there will be no sorrow and sadness there. In the final book of the Bible, heaven is described as a place of wonderful freedom from pain, sorrow, and suffering. Joyful moments here are just that—moments. They seem to end quickly. In heaven joy […]
Don’t Worry Be Happy…? ?
Have you heard the popular song, “Don’t worry, be happy” or the phrase “don’t worry it’s really not that bad – everything will get better.” Are these words of encouragement or could this be denial of the pain and reality, the stifling down of emotions? Thinking about these responses got me wandering. John had just experienced the earth-shattering, heaven-opening […]
Seek God’s Purpose
God has a purpose and plan for each of our lives. The greatest thing we can do is to find that purpose and live it out. We can trust his purpose in us because it is based on his wisdom and love. If we seek His will, we’re not going to do anything that can […]
Wait Until Harvest
Digging up weeds is one of my least favourite activities. But I know that weeds can kill, overtake and ruin my garden, and I want my garden to thrive. So, I cultivate my young plants and pick and pull weeds trying not to pull or disturb the plant. Because even though I try to be […]
The Most Glorious Announcement
After man’s fall into sin, humans continued to live as precious works of the Creator while also needing to be redeemed from sin and brokenness. So in his great and amazing love for us, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sin and to give us new life forever with him. And now the […]
Trials Are Momentary
Aren’t you glad that Scripture promises that our troubles and trial are only momentary? When compared with eternity, our troubles won’t last long, they are not eternal! The second part of today’s verse tells us, that when we stand strong in faith during times of adversity, we are building faith, which achieves eternal glory, which will always outlast […]
His Timing
The most difficult thing for me in Christianity is waiting on God. I’ve had to learn that God doesn’t always work on our timetable. He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life! In the Bible, we see God instantly turning things around for His people. Scripture tells us He is […]
Heavenly Joy
Are you tired of sorrow and sadness? I have good news for you; get to heaven, there will be no sorrow and sadness. In the final book of the Bible, heaven is described as a place of wonderful freedom from pain, sorrow, and suffering. Joyful moments here are just that—moments. They seem to end quickly. In heaven joy is […]
God Has A Plan
It doesn’t matter how hard life is, God has a plan to take every adversity and every hardship you go through and use it. He’s not going to let you stay beaten down and miserable forever. No, God’s dream is to take that difficulty and supernaturally turn it around and use it to bring you […]
Don’t Let Go Of Hope
A week ago today, satan thought he had won. Christ was in the grave, the disciple’s were hiding, and many followers of Christ had quit. It’s the same today, during our trials and hopeless situations he wants us to give up and quit so he can have the victory in our lives. But, just like […]
Lord Have Mercy On Me
Mercy is what every repentant sinner seeks. In the book of Matthew the Bible talks about two blind men that no one really paid attention to. No one gave them much of a chance, but Jesus did! All through the Bible we see that He had such great compassion and mercy everywhere He went, and […]
God Help Me I’m In A Dark Place
Does something you need seem impossible? With man it may be, but we serve the all-powerful God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way when there seems to be no way, and open doors that seem closed forever! The Bible says, “in the beginning, God created the heavens and […]
Your Troubles Won’t Last Forever
Breaking news – your troubles will come to an end. Hallelujah! In this life, God warns that we will have trials and tribulations. The good news is that He also promises to deliver us from them all! Now, He doesn’t necessarily say that He will deliver us instantly, or the way we expect, or on […]
Accelerated Blessings
One thing we must never forget, our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all we could ever imagine! In this new year God wants to take you far and beyond what you’ve ever dreamed. He wants to accelerate you this year, which means He can bring you into opportunities that will […]