
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Today’s verse is really an encouragement for all of us to raise our level of expectancy! It’s like God is saying to us, “You think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!”. I’m sure God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that, if He told you right now, […]


God Gives Us Power

Travelling from Watford, to do a revival after my radio broadcast, the enemy was trying to bombard my mind with negatives. Saying your too tired, is this worth it, the church is not ready, there is no excitement and there will be no visitors. But the Spirit reminded me God will give you strength, He […]


Trials Are Momentary

Aren’t you glad that Scripture promises that our troubles and trial are only momentary? When compared with eternity, our troubles won’t last long, they are not eternal! The second part of today’s verse tells us, that when we stand strong in faith during times of adversity, we are building faith, which achieves eternal glory, which will always outlast […]


Something New

Everybody loves something new, from shoes to smartphones. Today’s verse says God is doing something new with you right now. Can you see the “brand-new thing” God is doing in your life? Sometimes it’s easy to see the hand of God moving, and sometimes the storms of life can cloud our vision. But no matter […]



During life’s challenging dark times, know that you are not alone. We all go through seasons of difficulty, or times when things just seem dark. Remember, God has a plan to drive out your darkness and flood you with His light! Today’s verse doesn’t say, “the light will come trickling in.” No, it says that […]


The Dangers Of Sexual Sin

“I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.”  (Ecclesiastes 7:26 NIV) Solomon most likely wrote the above verse from Ecclesiastes in his later years. Who better to write […]


True Love

Today’s verse tells us how to make love great – by being kind. You may have heard today’s verse many times before, but one translation puts it this way “love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing […]


Payday Is Coming

God wants you to live in blessing and wholeness all the days of your life. But in order to experience His promises, we have to keep believing and trusting in Him. That’s what today’s verse is saying: if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, and keep doing the right […]


Repetition Deepens Impression

Notice in today’s verse, God’s people were commanded to go around saying continually, “Let God be magnified. He takes pleasure in prospering me.” I believe one reason they were supposed to say it all the time, is so that it would get down deep in their hearts. Reputation deepens the impression.  Remember, when we hear […]


Set Your Hope

Talking to some youth this weekend, amidst the optimism, there also seems to be a lot of hopelessness. It’s time to set our hope so we are not easily swayed by the trials of life. Setting our hope on God, means we set our lives in the right direction. One translation of today’s verse says, […]


Spring Time

We are just a few weeks into spring – the time of year when many people sow their seeds. The Scripture talks about seasons of sowing and reaping in your life. In Psalms, it talks about sowing in tears and reaping in joy. That verse is saying that the sowing seasons are usually the most […]


Miracles, Favour & Blessings

God has performed many amazing miracles throughout history. He parted the Red Sea, He stopped the sun for Joshua and fed thousands of people with just a little boy’s small lunch. It’s important that we give Him glory for those things. We often focus on what God has done in the past, but at the […]


We Will Get Through

I hear this question over and over these days – are we going to get through these difficult times? It’s easy to get discouraged during the tough times. Have you ever gone through something that felt like the valley of the shadow of death? But I love what it says in today’s verse, “though I […]


How To Wait On God

In this new year God has placed dreams and desires in our hearts. However there is always a season of waiting involved. You could be waiting for a relationship to improve, waiting on marriage, waiting for a job, or waiting to overcome an illness. A high percentage of life is spent waiting. However, there’s a […]


Brag On God

In today’s verse, David was declaring the goodness of God and bragging on His faithfulness! We need to always remember that every blessing in life is from God. That job, good break, healing, or new opportunity – that was God’s doing. Scripture says that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above. There’s […]


Faith Gives Substance

Faith gives substance to the things you hope for. In other words, faith brings things into your life. Notice the verse below starts by saying, “Now faith.” It’s not “later” faith or “one day” faith. It’s faith for today, right now.  The basic definition of faith according to the Bible, is simply believing in God’s […]


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