We normally focus on what we do not have, as opposed to what we do have. We focus on how big our obstacles are, and how bad the economy is etc. “I don’t have the connections… I’ve got this problem, but I don’t have anybody to help me… I’ve got this dream, but I don’t have the resources”. Yet here is the truth, everything you need to fulfill your destiny is within reach. God will always use something that’s close to you. It may not look extraordinary, but you have what it takes to fulfill your destiny.
Like when David faced the giant, Goliath. All he had was a slingshot and five stones. It looked ordinary. He could have thought, “I’m not going to face Goliath. That would be foolish. I don’t have a chance”. But David knew that with God on his side, those ordinary stones would be exactly what he needed. Sure enough, David defeated Goliath with what he had and made history.
Today, remember victory isn’t about what you have, it’s about God’s anointing on what you have. With God on your side, all things are possible! Focus on Him and what He has given you. God can do great things in your life because He has placed extraordinary things in you, use them today.
“So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.” (1 Samuel 17:50, NIV).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for equipping me for success and victory in this life. Help me to clearly see the opportunities, connections and resources You have ordained for me. I trust that with You, all things are possible. In Christ’ name, Amen!
“Patience” The Hardest Prayer
The prayer I struggle most to pray, is the one for more patience. This is because, developing patience comes through trials and the learned skill of seeing other people the way God sees them. Practising patience teaches us to keep looking toward things above, where we witness God working in the most difficult of circumstances or within the most difficult of people.
The Bible says, welcome with open arms fellow believers who don’t see things the way you do. And don’t jump all over them every time they do or say something you don’t agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their history to deal with. Treat them gently (Romans 14:1 MSG).
Today consider these three things in developing Patience:
Patience comes with a cost. Patience requires that you trust God’s timetable, setting aside your quick-fix agenda, your rights and demands, not in a sense of co-dependent weakness, but with the sacrificial strength of the Jesus-life within you, where you sync with the deep, mysterious, ancient love of the Creator.
Patience comes with practice. Most people can muster patience when it’s convenient; the real test comes with the stress of time slipping away, or when someone keeps making the same mistakes repeatedly.
Patience comes through God’s love. Patience may cost you all the love you have, but that’s okay! God has more love in his love bank than our minds could ever conceive. So, give all the love you have, and God will give you more and more and more as you keep giving every ounce of love away. Can’t do it? Of course, you can’t but God can. Hallelujah!
Allow God’s love and his patience to flow through you.
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2 (NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, teach me to be patient – with life, with people, and with myself. I sometimes try to hurry things along too much and push for answers before the time is right. Father, touch me and fill me with your light and your hope. God, give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. In Christ’s name, Amen.
God Restores
In the book of Ruth in the bible, Ruth’s mother-in-law was bitter and empty after the loss of her two sons. However, isn’t it strange? Ruth was pregnant and gave birth, but the women proclaimed that Naomi had a son.
This is the point of the story: not only did Ruth fill Naomi’s emptiness with enough food according to the bible, but she also provided a son to replace the ones Naomi lost. Even though Ruth gave birth, the women praised God and responded with excitement toward Naomi. They credit God for bringing food back to Bethlehem and providing a son.
Today, after looking at this biblical story we see that Ruth and Boaz had a hand in restoring Naomi’s well-being after she lost her sons. But God’s people were clear that there is no provision and no children without the Lord’s blessing. God restores loss, He blesses the fruit of our labour and the fruit of the womb. For out of the birth of ruth’s son, Jesus, a descendant of this family, was born in Bethlehem. Through the story of Ruth, we can see that Christ’s birth is part of a family history that depends on God’s abundant blessings and restoration. From this, we learn that it is normal for our God to fill the empty and redeem the lost.
The women living there said: “Naomi has a son!” — Ruth 4:17
Let’s Pray
Yahweh thank you for filling my emptiness and restoring my loss. Father, I shout “Praise be to the Lord”! For your provision, I am so grateful to know that my Redeemer cares. Lord, please live in my heart today and always. In Christ’s name Amen.
Thanksgiving Pt 5
This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend in America. One thing we don’t regularly thank God for are the lives of the faithful ones in our family that have gone before. We ought to thank Him for His promise to pass down blessings from generation to generation. Some blessings are stored up for you because someone in your family line honoured Him. It may have been a parent or a grandparent, or maybe someone way back in your history that you don’t even know; but because they lived a life of faith, now you are going to reap the rewards. God wants to release favour and blessing into your life. He longs to be good to you.
It may have been a hundred years ago, but God keeps His promises, and as the scripture says, God wants to increase you a thousand times over your ancestors. When you have those moments where you feel like you’ve received “favour out of nowhere,” that’s the time to thank God for His grace, mercy and faithful ancestors.
Today, we serve a gracious and mighty God, whose favour lasts from generation to generation! This Thanksgiving be thankful for your legacy of faith and favour that has gone before, and has been passed down. Now get ready to move forward, with an attitude of expectancy, because blessings are coming your way!
“May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!” (Deuteronomy 1:11, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life and the lives of my faithful ancestors that have gone before. I give You honour and glory today for all You have done for me, for Your love and their faithfulness. I receive Your blessings and promises, I look forward to the amazing plans You have prepared for me and my future generations, in Christ’ name! Amen.
Black History
If It Had Not Been For The Lord Where Would You Be?
In the UK it’s black history month. As I look back at where God has bought us from, like the Lord says, “through many dangers’ toils and snares…,” all I can say looking back and reflecting is “if it had not been for the goodness of God, where would we be?” Some wouldn’t be alive today. Some would still be mentally messed up. If it had not been for God’s favour and love, some would still be struggling, barely making it. You may say, “we haven’t made it very far, we’ve got a long way to go.” And that may be true, but black or not, I want you to take a moment and look back over your life and realise how far you’ve come. The same God that brought you this far, the same God that has kept you alive, is going to carry you through any difficulty you may be facing.
Today, just start praising and thanking God for what He is doing and what He has done. Thank Him for His love and favour and blessings upon you. Praise precedes the victory. Praise brings the walls of opposition down. Praise is the invitation for God to intervene on your behalf! Friend, I declare that the goodness of God is all over you! He is directing your steps, and you are following His leading. I declare that your best days are ahead, and as you praise Him and thank Him, you will move forward into the victory and blessing He has prepared for you!
“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.” (Psalm 119:92, ESV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You so much for Your consistent goodness and faithfulness in my life, and the lives of my forefathers. I don’t know where we would have been without You. We were mistreated beaten and abused, but what the devil meant for bad, You have used it to make us stronger. Hallelujah! Father, I know that Your hand of favour is upon me. I know that You are leading me and guiding me in victory. I won’t give up, please keep me close to You, as I surrender every area of my heart and mind to You, in Christ’ Name! Amen.
7 Heroes of Faith and the Power of Prayer in Their Lives
We pray because we want something to change in our lives. Every day, we are attacked by many different circumstances — financial insecurities, health problems, or even relationship issues.
Most of us find prayer “a remedy” to these problems. But what if the answer is different from what we expected?
That’s probably why God used many people in the Bible about prayers being answered. These faithful heroes begged God to intervene in their troubled lives, which He reasonably did.
As you read along, observe these two things:
- The reason why that person prayed (intention and attitude)
- How has God powerfully answered the prayer
And who knows? It may also change the way you pray and receive God’s answer.
The Heroes Who Prayed
- Hannah
In Bible times, when a woman is barren, it brings deep shame to the family. This is because children are seen as God’s gift, and being infertile is a challenging situation.
Like Hannah, you may be in a position where everything is hopeless. You may have already questioned God why you feel that “deep shame”.
But, recorded in 1 Samuel 1:11 (NIV) is Hannah’s prayer of faith.
She said, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”
As you see, Hannah already claimed that God would fulfill His promise in her life even before she was pregnant. Sure enough, Samuel went down in history as Israel’s greatest prophet.
Just like Hannah, you can manifest God’s promise in your life and let Him be God.
- Daniel
Imagine being in a place where no one knows you, and you’re being kept as a slave. You might have questioned God and blamed Him for your circumstance.
But Daniel reacted otherwise.
He knew God and how to communicate with and listen to God. Also, he made God his Friend in a country where he knew no one. Daniel 2:27-28 (ESV) describes Daniel as one great man.
It says, Daniel answered the king and said, “No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days. Your dream and the visions of your head as you lay in bed are these:”
Daniel was successful because He gave God all the credit. And because of that, he became chief administrator of the whole Medo-Persian kingdom!
Daniel might have become proud and arrogant. But, he understood that he was just a servant in the hands of an omnipotent God.
And that understanding came from his personal connection with God through prayer.
- Jairus
Let’s talk about something more serious—death.
Jairus had a dying daughter. According to Mark 5:23 (NIV), he pleaded earnestly with Jesus, saying, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put Your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”
All of us are desperate for healing, especially when it is our loved ones who are at stake. We tend to pray and bargain with God to heal them from whatever they’re suffering.
In this story of Jairus, maybe God is just testing our faith. His daughter already died before Jesus arrived at his home!
But Jesus had more than a cure in mind when He urged Jairus to believe. When Jesus entered the house, He resurrected the girl from the dead.
Jesus wants to go above and beyond our expectations—He wants to revive our faith!
- Elisha
Have you ever been in a situation where you are responsible for something yet don’t know what to do next?
Elisha did. God gave Elisha prophetic skills and abilities, and these threatened the king. He sent a troop to encircle Elisha’s city and initiate an assault. This news caused Elisha’s servant to panic.
There may be moments when God entrusts us with something, and along with it are circumstances that can harm us.
Instead of panicking, Elisha told his servant. “Don’t be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” (2 Kings 6:16, NIV)
God answered Elisha’s prayer by blinding the opposing army. He then led his people out of the city.
You will also have the confidence to accomplish anything God asks of you. This is possible if we seek His protection surrounding us, knowing that our circumstances are blind to His might!
- Joseph
The slave who turned into one of the best leaders in Egypt.
The Bible states that Joseph had a close relationship with God, and this is because of his prayer life. Because of this, even his master saw how close he was to God and found favor in him.
Genesis 39:2-4 (ESV) describes how Joseph is with his relationship with God.
It says, “The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, and he was in the house of his Egyptian master. His master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands. So Joseph found favor in his sight and attended him, and he made him overseer of his house and put him in charge of all that he had.”
Because of his faithful prayer life, God used him to govern Egypt and deliver them out of famine.
You might relate to Joseph in a way. Your business is not doing good, you have failing grades at school, or a really good friend betrayed you.
Regardless of how bad your situation is, remember that the God who led Joseph from rags to riches will definitely give you a way out, too. Just pray.
- David
David was known to be the man after God’s own heart. But, how did he become one?
What does his prayer life look like? David was just like any of us. He committed mistakes, and he admits that he has deeply sinned against God.
But what made David successful was how he acknowledged his mistake and confessed to God. Psalms 51:10 (ESV) says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
After having heartfelt repentance and a deep talk with God, he felt a sense of peace in his heart and accepted that God already forgave him.
In our journey to success, we might experience a lot of temptations and stumbling blocks along the way. But, our persistent surrender to God will make us successful in our day-to-day battle with trials.
- Jesus
Really? The Man who saved the world from sin prayed, too?
Yes. Jesus was not exempted from the benefits of this ultimate secret. As recorded in the Scriptures, He spent many, many hours in prayer.
Jesus could’ve just skipped the prayer part and went on to save the world.
But, no.
Every day, in the early hours of the morning, He kneeled and prayed to God the Father for protection and guidance.
“But He would withdraw to desolate places and pray,” according to Luke 5:16 (ESV). By spending time with his Father regularly, Jesus stayed in touch with His desire and purpose.
Why did Jesus do this?
Because He wants to be an example of how powerful prayer is.
Even before He was crucified, He prayed and pleaded to God to let the circumstance pass. But He was willing to submit Himself for God’s leading and will, and that was how the most extraordinary love story started.
There is Power in Prayer
Prayer has worked wonders in the lives of people in the Bible, and it can work for you, too!
It will help you to:
- Acquire peace of mind
- Be patient
- Become the person God wants you to become
God’s Word is transparent in how great heroes in the Bible are and how dependent they are on God. He wants us to be comforted that He always provides the best answers only if we allow His power to influence our lives.
Author Bio
Heroes 2 is a Bible trivia game released by the Hope Channel. It is a sequel to the game, Heroes, which was released in 2013. The latest game version is on 3D graphics and animation, enhanced with unique features and more challenging Bible questions. It comes in four languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French. The game is available on both iOS and Android.
The World Needs Prayer
With gun and knife crime high, with kids as young as 8 carrying drugs across the country, things are out of control right now. Our country, and across the entire world, are experiencing wide-spread devastation like never before seen in history. Some places are too hot, others too cold. Floods, diseases, and brokenness seems to be affecting all. The world needs prayer at this time.
We may not have all the answers about the world’s situation, but we can set our hearts and minds on what we do know. What we know is that God is faithful. What we know is that He is our Deliverer. What we know is that we can trust in Him. He is our hope, He is our peace, and He will carry us through. He promises that no matter what you we be facing, He will empower us to walk through it and overcome.
Today, when you don’t understand, when you don’t have answers, when you are in your darkest hour, God is your light of hope. God will bring restoration and order to your life again. Whether you’re in a storm, or experiencing another type of “trouble,” call on Him. He will deliver you, and in return, you will bring honour and praise to Him.
“…call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour Me.” (Psalm 50:15, NIV)
Let’s PrayYahweh, today I’m calling on You. Father, I trust that even in my personal darkness, and in the world’s darkest hours, You are my light of hope. God, give me Your peace that passes understanding. Bring order and restoration to my life. Heal this land of crime, abuse and natural devastation as Your people call upon You, in Christ’ Name! Amen.
One of my favorite songs starts out by saying, “I can only imagine.” When was the last time you imagined God doing something supernatural in your life? Is there a relationship that needs restoration? Is there a business you’ve wanted to start, but are holding back? If there were no limitations on your life if anything were possible, what would you be willing to imagine?
Remember, the only limits on your life are the limits you have in your mind, and God wants to do exceedingly more than you can ever imagine today! He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness, and amaze you with His faithfulness. But in order for Him to exceed what you’ve imagined, you have to at least be imagining something!
Today, why don’t you take a step of faith and let your imagination come to life? Begin to see in your mind all the possibilities for your future. Meditate on the amazing things God has done throughout history. Let that seed of faith take root in your heart. Hold on to His promises because He is faithful. He is able to exceed your expectations and go beyond what you can imagine!
“For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:11, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Father, I submit my imagination to You. Help me to see what You see for my future. God, please help me to take the limits off of my thinking, so that I can receive everything You have in store for me, in Christ’s name! Amen.
Forgiveness – A Heaven or Hell Issue
Bitterness is a poison that can destroy you, and it never destroys the person it’s aimed at. A way to get through bitterness is to forgive. In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others.
Dr. Les Carter says, “I recall one woman who came to me ten years after her divorce. She was talking about her son’s marriage and her daughter’s graduation. Her ex was going to be at both. She had never resolved the fact that he had rejected her. She kept going over it in her mind, ‘How could he have done this to me? Can’t he see that he just ripped apart a family?’ Her children would say, ‘Mom, we know the facts. We know he did it. We can’t go back and rewrite history.’ She would always come back with those infamous words, ‘Yes, but . . .'”
That is a woman who is so stuck in the past, it’s as if she is willing to hold on to that divorce, to hold on to that anger, as being the defining element in her personality.
Today, if you do not forgive the person who has hurt you, you are making it impossible to receive God’s forgiveness for you. You do not want to cut yourself off from God’s forgiveness. You need that forgiveness for your own freedom and healing, and to release God’s power in your life.
“…If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part” (Matthew 6:14-15 Msg).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I do not want unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment to define my personality and to make me miss out on the kingdom. Father, with Your help, I can be free from this. God, lead me through every thought and every decision and cleanse my mind, in Christ’s Name! Amen.
It’s Your Imagination
If there were no limitations on your life, if anything were possible, what would you be imagining for you life? When was the last time you imagined God doing something supernatural in your life? Is there a relationship that needs restoration? Is there a business you’ve wanted to start, but you are holding back? It’s time to get rid of your limited imagination and focus on God’s promises.
Do you know the only limits on your life are the limits you place in your mind, and God wants to do exceedingly more than you can even imagine! He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and amaze you with His faithfulness. But in order for Him to exceed what you’ve imagined, you have to at least start imagining!
Today, why don’t you take a step of faith and let your spiritual imagination run wild? Begin to see in your mind’s eye all the possibilities for your present and future. Meditate on the amazing things God has done throughout history. Let that seed of faith take root in your heart. Hold on to His promises because He is faithful and able to exceed your expectations and go beyond what you can imagine today!
“For who knows a person’s thoughts except for their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God’s except the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:11, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Father, I submit my imagination to You. Help me to see what You see for my future. God, help me to take the limits off my thinking, so that I can receive everything You have in store for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.
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Miracles, Favour & Blessings
God has performed many amazing miracles throughout history. He parted the Red Sea, He stopped the sun for Joshua and fed thousands of people with just a little boy’s small lunch. It’s important that we give Him glory for those things. We often focus on what God has done in the past, but at the same time, we also need to look at what miracles God wants to do in our lives today!
The Bible say’s in today’s verse, that “in the ages to come” God would do things that far supersede anything He’s ever done before. I believe that the “ages to come” is now and the time we’re living in. God wants to outdo Himself in our generation! Hallelujah!
Today, I dare you to believe, I dare you to dream big, and I dare you to take hold of every blessing that God has in store for you! Friend, God has greater levels of His favour and blessing in store for you!
“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us…raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:4—7, NKJ)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your constant faithfulness in my life. Father, today I look for the greatness of Your favour in my life! God, thank You for the miracles and increase You’ve placed in my life! Now Lord, give me Your Spirit so I can use them for Your glory, in Christ’s Name! Amen.
God’s Anointing Is On You
We normally focus on what we don’t have, as opposed to what we do have. We focus on how big our obstacles are, and how bad the economy is etc. “I don’t have the connections. I’ve got this problem, but I don’t have anybody to help me. I’ve got this dream, but I don’t have the resources.” Here is the truth: everything you need to fulfill your destiny is within reach. God will always use something that’s close to you. It may not look extraordinary, but you have what it takes to fulfill your destiny.
Like when David faced the giant, Goliath, all he had was a slingshot and five stones. It looked ordinary. He could have thought, “I’m not going to face Goliath. That would be foolish. I don’t have a chance.” No, David knew that with God on his side, those ordinary stones would be exactly what he needed. Sure enough, David defeated Goliath with what he had and made history.
Today, remember, victory isn’t about what you have, it’s about God’s anointing on what you have. With God on your side, all things are possible! Focus on Him and what He has given you. God can do great things in your life because He has placed extraordinary things in you, use them today.
“So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a tstone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.” (1 Samuel 17:50, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for equipping me for success and victory in this life. Help me to clearly see the opportunities, connections and resources You have ordained for me. I trust that with You, all things are possible, in Christ’ name! Amen.
Forward Ever, Backward Never
Many people don’t fully understand what it means to forget the past. Do I do away with my history? Do I make myself vulnerable again? How do I forget something that’s happened to me?” Some of the biblical definitions of this phrase is to “disregard intentionally, to overlook or to cease reliving the pain.”
In practical terms, what this verse is saying is that you have to choose to disregard your past, so that it doesn’t keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. Even our past victories can sometimes keep us from rising higher. If we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new.
Today, it doesn’t matter what’s happened in your history, it’s time to forget what‘s stopping you from moving forward. Make the choice today to look forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you, with greater blessings, favour and massive victories. Hallelujah! Trust Him. As you forget pain, hurt and even some self-cantered victories, press forward and you will see the abundant life the Lord has in store for you!
“…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” (Philippians 3:13, NLT)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I choose to forget the past that holds me back and makes me vulnerable. Father, I don’t want anything to hold me back from the good future You have prepared for me. God, I choose forgiveness, and ask that You help me by Your Holy Spirit to press forward in every area of my life. In Christ’s Name! Amen.
Societal enables people to connect with one another online through this time of international crisis
We’re living through a time of international crisis. Our systems are falling apart, we’re being separated from friends and loved ones, frightened and unsure as to how life may be about to unfold. “Reality” seems to stagger from one disturbing scenario to another. Information and advice keep changing – nothing holds fast, but the idea that everything is going dreadfully wrong. But if there is a silver lining in this crisis, it could be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used – to connect with one another, share information and come up with collective solutions to vital problems.
Launched in March 2020, Societal’s (https://societal.co/) sole purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience.
Societal website administrator Dean Jones a former Central St Martins College of Art & Design postgraduate said, ‘One of the most disastrous months in the history of global medicine and global economics has ended with country after country retreating into their national silos. They are fighting their own individual battles against coronavirus and in their own way, but we must work together. Like it or not the Coronavirus Crisis is showing us how to live online and hopefully Societal can help people with that.’

The new Social Network follows a UK government announcement that everyone should only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home).
Jones hopes his digital platform will help create connections, not conflict in this time of uncertainty.
Jones said further ‘As we isolate ourselves at home to protect our health and our neighbours, we still need each other. Societal means that even in this time when we are physically apart, we can still connect with our friends.”
The Core Principles of Societal are-
- Respect.
- Justice/Fairness.
- Honesty.
- Service/Giving Back/Contribution.
- Responsibility.
- Family.
- Community.
Societal is trying to shift the paradigm. In a web full of pseudo thought-leaders, Societal promises to be place that people from all walks of life can rely on and cater to those looking for fresh, new, authentic voices and believe wholeheartedly in community. Societal offers free accounts and doesn’t serve ads.
Jones has launched a kickstarter page in order to support this worthwhile project https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deanjones/societal
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Societal, on Thursday 26 March, 2020. For more information follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Real Talk: Postcode gangs
The notion of so-called postcode wars may have slipped from the headlines recently but the territorial divisions continue to exert a powerful influence on the lives of thousands of young Londoners.
This lady gives her thoughts on Knife Crime in the UK. We salute this woman for speaking out! The passion in her voice is intense.
Guns, Gangs and Postcode Wars
The youth culture seems to be falling apart at the moment. We’ve seen a real sea change over the past few years, with a significant increase in the number of people who have been injured, in the number of injuries sustained per person, and the severity of those injuries.
The more deprived the area, the more they try to assert control over the one thing they can lay claim to: the streets. Concepts such as hood passes and stripes may seem alien to anyone over 21 but are considered normal by an entire generation.
Politicians need to get their act together and pour money into this right now. Tomorrow is too late. Parents also need to take responsibility.
Gang-related organised crime in the United Kingdom is concentrated around the cities of London, Manchester and Liverpool and regionally across the West Midlands region, south coast and northern England, according to the Serious Organised Crime Agency. With regards to street gangs the cities identified as having the most serious gang problems, which also accounted for 65% of firearm homicides in England and Wales, were London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. Glasgow in Scotland also has a historical gang culture with the city having as many teenage gangs as London, which had six times the population, in 2008.
In the early part of the 20th century, the cities of Leeds, Bristol, Bradford (including Keighley) and Nottingham all commanded headlines pertaining to street gangs and suffered their share of high-profile firearms murders. Sheffield, which has a long history of gangs traced back to the 1920s in the book “The Sheffield Gang Wars”, along with Leicester is one of numerous urban centres seen to have an emerging or re-emerging gang problem.
On 28 November 2007, a major offensive against gun crime by gangs in Birmingham, Liverpool, London and Manchester led to 118 arrests. More than 1,000 police officers were involved in the raids. Not all of the 118 arrests were gun related; others were linked to drugs, prostitution and other crimes. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said it showed the police could “fight back against gangs”.
Irrespective of who uses it and for what purpose, street slang is constantly evolving. Words in common parlance five years ago like “buff” (good-looking) are now deemed antediluvian, replaced by newer terms such as “chug”, “peak” and “wavey”. “Skadoosh”, a personal favourite, is a relative newcomer.
Bang – punch
Bare – a lot
Bate – obvious
Blud – friend
Booky – suspicious
Butters – ugly
Chug – good-looking
Dutty – nasty
Fam – friends
Gallis – womaniser
Gased – talking nonsense
Gem – fool
Ghost – to be frequently absent
Greezy – bad
Junge – whore
Liccle – small
Marga – extremely skinny
Moist – no ratings, silly, naff
Murk – attack
Nang – good
Peak – used to highlight an eventful situation
Peng – good-looking
Shank – stab
Shower – cool, good
Skadoosh – goodbye
Skettel – loose woman
Slipping – to be caught off-guard
Swag – crap
Tekkers – technique
Wallad – idiot
Wavey – high or drunk