
Have you ever been bullied? Pt 3

The devil is our biggest bully. Daily he bombards us with challenges that try to move us away from God’s plan and purpose in our lives. You will be tempted to act out of character. You will be tempted to give in to the pride of your own thoughts, relying on yourself rather than fully […]


Your Next Step 

Many people allow fear from stopping us from taking the next step. Maybe you feel God calling you to step into a new career, into ministry, a new relationship, a new church, a new city, or a new group of friends. Maybe you feel so strongly that God has spoken to you, but the fear […]


Get A Vision Of Victory

Do things feel hard? Are you facing a massive situation that seems impossible? Does it seem like you will never get what God has promised you? Joshua 6 tells the story about how the odds were stacked against Joshua and the people of Israel. They were standing at the massive unbreachable wall of Jericho that […]



This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But […]



This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But […]


The Lord Your God Is With You

As a believer in Jesus, you can approach each day with boldness and confidence. Why? Because He is with you, and in Him is everything you need. That means if you need provision for something today, provision is with you. If you need wisdom today, wisdom is with you. If you need strength, joy or […]


Miracles, Favour & Blessings

God has performed many amazing miracles throughout history. He parted the Red Sea, He stopped the sun for Joshua and fed thousands of people with just a little boy’s small lunch. It’s important that we give Him glory for those things. We often focus on what God has done in the past, but at the […]


Let’s Crossover into 2021 With No Fear

As we enter the final day of this year, I urge you to let go of your past. All of those mistakes worries, stresses and fears. In the same way that faith opens the door for God to work in our lives, fear opens the door for the enemy to work in our lives. So […]


Don’t Engage with the Enemy’s Lies

When that guy cat-calls you just to get a reaction, what do you do? You ignore him and keep walking. When that bully pushes all of your buttons just to make you mad, what do you do? you tune them out and move on. When somebody tries to convince you of something you know 100% […]


Don’t Let It Expire

One day I received a gift card that I stored in a special place for so long that I forgot I had it? Most gift cards have an expiration date, and if you don’t use it, you will surely lose it! The same is true with the Word of God. No, the Word doesn’t ever […]


Set Yourself Up To Prosper

What is prosperity? Prosperity simply means thriving, vibrant and alive. It’s a picture of vitality. When you are prosperous, you have more than enough to give to others. That means more peace, more grace, more hope, more love. When we “observe to do” what God has commanded, like it says in our text, we are […]


The Best Choice You Could Ever Make!

In one day we make thousands of choices. Some are greater and more important than others. Some require lots of thought and the input of others. Making Christ the Lord of your life is the best choice you could ever make! Hallelujah!   However, once you make the choice to surrender to God, you have the […]


On This Day

Friend, today God wants to release His blessings and favour in your life in such a way that it makes you a great parent, a great spouse, a great leader, a great employee, a great friend, a great business person. He is saying to us what He said in today’s verse, “This day, I’m going […]


Remember God’s Promises

This year things have not gone the way anyone expected. When things don’t go the way you planned, or something unexpected happens, how do you respond? Do you start expecting the worst, or do you go to God’s Word and remind yourself of His promises?  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith activates […]


27 Beautiful Bible Verses for Every Woman in Need of Love, Reassurance and Strength.

“The remedy for discouragement is the word of God. When you feed your heart and mind with its truth, you regain your perspective and find renewed strength. “Warren Wiersbe


Gratitude Attitude 2017 #10

Veterans are a blessing in this country. Men and women who are willing to sacrifice their time and comforts to protect and serve the rest of us – even unto death. It reminds me that Yeshua did the same thing – only He did it for the whole world.


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