
It’s Time To Grow Up 

God’s intervention can feel poorly timed, perhaps even prickly, sharp, and uncomfortable. But convenience is not something we should expect from God.   God may not operate on our time frame, but He is always on time. Any attempt to schedule growth or to wait until life isn’t so busy, to wait until the children are […]


When Plans Fail 

What do you do when your plans fall apart? Where do you turn? Who do you run to for answers?   In my life, I’ve had many plans fail. What about you? Have you ever had your plans fail? Have you ever made plans and had them changed on you at the last second? Have you […]


Parenting For Eternity

If someone asked you what you wanted most for your children. Your automatic response would properly be, “Success!” As a follower of Christ, I’ve discovered things more important than success in and of itself. Our time on earth is short, and eternity is sure to follow. James 4:14 describes life on earth as, “a mist […]


How To Make Most Of The New Year

Many people give advice on how to make the most of the New Year. They may suggest a new diet, a new exercise routine, new learning programs, new money management, or new relationships, but there is something else we should consider. Something that includes all those areas of our lives and more. God’s word! Read […]


Nia / Purpose: Seeking God First

Principle 5 Nia / Purpose: Mathew 6:33. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Including our purpose. Mathew’s admonishment is relevant and instructive for a world, especially the “superpowers” and “economically developed” nations that are so consume by the profit and control. He suggests that the […]

culture faith

Ujamaa / Cooperative Economics: Working Together

Principle 4 Ujamaa / Cooperative economics: Hebrew13:16. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.  Christians are instructed to share their wealth and make sacrifices for others.  Economic wealth may not mean just money. It can mean anything that can make wealth or improve someone’s standing in […]


Ujima / Collective Work and Responsibility: Team Work

Principle 3 Ujima / Collective Work and Responsibility: 1 Corinthians 12:21-25. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less […]


Umoja (unity) Christ Prayed For Unity

Let’s be clear, Kwanzaa is a cultural and not religious holiday created by an African American. However, the principles of Kwanzaa (from Swahili) can be found in scripture and can build and enhance families and communities and elevate the political dialogue on issues of importance to all.  Hence, 7 days before the start of the year, […]


Fighting Faith 

Several years ago, my family and I went through a difficult season. I lost my job; it was an unforeseen and challenging time in our family and in our relationship with God. Although we put our trust in Him, we definitely lived moments where our hope seemed weak and our faith, small.  The scripture shares […]


Without Compromise? ?

Like me, you may be wondering, in a world with conflicting ideals, the onslaught of mainstream media’s indoctrination, the toxicity of immoral societal influences, and the deterioration of sound moral discernment – how do I sustain my spiritual integrity by unapologetically and confidently living out my faith? Are you concerned about those influences on your mind? Perhaps, […]


Blessings For Everyone

God has a blessing for everyone that will cause us to rise from lack into abundance! It will take you from barely getting by, to more than enough. God’s blessing brings supernatural increase and peace of mind. We were never created to drag through life constantly struggling. God has commanded blessings when we come into agreement with […]


Blessed With Benefits

When you obey God’s Word and have an attitude of excellence and integrity, the Bible says that God’s blessings will overtake you. You won’t be able to outrun the good things of God no matter how hard you try. He will daily load you with benefits! You won’t have to go chasing after blessings. When […]


Have You Ever Been Bullied? Pt4? ?

Have there been people in your life that have caused you trouble? Like the youth say, “they just keep getting in your face.” In the Bible, Hezekiah was faced with enemies coming against him, causing him trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn’t get upset. He just kept abiding, kept being […]


Have you ever been bullied? Pt 3

The devil is our biggest bully. Daily he bombards us with challenges that try to move us away from God’s plan and purpose in our lives. You will be tempted to act out of character. You will be tempted to give in to the pride of your own thoughts, relying on yourself rather than fully […]


Dedicated Disciples ?

Becoming a serious Christian, around 15 years ago, was the most liberating moment of my life. It was also daunting. A world that once was familiar now appeared foreign, simply because most people I knew were not free. However, I knew I would need a family of fellow believers, for strength and survival.   With […]


Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever felt lost, unsafe and disoriented? It can be quite overwhelming. It might even be difficult to admit. I have some good news is you don’t need to worry or fear Jesus is near. He describes Himself as the Good Shepherd who cares so deeply about the one sheep who is lost, in […]


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