Unveiling the Narrative: Language, Perception, and the African Identity

In the complex tapestry of human interactions, language has become a lens through which we perceive, label, and categorize ourselves and others. This thought-provoking exploration delves into the intricacies of language and its role in shaping perceptions, particularly in the context of Africans and their global counterparts. From the terminology surrounding migrations to the biases ingrained in linguistic norms, let’s unravel the layers of a discourse that questions our shared humanity.


Voyages of Discovery vs. Illegal Immigrants:

The journey from Europe to Africa is romanticized as a “voyage of discovery,” invoking images of exploration and curiosity. However, when the direction reverses, Africans moving to Europe are often labeled as “illegal immigrants,” laden with connotations of criminality and transgression. Here lies the first thread in the fabric of linguistic bias.

Refugees vs. Tourists:

A group of Africans seeking refuge in Europe is termed “refugees,” underscoring their dire circumstances and the humanitarian need for assistance. Contrastingly, a group of Europeans in Africa engaging in leisurely pursuits is benignly dubbed “tourists,” emphasizing their privilege and choice of exploration. Language subtly influences our perception of their circumstances.

Poachers vs. Hunters:

Venture into the bush, and the terminology takes a stark turn. Africans in the same environment are branded as “poachers,” echoing criminality and environmental harm. On the other hand, Europeans engaged in similar activities are adorned with the more benign term “hunters,” implying a connection to nature and tradition.

Foreigners vs. Expats:

Black individuals working abroad are often relegated to the label of “foreigners,” emphasizing their perceived distance from the norm. In contrast, white individuals in similar positions are graciously titled “expats,” conveying a sense of expertise and cultural exchange. The contrast raises questions about the power dynamics embedded in language.

The Language of Intelligence:

One of the most poignant observations centers on language proficiency. When individuals from various countries struggle with English, Africans often face stigmatization, being labeled as unintelligent, illiterate, or even dumb. This reveals a deep-seated bias, where English proficiency becomes a misguided measure of intelligence, perpetuating a harmful narrative.

Breaking the Chains of Mental Slavery:

The blog concludes with a powerful call to action. It challenges the normalized prejudices woven into our language, urging Africans to reclaim their narrative. Embracing native languages and rejecting the imposition of foreign linguistic norms is posited as a path to breaking free from mental oppression.


In this nuanced examination of language, perception, and identity, we confront the biases embedded in our linguistic choices. The blog invites readers to reflect on the impact of language on our understanding of the world, urging a collective effort to dismantle stereotypes and foster a more inclusive, enlightened discourse.

#AfricanNarrative #LanguageMatters #CulturalPerceptions #MigrationDiscourse #Identity #LinguisticBiases #BreakingChains #Inclusivity #GlobalConversations #AfricanLanguages #ColonialLegacy #HumanityShared

Do Not Sin When You’re Angry  

This has been a frustrating week for me, as I had to contend with health issues. Lots of ‘why’ questions led to angry thoughts. We all get angry. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle our anger. The wrong way will lead to more wrong and destructive things. Moses handled his anger the wrong way and it cost him the Promised Land. After Moses let the Israelites’ quarrelling and complaining get to him, he didn’t remind them of the glory of the Lord. So, God told Moses that he wouldn’t see the Promised Land, instead, the task of leading the Israelites into it was given to Joshua. 

Jesus handled His anger the right way, and those who took advantage of the poor were exposed and thrown out of the temple. ‘Jesus went straight to the temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling… now there was room for the blind and crippled to get in. They came to Jesus, and he healed them (Matthew 21:12-14 MSG). The Bible says: ‘Be angry and do not sin’ which means instead of just complaining about the problem, we’re supposed to do something about it.  

When we let our anger build up without dealing with it, we can end up letting all our anger out in the wrong way. Instead of letting it build up, we need to deal with it. When we begin to feel angry, we need to assess why we’re feeling like that, and talk to the people involved calmly. The Bible tells us that we not only shouldn’t sin when we’re angry, but we also shouldn’t ‘let the sun go down on our anger’. And that means we shouldn’t leave any anger unresolved. 

Today, we need to sort out issues with other people, and with ourselves, by inviting God into the situation and dealing with conflict in a mature and Christ-like way. Do you have any built-up anger? Take it to God and ask Him to help you deal with it calmly and maturely. 

‘Be angry, and do not sin.’ (Ephesians 4:26) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for being my God. Thank You for caring for me and teaching me valuable lessons for life. Father, I seek to do things Your way. To solve conflicts and treat others the way You would. God, help me control my anger so I’m not offensive or destructive. Lord, teach me how not to sin, so I will be pleasing to You, in Christ’s name! Amen. 

Wisdom Wednesday

Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever felt lost, unsafe and disoriented? It can be quite overwhelming. It might even be difficult to admit. I have some good news is you don’t need to worry or fear Jesus is near. He describes Himself as the Good Shepherd who cares so deeply about the one sheep who is lost, in danger and overwhelmed. In fact, his concern is so intense that he will leave the others in pursuit for the one who is lost. And He won’t stop until the one is found, safe and secure in His arms.

His primary concern is to find you. Make you safe and protect you from all harm and danger. And when he finds you He will carry you home where you belong with him. But here’s the thing, he does all this with joy in his heart. He doesn’t ask questions about where you’ve been and how you got there he just wants you to know that you are loved so deeply by Him.

Wherever you are today know that He is concerned about you, he is looking for you, you are loved, safe and protected by Him. – Pastor Sophia Peart

You Can Be Pure Again?

close up of drop splashing in water

A few months ago I spoke for a programme on Sexuality at Chiswick Church. One of the questions posed was, “can someone who has lost their virginity be pure again?”. I reminded them as a believer in Jesus, you’re not only getting something new, you become someone new. You are a brand-new creation! You are a pure – re-created in Christ. The old is gone, the new has come. 

That now means, you have to trust God to retrain your body and mind to act, think, speak and live according to the new spirit within you (instead of the old habits you used to have). Don’t ever get stuck in a rut thinking, “I’ll never change, I will always be like this, that’s just the way I am.” No, the Bible says that the Spirit of God aids us in our weakness. He gives us strength to overcome. He empowers us to live as more than conquerors. 

Today, do you want to change your life and become new? Remember, you must be willing to sacrifice to be a new creation in Christ. Through sacrifice you will be empowered to overcome, equipped to walk in the new, and have the abundant life that God has in store for you! 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (II Corinthians 5:17) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for making me a new creation. Removing my past and making me pure in You. Father, thank You for empowering me to live as an overcomer in Christ. God, I give this day to You, and ask You to help me fully understand the plan You have for me. Please change me God, change my body, mind, and actions as I yearn to be more like Christ, in His name I pray! Amen. 

Patience? ?

Patience is more than just a word. It’s an action of love toward others and an action of trusting in God. As I said yesterday patience is a word I have feared for years. I constantly struggled with putting that word into action and living it out in a way that reflects Christ’s example.  

Just recently, I was sitting in an airport terminal waiting on a delayed flight for over two hours, I couldn’t help but notice how my patience fluctuates. Sometimes, I can sit, be still, and be fully reliant on God and His timing. Other times, I’m constantly looking at the clock and wondering, “When? Why not now?” 

We all have our own individual spiritual gifts. Yours may be leadership, showing grace, teaching, or anything like that. Many forget that being patient is a spiritual gift. I believe it is more an act of love as well as a spiritual gift. For, in 1 Corinthians 13:4, we read, “Love is patient, love is kind…” Although this is just a piece of the entire chapter which goes on to talk more about love in action, we can see just how important patience is within the first three words of this verse. Love is patient. While being patient, we should be loving others. 

My solution to becoming more patient and overcoming my impatience is to answer the three questions two of which were stated earlier: When? Why not now? And do I love deep enough? The answer to them all is, “God knows.” This suggests the key to being patient is faith, trust, and love for God. 

Today I declare patience is more than just a word. It’s an action of love toward others and an action of trusting in God. It is also something that is not always easy to develop. It’s developed over time – a process. Don’t feel stressed or pressured to immediately go out and try and fix your patience- experience, time, practice, and God’s help are the only things that can truly develop your patience. Please be patient while developing your patience. 

Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. James 5:7  

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for being patient with me. Grant me the virtue of patience. I pray that it may mellow me and make me less irritable. Father may I be broad in my forgiveness, and never narrow, proud or overbearing. God, may no one be worse off for having come within my influence, no one less pure, or less noble and may my love and God-given patience lead to eternal life in Christ’s name, Amen! 

Wisdom Wednesdays

Before ascending to heaven Jesus shared parables with details about his Second Return and the final decisions and actions He’ll take to resolve the problem of evil.

One of the questions He will ask those who claim to know and love Him is – What did you do when you saw me in everyday life?

It’s a sobering thought for those who think they have this whole Christian life figured out.
You see, our life in Christ is more than weekly church attendance. There is more – He wants us to be moved with compassion to help Him when we see him. But where on earth do we see Jesus?

Jesus can be found with the least in society. He is the man who is hungry, thirsty or homeless. He is the woman who is naked, sick or imprisoned.

This is where Jesus is seen. Our response when we see Him is a key indicator of whether we truly love him or not. So the question is, when Jesus is seen are we drawn with compassion to help him?

– Pastor Sophia Peart 

More Questions Than Answers ?

Throughout life, we may experience sorrows for which there are no adequate explanations. Some are difficult events with far-reaching effects, while others are personal, private tragedies that alter our individual lives and families forever. We want to know why, but we seem to find more questions than answers. Yet even as we struggle with “why?” God extends His unfailing love to us. 

 Some years ago, an experimental spacecraft broke apart during a test flight. The co-pilot died while the pilot miraculously survived. Investigators determined what happened, but not why. The title of a newspaper article about the crash began with the words “Questions remain.” 

 In the bible, Job lost his children and his wealth in a single day, he sank into an angry depression and resisted any attempted explanations by his friends, even though he still had questions. Yet he held out hope that someday there would be an answer from his God. Even with no answers, Job could say, “God knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold”. 

 Today, as we face life’s unanswered questions, we can find help in God’s love and promises that one day, every tear and perplexity, every oppression and distress, every suffering and pain, and wrong, and injustice will have a complete, and powerful explanation. Until then hold on by faith that the answer is on the way. 

“God knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold” Job 23:10 

 Let’s Pray 

Sweet Yahweh, thank You for giving me faith and trust in You so that even though I have questions about life, and why things have happened the way they have, my love for You hasn’t wavered. Father, there is one thing I can’t and won’t question and that is Your love for me. God, give me wisdom and understanding today to accept what I can’t explain, believing You know what’s best for me. In Christ’s name! Amen. 

Unanswered Season

Seasonal Depression: Remembering God’s Provision

There are things in this life I will never understand. Are you going through a situation in your life that you don’t quite understand? You may be going through an uncertain season, it’s natural to question things in your mind. But in order to move forward, we have to look forward with our heart and not just our head. We have to look beyond the questions and continue to trust in Almighty God.

Remember, serving God means we’re going to have some unanswered questions. You may never understand why a relationship ended sooner than you would have liked. You may never understand why you lost a loved one. You may never understand why you went through something difficult. You may never understand why your God-fearing child is on drugs or why your prayers didn’t get answered. But at some point, you have to decide to put your questions aside and go on with God.  Trust Him when you can’t trace Him.

Today, we have to decide to trust His character even when our circumstances don’t make sense. The Bible tells us that adversity will come, but God is the one who promises to lead us into victory. He has promised that He’s going to turn that difficulty around and use it for your advantage. He is faithful to His word, and you can be sure that He will fulfill every promise He’s made to you.

“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God…” (Deuteronomy 29:29, AMP)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I choose to trust You with my unanswered questions. I choose to release any doubt and confusion to You. Father, help me to focus on Your word which is truth that will set me free from doubts and lack of understanding. God, I will trust You when I can’t trace You. Thank You for Your goodness and for the blessings You have in store for my future, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Losing Jesus

Have you ever lost your child? Having had the experience of losing our son in the store years ago – the panic, worry, and stress that came with it – it reminds me of one of the first stories about Jesus. It takes place when He, Joseph, and Mary were visiting Jerusalem with some other families for the Feast of Passover. 

At first, it is easy to think that your child is with other friends in the crowd, but then you realise you don’t hear his laughter or see him anywhere nearby. The search began in earnest, and they had to travel back to Jerusalem to find Him. When they found Jesus, He was perfectly fine. In fact, He was astounding people with his questions and answers. 

Today, I wonder if we get so busy doing life sometimes, that we lose Jesus like Mary and Joseph did. We stop experiencing God’s presence and His divine interruptions. Perhaps the beginning of a new year is a good time to search out where Jesus is and to join Him in conversation and in the important work he is doing.  

They began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. — Luke 2:44-45 

Let’s Prayer 

Yahweh, at the start of this new year, help me find you and walk the journey of life with you. Father, help us to listen to you and follow you. Thanks for being here with us when we have forgotten about you, in Christ’s name. Amen. 

Focus On Jesus

What They Did To Jesus They Will Do To You

Have you ever asked these questions? “I’ve been a Christian nearly my whole life, but I’m constantly disappointed in myself. Why is it that I always seem to keep doing the things I wish I didn’t do and never seem to do the things I know I should do? Isn’t God getting tired of me?” 

That’s a common struggle that even the apostle Paul experienced in Romans 7:15. I believe many who ask these questions are caught in the discouragement trap.  But here’s some good news: we don’t have to stay in that trap of discouragement. To paraphrase Paul as he writes in Romans 8, the key is to stop focusing on the law and start focusing on Jesus. Hallelujah! 

Remember the law, or us, can’t do anything about our sinfulness. The answer is not to try harder to be good at keeping rules – that’s the beginning of the discouragement trap. Instead, we must focus on the One who shows us mercy and loves us regardless and cooperate with the Spirit who changes us. Focusing on the law, will constantly remind us that we’ll never be good enough to deserve God’s grace. 

Today focus on Jesus, and we’ll become more like Him, and will trade discouragement for encouragement and receive the freedom that Jesus brings. 

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I doRomans 7:15 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I sometimes get caught in the cycle of trying harder to be good, failing, getting discouraged, and giving up. Help me Lord, to depend on Your grace and to draw near to You, so that You can change my heart. God, I’m so sorry for putting the law above You which has allowed me to live by works and not Your grace. Today I choose to focus on Jesus and trade my discouragement for encouragement. In His name I pray! Amen. 

Stay Till The End

It is God’s will that we flourish in this life. He wants to see you come out of setbacks stronger, wiser, increased and promoted. He wants to give you hope and see you flourish before you come to the finish line of life. 

My father died unexpectedly, everyone in our family was in shock. We didn’t know how everything was going to turn out. We didn’t have all the answers, but we understood the principle of life and death in Christ. Instead of getting stuck, we just kept moving forward little by little, doing our best, being faithful, being good to people. As I look out today, I can see the faithfulness of God. I can say like David, “look what the Lord has done!” 

Today, when you encounter adversity, know that God isn’t finished yet. God’s will never ends on a negative. He has more in store for you if you will keep pressing forward. Don’t let your thoughts get stuck on the circumstances. Instead, lift up your eyes to Jehovah, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Trust Him and He will lead you into a flourishing finish! 

“For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you…to give you hope in your final outcome.” (Jeremiah 29:11, AMPC) 

 Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today I humbly come to You, ready to receive Your favour, grace and mercy. Father, I cast my cares on You. I cast my questions on You. God, I put my hope in You, knowing that You will bring me to a flourishing finish, in Jesus’ Name! Amen. 

Peace In Decision Making

How many people get into a relationship that they didn’t have peace about and end up miserable? They buy things they didn’t have peace about. They end up in debt. They take a job they didn’t have peace about. They end up frustrated. Here’s the key: If you don’t have peace before you make the decision, you’re not going to have peace after you make the decision. If you don’t have peace about that person now, you’re not going to have peace if you get into relationship. If you don’t have peace about buying that new car, you’re not going to have peace when the payments come each month. 

A Baseball umpire calls the players safe or out. As believers in Jesus, we have an internal umpire, so to speak, calling the plays and giving us direction. Before you ever make a decision, you should stop and see if you have peace inside. If there’s unrest or an uneasy feeling inside, then don’t move forward. Let peace be your umpire. 

Remember, God gave us peace for our protection. No matter what circumstances look like, always trust His inner peace. Let peace in your heart be your umpire and settle any questions you have in your mind. 

“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].” (Colossians 3:15, AMP)

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your peace that passes understanding. Thank You for leading and guiding me by peace. Help me to tune in to Your voice better so I can walk in the peace and protection You have for me in Christ’ name. Amen.

Look Beyond The Law

Have you ever asked these questions? “I’ve been a Christian nearly my whole life, but I’m constantly disappointed in myself. Why is it that I always seem to keep doing the things I wish I didn’t do, and never seem to do the things I know I should do? Isn’t God getting tired of me?”

That’s a common struggle that even the apostle Paul experienced in Romans 7:15. I believe many who ask these questions are caught in the discouragement trap. But here’s some good news: we don’t have to stay in that trap of discouragement. To paraphrase Paul as he writes in Romans 8, the key is to stop focusing on the law and start focusing on Jesus. Hallelujah!

Today, remember, the law, or man, can’t do anything about our sinfulness. The answer is not to try harder to be good at keeping rules – that’s the beginning of the discouragement trap. Focusing on the law alone, will constantly remind us that we’ll never be good enough or deserve God’s grace. Instead, we must focus on the One who shows us mercy, and loves us regardless and cooperate with the Spirit who changes us. Then we will trade discouragement for encouragement and receive the freedom that God brings.

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Romans 7:15

Let’s PrayYahweh, I sometimes get caught in the cycle of trying too hard to be good, failing, getting discouraged, and giving up. Father, help me to depend on Your grace and to draw near to You, so that You can change my heart. God, I’m so sorry for putting the law above Your love which has allowed me to live by works and not Your grace. I choose to focus on Christ, and trade my discouragement for encouragement. In His Name I pray! Amen. 

Fiery Trials

Christianity in India Standing Strong Despite Growing Persecution

After some strange turbulent weather, it has made me reflect on life’s unexpected and strange moments. Sometimes, if you know you are going into a challenging season, you can get prepared for it. You can make sure you are mentally ready. But what about the strange and the difficult situations that we don’t see coming? The unexpected crisis that catches you off-guard? Sometimes, it can seem so overwhelming. 

In Scripture we are told not to be surprised by fiery trials. That’s because the forces of darkness would not be fighting against you if they didn’t know that God has something amazing in your future! Sometimes, those unexpected difficulties are just a sign that you’re on the right track. The enemy always fights the hardest when you are closest to your breakthrough. Stay on course, keep the faith and leave the fighting to God. 

Today, if you’re in the difficult times, keep your joy and declare God’s Word over your trial. God has promised that you will overcome every obstacle. You will defeat every enemy, and you will embrace the blessings and victories God has in store for you! 

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:12–13, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for walking with me in my strange and difficult trials. Father, I cast all of my cares on You. God, I give You all of my difficulties, all of my questions, and all of my concerns. Thank You for working all things out for my good, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Dealing With The Unexpected

Dealing With The Unexpected

When you start serving God with your whole heart, don’t be surprised when you find yourself a target for the enemy. If you know you are going into a challenging season, you can get prepared for it. You can make sure you are mentally ready. But what about the difficulties that we don’t see coming? The unexpected crisis that catches you off-guard? Sometimes, it can seem so overwhelming that it almost knocks the wind right out of you, and leaves you at times questioning God. 

According to God’s Word we shouldn’t be surprised by those unexpected fiery trials. That’s because the forces of darkness would not be fighting against you if they didn’t know that God has something amazing in store for your life! Sometimes, those unexpected difficulties are just a sign that you’re on the right track. It’s always darkest just before the dawn. The enemy always fights the hardest when you are closest to your breakthrough. The key is to stay the course and keep fighting the good fight of faith. 

Today, in these difficult times, keep your joy and keep declaring God’s Word over your future. God has promised that you will overcome every obstacle – even the unexpected ones. You will defeat every enemy, and you will embrace the blessing and victory He has in for you! Hallelujah! 

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:12–13, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for walking with me in every season of my life. Father, today I cast all of my cares on You. I cast all of my difficulties, all of my questions, and all of my concerns on You. God, teach me how to handle the unexpected fiery trials. Thank You for working all things out for my good, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Keep Going

To My Strong-Willed Child, I See You

Over this past weekend we began the 12 steps to breaking free series. Many of the responses, comments or questions had to do with how to keep going in the midst of constant negativity –  at home, at work and even at church. 

Christ doesn’t want you to settle for negativity and mediocrity in any area of your life! His plan is for you to be victorious and filled with joy each day. No matter what has happened to you in the past, God wants you to pick yourself up and keep going on the path that leads to victory.  

Today, if you look to God, He will renew your strength and help you soar like an eagle. That’s an amazing promise from an amazing God! So, keep waiting, keep pushing, keep running, keep believing, even through the tough times, and you’ll see enormous magnificent blessings come your way. 

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” 

(Isaiah 40:31, KJV) 

Let’s Pray 

God, thank You for Your promises in Your Word of strength and endurance, which will come when I wait on You. Father, please do not allow me to get stuck in a rut or give up on my journey with You. In Christ’s Name. Amen. 


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