
Real love

Real love never quits. God’s love is timeless and constant. It is “always” there, without fail. Psalm 103:17 says, “From everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children”. “Everlasting” and “always”, are wide open words that expand our limited view of God’s love. God’s […]


Jesus, the God-Man, and the Extraordinary Journey of Character

They often say that a baby is like a blank canvas, ready to be painted with life’s experiences. However, this canvas isn’t entirely blank, as certain factors like illnesses can be passed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, the idea that a baby is a vessel waiting to be shaped remains compelling. If we consider […]


What Or Who Am I Reflecting?

Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Jesus. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude. That may sound like a pretty tall order; […]


Building Your Faith Through Community

When I was young, I played with building blocks. You could stack them one on top of the other to build a big tower, or you could put them side by side to build a wall. You could use them to build anything you desire. They couldn’t do much on their own, but together they […]


Joy and Pain

Recently, I watched a friend bury her daughter. Her heart was breaking apart with grief. The loss and loneliness are crushing burdens she carries every day. It seems almost sacrilegious to read today’s verse about rejoicing when we face trials with respect to my friend’s circumstances. Does God expect her to rejoice in this devastating […]


The Purpose of Trials

“Take up your cross and follow me,” Christ said. We shouldn’t expect the Christian life to be easy and comfortable because believers aren’t exempt from trials. Becoming a Christian may result in increased trouble and suffering. Peter refers to such hardship as a “fiery ordeal,” and tells us not to be surprised by it. God […]


We Need Caleb’s Faith 

When the Israelites first approached the borders of Canaan, Moses sent scouts into the Promised Land to assess the situation. Ten of the scouts came back with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. Two of the scouts focused on […]


Remain Strong In Him

In life, we all have ups and downs. Some seasons are more difficult than others, seasons of testing, trials and temptation, where our character is being developed, and our faith in God is being strengthened. Sometimes it can feel like we are taking one step forward and two steps back.  If we’re not careful, we’ll […]



Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Christ. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude. That may sound like a tall order; after […]


Progress over Perfection

Some of my goals in life are to be spiritually free, transformed mentally, and to learn to walk in love as I continue to grasp just how much I am already loved by God. Seeing this love has enabled me to know what goals to strive for and the goals God desires for me. The […]


Unanswered Season

There are things in this life I will never understand. Are you going through a situation in your life that you don’t quite understand? You may be going through an uncertain season, it’s natural to question things in your mind. But in order to move forward, we have to look forward with our heart and […]


God’s Love

I’m always disheartened, bewildered and even confused by the way we use the word “love,” prompting the question “what is love?” We love food, movies, clothes and sports, but we also love our family or spouse. In the Word of God, we see God’s true definition of love. First Corinthians 13 tells us that “love […]


Be An Imitator

I’m always being told I look like my dad. When people look at you, do they see your family resemblance? Perhaps you have characteristics of your father or mother; maybe you have their eyes, or mouth, or mannerisms. We Christians should also have the characteristics of Christ. We should display His likeness. We should have […]


Let’s Celebrate God

While traveling I get confused by Christian congregations who look sad and miserable as if the have hope. Even in worship our time to celebrate our God for who He is and what he has done we take the non biblical stance of silence, uniformity and in action. I remember after Ghana’s Asamoah Gyan scored […]


In The Difficult Times

In our lives we will all face hard times. Did you know that the way you handle your adversities has a huge impact on your success in life? If you shrink back, choose to get bitter, and lose your enthusiasm, then you are allowing the difficulties of life to bury you. You may be allowing […]


What To Do In Hard Times

When trials come what do you do? If you shrink back, get bitter, and lose your enthusiasm, then you are allowing the trial to control your life. Did you know that the way you handle your adversities has a huge impact on your success? You may be allowing hardship to keep you from your God-given […]


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