Sometimes I sit back and think that these attacks from the enemy never stop. With the more we do kingdom work for God, the more we seem to be his target practice. Jesus said, “Simon, listen to me! Satan has demanded the right to test each one of you, as a farmer does when he separates wheat from […]
Tag: Sin
an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.“a sin in the eyes of God”
synonyms: immoral act, wrong, wrongdoing, act of evil/wickedness, transgression, crime, offence, misdeed, misdemeanour, error, lapse, fall from grace; More
Have You Ever Been Visited By The Devil?
Has the devil ever visited you? Well, he visited Jesus, and there are some things we can learn from the encounter between Jesus and the devil. Scripture says three times the devil tried to disguise a temptation as something good. Turning stones to bread would have sounded good to someone who had just fasted for […]
His Mercy Is Enough
According to God’s Word, we all sin and we all make mistakes. We’ve all made wrong choices but as believers in God, that doesn’t change our destiny. God doesn’t kick us out of His kingdom because we’re not perfect. You may feel like you don’t deserve anything good from God, or you should suffer through […]
He Is Alive
Two years had passed since Paul came to the palace prison in Caesarea. Festus is now the governor instead of Felix. Felix thought he would be doing Paul’s accusers a favour by leaving Paul in prison, but they wanted more. Two years is a long time to wait for a decision from the court. Two […]
He Gives You Space
Newer translations of the Bible include a footnote with this story, saying that it is not found in the earliest manuscripts. I hope this “messiness” of the Bible does not trouble you. It shouldn’t. Rather, we can recognize that the perfect Word of God entered a messy world and picked up some scars, yet still […]
Scandalous Discipleship
Throughout December, we’ve looked at the scandals of the advent. The definition of the word scandal is an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing public outrage. From the King becoming to an unmarried teenager, to being born in Poverty, then the murders surrounding Jesus’ birth. What about the expensive elaborate […]
Overcoming Sin And Temptation
Just as pollution demoralises the planet today, sin devastated the Garden of Eden. Through man’s disobedience, sin gained a foothold in God’s garden and turned it into a garbage dump. Adam and Eve had always enjoyed protection in the garden, they fell for the serpent’s deception and exposed themselves to danger. In the middle of […]
Do Not Sin When You’re Angry
This has been a frustrating week for me, as I had to contend with health issues. Lots of ‘why’ questions led to angry thoughts. We all get angry. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle our anger. The wrong way will lead to more wrong and destructive things. Moses handled his […]
Discipleship Today
The book of Hebrews reminds readers how their ancestors rebelled against God in the wilderness after the exodus from Egypt. The people of Israel didn’t trust in God’s power to provide. They didn’t believe he cared about their need for water. The writer urges the believers and us not to fall into the same trap. […]
God The Healer Of Broken Relationships
From my own experience, if a husband has an affair, the wife feels hurt and distrusts him. Even if she wants to restore their relationship, trust must also be restored. Sin involves not only violating a command but also betraying a relationship. Not only do we need Jesus Christ to receive the punishment we deserve, […]
God’s Compassion
Is there something that you’ve done in your past that you’re not particularly happy about? A choice that you regret? The good news today is that you can be free of guilt and condemnation. You don’t have to live with that burden any longer. The Bible tells us that God’s mercies are new every morning. […]
The Dangers Of Sexual Sin
“I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.” (Ecclesiastes 7:26 NIV) Solomon most likely wrote the above verse from Ecclesiastes in his later years. Who better to write […]
Stay Under The Tap
Raised in a broken home; his parents split when he was aged 7; he felt abandoned by his dad. He attended one of the worst schools in London, one that was full of violence, drugs and other crimes. It was later closed down. He experimented with cigarettes, weed, alcohol and pornography; he struggled with sexual […]
Remove Yourself
If the pressure keeps coming and coming and you’re getting weaker and weaker—quit standing in front of the bakery window. Remove yourself. It’s as simple as that. We sit and struggle, asking, ‘What should I do?’ Get up and walk away. Get out of the car. Go home. Don’t go out with that person anymore. […]
If you’ve done things wrong (and we all have), the forgiveness that comes from God through the blood of Jesus can lift the guilt and shame, and take the weight from your shoulders. The key to God’s forgiveness is knowing and accepting that Christ gave His life to pay the price for the things you’ve […]
God Wants To Set You Free
It’s been a hard school year with the pandemic around. Finally, the school year has ended and the kids and teachers alike shouted “I’m free.” Freedom is something we all crave. Many people have been told that God wants to set them free, but yet they still walk around feeling defeated and carrying unnecessary burdens. But […]