
Don’t Worry About It!

Do you worry? Some of us worry about paying the monthly rent or mortgage. Some of us worry about the choices our children are making. Others are anxious about the big decisions we must make about our future. With all the concerns in life, can Jesus be serious when he tells us not to worry? […]


Today We Have Relief From The Enemy

Our God has consistently defeated the enemy from Eden to Calvary and will continue to defeat the enemy till the second coming. One of those times was in the biblical story of Esther. The Jews had escaped Haman’s plot of destruction. Haman (the enemy) had fallen into the pit he had dug for others, and […]


God Wants To Set You Free

It’s been a hard school year with the pandemic around. Finally, the school year has ended and the kids and teachers alike shouted “I’m free.” Freedom is something we all crave. Many people have been told that God wants to set them free, but yet they still walk around feeling defeated and carrying unnecessary burdens. But […]


Don’t Let Go Of Hope

A week ago today, satan thought he had won. Christ was in the grave, the disciple’s were hiding, and many followers of Christ had quit. It’s the same today, during our trials and hopeless situations he wants us to give up and quit so he can have the victory in our lives. But, just like […]


Just Do It For God

At this time of year we think about the sacrifice Christ made on Calvary, even when He seemed like He was under massive pressure. He could have said I don’t feel like it today, I’m tired from a long night. You can probably think of many times in which you simply did not give your […]


Breaking News – We Have A Vaccine

The search for the last 11 months has been to find an antidote against the Covid-19 pandemic. In early December there were shouts of celebration when a vaccine was found, and fear began to dissipate and faith got stronger. Do you know we have a vaccine, an antidote against sin and fear? The first thing many […]


The Tree of Life

Have you ever noticed the prominent role that trees play in the Bible? In a very real sense the Bible is a story about trees.