
Let’s Support

According to recent news, four out of every ten children in our culture live in homes without their . Close to half of our children are being raised by single parents or find themselves part of a “blended” family. The so-called nuclear family consisting of two parents and their children is no longer the norm. […]


Your Grace And Mercy

In this day and age, many people are filled with worry about their future. They live stressed out, wondering, “What’s going to happen if I lose my job?”, “how am I going to handle it if my loved one doesn’t make it?”, or even “my parents are getting older, how can I take care of […]


Stay Under The Tap

Raised in a broken home; his parents split when he was aged 7; he felt abandoned by his dad. He attended one of the worst schools in London, one that was full of violence, drugs and other crimes. It was later closed down. He experimented with cigarettes, weed, alcohol and pornography; he struggled with sexual […]


God Approves Of You

You were on God’s mind before you were ever on your parents’ mind. He knew everything about you before you entered your mother’s womb. You were created on purpose, for a purpose. He planned the colour of your hair, the colour of your eyes and the colour of your skin. God gave you gifts, talents […]


Let’s Get Excited About Our Faith

Talking about your faith with others isn’t always the most popular topic amongst young people. Fashion, football and music are more popular. Most youth are not excited when talking about faith. Feeling that if they share their faith with others, people at school, uni or on social media will think they’re weird. So they do […]


Real Talk: Postcode gangs

How postcode wars have made London a murder capital

culture faith

Mum Shocked After One Twin is Born with Albinism: Real Life Story

“How did I get black and white twins?”


Dangerous “MOMO Challenge”

Parents have been warned about a new sick WhatsApp ‘suicide’ game called Momo that could be next Blue Whale.


What Does The Bible Say About Fathers?

Fathers play a pivotal role in the family and often the success of the father determines the success of the family. What Bible verses show us just how important fathers are in the family?


I’m an Atheist and I Feel Like I’m Smarter Than Religious People

Our God is not social media, our God is not whatever is trending on Netflix, our God is, well, God.


Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.


Why We Brought Our Children to Christ to Be Blessed?

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.


How to Raise a God Fearing Child?

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.


3 Ways That You’re Wasting Your Time

Most people think that they live, but in fact, they are merely surviving.


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