In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, many of us seek sources of strength and guidance to navigate life’s twists and turns. For countless individuals, faith in Jesus Christ serves as an anchor, providing solace, hope, and a sense of purpose amidst the storms of life. In this blog, we explore the profound impact […]
Tag: Prayer
Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship, typically a deity, through deliberate communication. In the narrow sense, the term refers to an act of supplication or intercession directed towards a deity, or a deified ancestor.
Worship Instead Of Worry
With loved ones dying, funds low and many job losses, the enemy would love to get you worrying instead of worshipping. When the enemy brings you thoughts of worry, anxiety and fear, let them be a reminder to thank God that His answer and blessings are on the way. Do what King Jehoshaphat did. Rebuke […]
Walk In The Anointing
As I think about 2023, it reminded me of a cross-country race I saw. I was amazed at how many obstacles they had to get over in order to get to the finish line. God wants to empower and strengthen you to overcome every obstacle this new year. He wants to give you confidence, wisdom and boldness, to […]
Building Your Faith Through Community
When I was young, I played with building blocks. You could stack them one on top of the other to build a big tower, or you could put them side by side to build a wall. You could use them to build anything you desire. They couldn’t do much on their own, but together they […]
Christians face many challenges in their daily life, and the decisions made at their core are often the cause of many problems and hardships. The decisions that most affect the Christian are the ones to sin and live a life of sin, or to follow Jesus and live a life of obedience. The Christian life […]
Seek God presence your Life
We live in a world of uncertainty and unpredictability. Life can be full of disappointments and sorrow, but knowing Jesus provides us much more than a life free of suffering. If you’ve accepted His offer of eternal life, you know that He is with you no matter what life brings. Because of His great love, […]
Positive Obstacles
Whenever I can’t trust my heart with a major decision, I ask God to put an obstacle in the way to block the wrong decision. Not all decisions are black or white, good, or bad. Sometimes something that appears good can be placed in front of us, but not all good things are part of […]
Christian Decor For Prayer Rooms
Prayer rooms offer a time for reflection, a place to reflect on our faith and a place to pray. The decor can be a simple reminder of our faith, or it can be a beautiful room that offers a place for our prayers. If you want to create an inviting and comforting environment that enhances […]
It’s Important To Pray
Despair and self-pity come more easily than joy and hope. That’s why, in times like these, it’s important to pray. We pray: to thank God for His blessings, to praise Him, to confess and repent of sins, to seek guidance, and to communicate with a God who loves us. We also pray to ask God […]
Don’t Sit Back In 2022
Growing up, I used to believe that weakness was as a result of continued sinning in one’s life. Sometimes, people get distracted by what they consider to be a disadvantage or weakness. It may be something about their personality or looks, maybe they’ve been through an unfair situation: a divorce, loss of a job, or […]
The Alpha And Omega
Many talk about the awesomeness of God, but in the Lord’s Prayer have you noticed the way God wants you to address Him? Yes, He is the Almighty King of the universe. Yes, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Yes, He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient One. We should acknowledge […]
We pray because we want something to change in our lives. Every day, we are attacked by many different circumstances — financial insecurities, health problems, or even relationship issues. Most of us find prayer “a remedy” to these problems. But what if the answer is different from what we expected? That’s probably why God used […]
The World Needs Prayer
With gun and knife crime high, with kids as young as 8 carrying drugs across the country, things are out of control right now. Our country, and across the entire world, are experiencing wide-spread devastation like never before seen in history. Some places are too hot, others too cold. Floods, diseases, and brokenness seems to be […]
Remove Yourself
If the pressure keeps coming and coming and you’re getting weaker and weaker—quit standing in front of the bakery window. Remove yourself. It’s as simple as that. We sit and struggle, asking, ‘What should I do?’ Get up and walk away. Get out of the car. Go home. Don’t go out with that person anymore. […]
Forgiveness – A Heaven or Hell Issue
Bitterness is a poison that can destroy you, and it never destroys the person it’s aimed at. A way to get through bitterness is to forgive. In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. Dr. Les Carter says, […]
Just Like Dad
In the Lord’s prayer (Luke 11:1-4), Jesus begins his prayer with, “Our father who art in heaven.” That first word reminds us that we are not alone, that we are linked through God to one another as one family, and He is daddy. As we come close to God, we are drawn into a closer relationship with […]