In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, many of us seek sources of strength and guidance to navigate life’s twists and turns. For countless individuals, faith in Jesus Christ serves as an anchor, providing solace, hope, and a sense of purpose amidst the storms of life. In this blog, we explore the profound impact […]
Tag: example
What Or Who Am I Reflecting?
Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Jesus. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude. That may sound like a pretty tall order; […]
Principle 4 Ujamaa / Cooperative economics: Hebrew13:16. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Christians are instructed to share their wealth and make sacrifices for others. Economic wealth may not mean just money. It can mean anything that can make wealth or improve someone’s standing in […]
Principle 3 Ujima / Collective Work and Responsibility: 1 Corinthians 12:21-25. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less […]
Umoja (unity) Christ Prayed For Unity
Let’s be clear, Kwanzaa is a cultural and not religious holiday created by an African American. However, the principles of Kwanzaa (from Swahili) can be found in scripture and can build and enhance families and communities and elevate the political dialogue on issues of importance to all. Hence, 7 days before the start of the year, […]
We have Super powers
Did you know that you have a superpower? Yes! Jesus has proclaimed us all to be Super Heroes! We can move mountains with our mind! We can cause seas to part! We can kill fig trees….? Ok, that last one doesn’t seem so glamorous but you get the point right? Jesus says “when you pray […]
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund estimates that about 240 million children are born with impairments. As a result, Christians raising children with disabilities must understand how to nurture them biblically. However, this might be one of the most difficult elements of parenting. The good news is that you can often find guidance on how […]
Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Christ. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude. That may sound like a tall order; after […]
Be Brave Like Christ
The enemy is behind most of our fears. He loves to instil fear into us so we will stay stuck, unable to move forward in the promises God has for us. The devil doesn’t want us to live out our God-given calling. For our enemy roams the earth, “prowling around like a roaring lion just […]
Christian Decor For Prayer Rooms
Prayer rooms offer a time for reflection, a place to reflect on our faith and a place to pray. The decor can be a simple reminder of our faith, or it can be a beautiful room that offers a place for our prayers. If you want to create an inviting and comforting environment that enhances […]
Ridiculous Laughter
Has God ever surprised you with the ridiculous? Has He promised you something that seems impossible? Have you ever thought that God is taking too long because there is no time left? You’re not alone Sarah was ninety years old when she became the mother of Isaac. When the Lord visited Abraham a year earlier […]
Have you ever been tempted to take something that didn’t belong to you,? Maybe it was something you thought you deserved or felt you just had to have, maybe it was something that looked exciting and fun, but you also knew that it could be dangerous and hurt you and you knew this might be your only […]
We pray because we want something to change in our lives. Every day, we are attacked by many different circumstances — financial insecurities, health problems, or even relationship issues. Most of us find prayer “a remedy” to these problems. But what if the answer is different from what we expected? That’s probably why God used […]
Today’s verse tells us how to make love great – by being kind. You may have heard today’s verse many times before, but one translation puts it this way “love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing […]
Be An Imitator
I’m always being told I look like my dad. When people look at you, do they see your family resemblance? Perhaps you have characteristics of your father or mother; maybe you have their eyes, or mouth, or mannerisms. We Christians should also have the characteristics of Christ. We should display His likeness. We should have […]