
God Wants Diligence

Matthew 25 tells a parable about three men whose employer entrusted them with some money. Two of the men were diligent and invested the money and received a great return. The third man was afraid and buried his money. The first two men were rewarded and praised for their investment and diligence, while the third […]


What Do Others See?

We all like to dress up, some people spend large amounts of money on brand name clothes, how they look is important. They want to portray a certain image. When people look at you, do they see the love of God at work? Can they see growth and change? Do they know you are a […]


Diligence Brings Rewards

Everybody likes a reward whether earned or unearned. God likes to give rewards He longs to pour out His favour and blessings on you. He wants to give you His goodness and provision. He promises to do His part, but you have to do your part and be diligent. First of all, be diligent in seeking […]


A Special Place

Do you and God have a special place? A place where you meet with Him and He you. It may or may not be physical. God’s special place for you is where you are most content and fulfilled in Him. It may not be a place where you experience prosperity, good health, good emotions, good […]


Praise Prepares The Way For Victory

When hard times come your way what do you focus on? We can learn so much from the apostle Paul. He was deliriously happy and joyful because of what Christ had done in his life. Even when he was chained and shackled in a dark prison because of his faith, Paul praised God, and counted […]


Just Do It For God

At this time of year we think about the sacrifice Christ made on Calvary, even when He seemed like He was under massive pressure. He could have said I don’t feel like it today, I’m tired from a long night. You can probably think of many times in which you simply did not give your […]


Share Some Love

With many of us distant from family and alone in this turbulent time, it would be nice to have someone put an arm around you just to let you know that they care, and that you are thought about. Showing the love of God, being hugged, prayed with and sang to, that is the kind […]


What Do You Do When Things Seem Hopeless?

Are you feeling hopeless today? Habakkuk the prophet knew what to do when things seemed completely hopeless. His world was literally falling apart. He had nothing. Things seemed destitute. What did Habakkuk do? He rejoiced and praised the Lord in spite of everything.   Habakkuk, knew that his God was bigger than his circumstances, and He […]


When It Rains It Pours

As we face 2021 there will be times when we feel overwhelmed and outnumbered by the things that are coming against us. Have you heard the saying, “when it rains, it pours.” For example, at the same time as the central heating needs repairing, the car breaks down, and then you get the news that […]


Breaking News – We Have A Vaccine

The search for the last 11 months has been to find an antidote against the Covid-19 pandemic. In early December there were shouts of celebration when a vaccine was found, and fear began to dissipate and faith got stronger. Do you know we have a vaccine, an antidote against sin and fear? The first thing many […]


Don’t Let It Expire

One day I received a gift card that I stored in a special place for so long that I forgot I had it? Most gift cards have an expiration date, and if you don’t use it, you will surely lose it! The same is true with the Word of God. No, the Word doesn’t ever […]


By His Grace

People often wonder if they deserve God’s favour. They easily talk and sing about His amazing grace, but do you know what grace really is? It’s unmerited favour. It’s kindness from God that we don’t deserve. We don’t have to earn God’s grace; we don’t have to earn His favour. We simply receive it by […]


Leap Of Faith: How Writing A Faith Journal Will Deepen Your Devotion

If you’ve never been in the habit of keeping a faith journal, you might think your meditative prayer and reading scripture has given you a strong spiritual life. But beginning your journaling journey can supplement your spiritual practices and make tangible much of the faith you’ve taken for granted. Staring a faith journal is a […]


The Best Choice You Could Ever Make!

In one day we make thousands of choices. Some are greater and more important than others. Some require lots of thought and the input of others. Making Christ the Lord of your life is the best choice you could ever make! Hallelujah!   However, once you make the choice to surrender to God, you have the […]


Just Do It!

Nike has a slogan that says, “just do it.” Did you know that before Nike the Bible had a similar slogan? Jesus performed His first miracle, at the wedding celebration in Cana. Mary His mother knew that in order to see His power at work, there was one key: “Whatever He says, she said, do […]


5 Ways To Stay Faithful In Your Faith

Nowadays, it’s easy to forget about our faith, since our busy lives and the negativity have taken over, with people dying, many wrongdoings, and sin being evident everywhere we look. Plus, it’s hard to tell who are friends are, especially when someone whom we’re supposed to trust doesn’t really feel accountable for anything”¦ or anyone. […]