
Your Blessing Is On It’s Way

Sometimes it seems like God is taking a very long time to answer your prayers. Many times, people can miss God’s best, simply because they give up before they see their blessing come. Don’t let that be you! Be encouraged today, your answer is closer than you think. If it seems like things are getting […]


God wants to refresh you

Are you facing challenges in your relationships? Finances? Career? Does your soul need refreshing today? You can come to the Father to find what you need. God wants to refresh you. He wants to give you rest and peace. Think about that for a moment. What would cause you to rest? If you knew everything […]


Walk In The Anointing

As I think about 2023, it reminded me of a cross-country race I saw. I was amazed at how many obstacles they had to get over in order to get to the finish line. God wants to empower and strengthen you to overcome every obstacle this new year. He wants to give you confidence, wisdom and boldness, to […]


When Plans Fail 

What do you do when your plans fall apart? Where do you turn? Who do you run to for answers?   In my life, I’ve had many plans fail. What about you? Have you ever had your plans fail? Have you ever made plans and had them changed on you at the last second? Have you […]


Parenting For Eternity

If someone asked you what you wanted most for your children. Your automatic response would properly be, “Success!” As a follower of Christ, I’ve discovered things more important than success in and of itself. Our time on earth is short, and eternity is sure to follow. James 4:14 describes life on earth as, “a mist […]


Kujichagulia (Self-determination) True Grit

Principle 2 Kujichagulia / Self-determination: Philippians 3:13–14 “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Paul commands […]


When Life is Not a Christmas Card

In homes around the world at this time of the year, we see lights aglow, stockings hung with care and turkey baking in the oven – our lives can look like a Christmas card. But sometimes it looks like something else. It can look harsher, colder, and even very lonely. Sometimes, Christmas can be hard. […]


Have You Ever Been Bullied? Pt2? ?

A minister once shared this story…  “One day we were driving our son’s quad on a trail through the forest in Alberta Canada. Wild roses, bluebells, wild strawberries and other plants blanketed the soil under the tall, slender Aspens. It was very peaceful, and we were truly enjoying the ride.  Just ahead of us, we […]


**Wisdom Wednesdays**

We are all experiencing the pinch of the rising cost of living. Fuel is at a record high, food has gone up, and energy bills are arriving that are no longer affordable. What can we do? Many are worried about how we will make ends meet each month. The truth is as believers in Jesus […]


God is Faithful 

Are you confident today that God is always faithful? That He is exactly who He says He is? Aren’t you glad He doesn’t change His mind or forget about His promises? Friends or family may let you down or even betray you. But not God. He is faithful not only to you but to all […]


Faith That Pleases God

One of my favourite stories in the Old Testament is the story of David slaying Goliath he took 5 smooth stones and defeated the giant that was stopping Israel’s success. As I reflect today on these events, I ask myself the question what type of faith must it take to defeat giants in our lives?  […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s**

Are you ever tempted to doubt? I know I have. The reality is doubt is very common to our human experience. Doubt comes in varying degrees. There is the doubt of a proud skeptic, who delights in their own intellect. There is the person who wants to believe, but is struggling with difficult questions. Then […]


Let Not… 

Christ offers us peace which he made possible through His death on the cross. This peace of God fills our hearts with quiet confidence even when life is tough. But why do so many of us not experience this peace of heart and mind? For it to become a reality we must take care of […]


How to Use the Bible to Parent Children With Disabilities

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund estimates that about 240 million children are born with impairments. As a result, Christians raising children with disabilities must understand how to nurture them biblically. However, this might be one of the most difficult elements of parenting. The good news is that you can often find guidance on how […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s** Cast All Your ANXIETY On Him Because He Cares For You

Did you know that you can throw your worries, concerns and issues at God? It’s true, whatever challenges you maybe going through right now, no matter the complexity, whether it just happened or you contributed to it. The Bible says ‘Cast your anxiety on Him’. The word ‘cast’ means literally to throw or fling. So […]


How to Soothe Your Anxious Heart (Pt 2)

I could have very easily let my thoughts be on the worst possibilities and worry the day away. Instead, I slowed down to ask myself “how can I overcome my fear and anxiety?” The only biblical way I could see to handle the fear was to choose to trust God, and “bring every thought captive […]


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