
Heavenly Joy

Are you tired of sorrow and sadness? I have good news for you; get to heaven, there will be no sorrow and sadness there. In the final book of the Bible, heaven is described as a place of wonderful freedom from pain, sorrow, and suffering. Joyful moments here are just that—moments. They seem to end quickly. In heaven joy […]


We’ve Closed The Book On 2023 

Today you might find yourself remembering some of the triumphs and trials of the past year. Even if you have had wonderful successes in the past twelve months, you can probably remember some low points.  As you enter a new year, I hope you remember that God’s plans have always been to prosper you. He […]


New Year Opportunities 

One day in March 2005, Ashley Smith came home to find a fleeing murderer waiting for her. He held her hostage for several hours at gunpoint. During that time, she did something extraordinary; she took advantage of the opportunity and witnessed to her captor. She cooked him breakfast, read from Rick Warren’s book The Purpose-Driven […]


Faith In The Faithful 

Our God is a promise-keeping God. Does this matter? Does God’s integrity make a difference? Does his faithfulness come into play?  Others may make a promise and forget it. But if God makes a promise, He never forgets it.  The Book of Hebrews says, “God has given both his promise and his oath” (6:18). The […]


Don’t Let It Expire 

One day I received a gift card that I stored in a special place for so long that I forgot I had it. Most gift cards have an expiration date, and if you don’t use them, you will surely lose them! The same is true with the Word of God. No, the Word doesn’t ever […]


How to Use the Bible to Parent Children With Disabilities

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund estimates that about 240 million children are born with impairments. As a result, Christians raising children with disabilities must understand how to nurture them biblically. However, this might be one of the most difficult elements of parenting. The good news is that you can often find guidance on how […]


15 Book Marketing Tips Christian Authors Should Use

Marketing your book can be a difficult task, especially if you’re trying to appeal to a specific audience. Christian authors face their own set of challenges in getting people to buy their books, but there are also plenty of ways they can capitalize on their existing fan base and find new buyers. This article will […]


Remember God’s Promises

This year, things have not gone the way anyone expected. When things don’t go the way you planned, or something unexpected happens, how do you respond? Do you start expecting the worst, or do you go to God’s Word and remind yourself of His promises?  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith activates […]


Dream Killers

Over the years in church, I having been the subject of much gossip, I have concluded that one of the tactics the devil employs is the negativity of other dream killers. Question: have the negative opinions of others caused you to water down your dreams? I had to learn that there will always be critics and […]


Heavenly Joy

Are you tired of sorrow and sadness? I have good news for you; get to heaven, there will be no sorrow and sadness. In the final book of the Bible, heaven is described as a place of wonderful freedom from pain, sorrow, and suffering. Joyful moments here are just that—moments. They seem to end quickly. In heaven joy is […]


If Italy Won I Can Win

On Sunday I watched England lose to Italy. Before bed I watched the highlights of the match again. I already knew how the game would end. I knew which team won. While I’m watching the highlights however, I didn’t get discouraged, sad and down when Italy fell behind, because I knew the end result. I […]



This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But […]



This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But […]


Lord Have Mercy On Me

Mercy is what every repentant sinner seeks. In the book of Matthew the Bible talks about two blind men that no one really paid attention to. No one gave them much of a chance, but Jesus did! All through the Bible we see that He had such great compassion and mercy everywhere He went, and […]


Sweet Healing Words

With so much negativity around us, it’s easy to speak negative words of complaint and frustration. What words are you speaking? Hopefully pleasant words. In other words, are you looking for good and kind things to say about yourself and others?   Scripture says in the book of Proverbs that, “pleasant words are healing to the […]


Life Changing Moments

Before the foundations of the world, God laid out an exact plan for your life. In this plan, He has placed life-changing moments in your life. These moments are not ordinary, they can even be moments of pain, they are destiny-altering moments. They are designed to thrust you years ahead into your God-given success.  In […]


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