How would you feel if someone came up to you today and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills; I’m going to pay them”. You’d get pretty excited wouldn’t you? But it wouldn’t happen until you did your part to actually hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you […]
Tag: Excited
I Struggle With Waiting
I struggle with waiting, at times I find it very frustrating. However, the saying goes “good things come to those that wait.” Are you waiting for God to do something in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be passive and boring. When we’re waiting the correct way, we’re on the […]
I Want To Live
Today, I’ve noticed that people look sad and down. The Bible tells us that Jesus came to give us abundant life. Not only did He come to give you life in eternity, but He desires that you experience abundant life here on earth. He wants your relationships to be vibrant and alive. He wants your […]
If Italy Won I Can Win
On Sunday I watched England lose to Italy. Before bed I watched the highlights of the match again. I already knew how the game would end. I knew which team won. While I’m watching the highlights however, I didn’t get discouraged, sad and down when Italy fell behind, because I knew the end result. I […]
Glorious Joy
We all need more joy in our life. It is said, when we choose to believe in God, we are filled with His joy. And not just any kind of joy, but inexpressible and glorious joy! Have you ever seen someone filled with inexpressible joy over something? Their face is beaming, their heart is pounding. […]
Divine Favour
Your life today may seem to have no order and your future looks bleak. God says in Scripture that He has laid out plans for each one of us. When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the right people, the right circumstances and the right breaks. He’s already released favour, […]
Take A Closer Look
Take a close look at your life. Can you see the “brand new thing” God is doing? Sometimes the storms of life can cloud our vision, but look closer and you will see the hand of God moving in many areas in your life. No matter what you’re going through or where you are in […]
God Knows Your Secret Cries
God knows those things that you haven’t told anybody about. He knows the secret cries and petitions of your heart. He is aware of hidden dreams placed in you. Maybe you thought they would never come to pass, or maybe you buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. Maybe, in the natural, you […]
I struggle with waiting, at times I find it very frustrating. However the saying goes “good things come to those that wait.” Are you waiting for God to do something in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be passive and boring. When we’re waiting the correct way, we’re on the […]
Rest, Release, Refresh, Restore
How would you feel if someone came up to you today and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills; I’m going to pay them.” You’d get pretty excited wouldn’t you? But it wouldn’t happen until you did your part to actually hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you […]
It’s Time To Change Your Focus
Recently it’s been hard to get motivated and to stay focused. We all have those days when we don’t feel very enthusiastic. Maybe you don’t feel like you have any reason to be excited about your life. Today is the day to change your focus! It’s time to set your mind on things above. Often, […]
Be Refreshed
Is your life mundane? Are you just going through the motions? Do you need refreshing? So many people go around overwhelmed, tired, worn down, barely getting by. But that’s not God’s best. He wants us to prosper. He wants us to be refreshed. He wants us to be excited about our God-given future. The key […]
Are You Waiting for God to Bless You?
I hate waiting. Nowadays there seems to be queues everywhere. What are you waiting for God to do in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be a passive thing. When we’re waiting, we’re on the lookout, we have expectation. We speak what we are expecting from God. We act like […]
Professor Pavel Matousek – Laser Man
Little-known laser company beats engineering giant Rolls Royce to coveted Royal Academy of Engineering award after cracking new painless way to detect breast cancer