
Favour in Store For You

Today’s scripture talks about how time and chance will come together for every person. In other words, there are moments of favour that God has already released into your future. If you let that thought sink down into your heart, it will change your whole outlook on your future. People miss out on the good […]


Life’s Greatest Purpose 

One of my most inspirational stories is that of Nick Vujicic born without arms and legs determined to find the purpose for his life. Against his tremendous challenges, he has become an international motivational speaker, who founded his own company and speaks about his ridiculously good life which has no Limits. He says, “recognizing your […]


God Has A Plan

God created every one of us to be successful. Before the foundations of the world, He laid out an exact plan for your life. In this plan, He has marked moments that are going to come across your path. These moments are not ordinary. They are destiny-altering moments. They are designed to thrust you ahead […]


The Dangers Of Sexual Sin

“I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.”  (Ecclesiastes 7:26 NIV) Solomon most likely wrote the above verse from Ecclesiastes in his later years. Who better to write […]


Don’t Worship Your Dreams

Have you heard the saying “what goes around comes around?” God has a system in place in order to bless you, and it works on the principle of sowing and reaping. What you pour out to others, it will come back to you in increased measure. When you give generously, a generous harvest will return […]


Life Changing Moments

Before the foundations of the world, God laid out an exact plan for your life. In this plan, He has placed life-changing moments in your life. These moments are not ordinary, they can even be moments of pain, they are destiny-altering moments. They are designed to thrust you years ahead into your God-given success.  In […]


Flip Your Negative “What if’s”

Many people miss out on the good things because they allow fear to distract them and hold them back. They say, “What if I fail?” “What if people don’t like me?” “What if I make a mistake?” However, “What if you do succeed?” “What if people do like you?” “What if you do it better […]


There Is A Time For Bills

There Is A Time For Bills