
Christ Throughout Creation

In the creation story of the first two humans, the cast of characters is actually more extensive than it appears at first glance. Of course, there are the two humans and God the creator. But, there’s also the Spirit, hovering over the scene. And there’s the second person of the Trinity, the Word who was […]


Adam’s Tragedy, Christ’s Triumph

The first human beings were created good. You may ask the question if God created all things good, including humankind, then why is there so much bad in the world and in our lives? Where did sin come from? This question has intrigued people through­out the ages. The Bible tells us the sad story of […]


The Mother Of All Living

When sin entered the world, grief and pain entered the lives of Adam and Eve. Think of the joy this couple experienced at the birth of Cain. Genesis records her saying, I have acquired a man from the Lord. Then, shortly after, they were blessed with another son in the birth of Abel. It did […]


Overcoming Sin And Temptation

Just as pollution demoralises the planet today, sin devastated the Garden of Eden. Through man’s disobedience, sin gained a foothold in God’s garden and turned it into a garbage dump. Adam and Eve had always enjoyed protection in the garden, they fell for the serpent’s deception and exposed themselves to danger. In the middle of […]


An Unwilling Heart 

Unwillingness has been a struggle for man since Eve ate the fruit from Satan. We saw this unfold in the book of Genesis. Eve was unwilling to trust what God has told her and Adam was unwilling to step in and lead his wife. We see clearly throughout scripture that being willing to do what […]


He’s Prepared Your Blessing

Scripture says, “He took Adam, whom He had just breathed life into, and put him in the garden.” Notice Adam came into a prepared blessing, something that God had already finished for him. Think about Adam and Eve in the garden. God took the first five days and created the heavens, the earth, the sky, […]


The Dangers Of Sexual Sin

“I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.”  (Ecclesiastes 7:26 NIV) Solomon most likely wrote the above verse from Ecclesiastes in his later years. Who better to write […]


How can I teach my children to resist temptation?

It is one of the Bible’s many sweet and powerful promises: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). The question is, though, how do we do this? In very practical ways, how do we resist the devil?


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