In the creation story of the first two humans, the cast of characters is actually more extensive than it appears at first glance. Of course, there are the two humans and God the creator. But, there’s also the Spirit, hovering over the scene. And there’s the second person of the Trinity, the Word who was […]
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We Can Do It!
As the Israelites got to the borders of the Promised Land, Moses sent out scouts to assess the situation. Ten scouts returned with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. However, two of the scouts focused on the promise from […]
Suffering is a human reality. Christians are not exempt from the results of suffering. The Apostles suffered greatly and many of them died horrendous deaths. But it was all for God’s glory and a part of His divine plan for their lives. When trials come your way, unexpectedly, do you shake your fist, or do […]
Just Like Dad
In the Lord’s prayer (Luke 11:1-4), Jesus begins his prayer with, “Our father who art in heaven.” That first word reminds us that we are not alone, that we are linked through God to one another as one family, and He is daddy. As we come close to God, we are drawn into a closer relationship with […]
In The Day Of Trouble
When we seek God, when we serve Him with our whole hearts, He will hide us in His shelter. Hallelujah! You can be so connected to God that you are untouchable and invisible to the enemy! You are hidden in Him! No matter what is happening around you, you can have strength, confidence and rest. […]
What Do Others See?
We all like to dress up, some people spend large amounts of money on brand name clothes, how they look is important. They want to portray a certain image. When people look at you, do they see the love of God at work? Can they see growth and change? Do they know you are a […]
God Can Transform Your Mind
What are you thinking? Did you know Your life will move in the direction of your dominant thinking? If you’re constantly down on yourself, thinking you’ll never get ahead, then you won’t. But if you’ll choose to believe that you are an overcomer, that you have victory ahead, that God has good things in store […]
God Help Me I’m In A Dark Place
Does something you need seem impossible? With man it may be, but we serve the all-powerful God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way when there seems to be no way, and open doors that seem closed forever! The Bible says, “in the beginning, God created the heavens and […]
How To Change Bad Habits
Yesterday someone asked me how to change bad habits? Do you have habits in your life that you want to stop or change? Maybe it’s a bad attitude, bad behaviour, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start with changing your mind. You have to […]
How To Change Bad Habits
What needs changing in your life? A bad habit, a bad attitude, or even negative, evil thoughts. You have to start by changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts. When you make the decision to follow God in every area of your life, […]
Faith Pleases God
Being a Christian is all about pleasing God because we love Him. Do you know how to please God? He’s not impressed by how much knowledge we have. He is not impressed by how many possessions we own. He’s not moved by our accomplishments; He is pleased by our faith. Scripture says faith is a […]
I Will Not Be Moved
How do you deal with challenges over this year of strange happenings? Do you feel better equipped to handle life’s difficulties? it’s interesting that the apostle Paul never prayed for every challenge to go away. He prayed that God would give him the strength to go through them with a good attitude. He sought emotional […]
Luke 14:26
Luke 14:11
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” – LK 14:11
Luke 13:24
“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.
Luke 12:45
But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming’…