Yesterday was yet another day of difficulties for many, particularly the two mothers I spoke with. Many Christians think we shouldn’t have trials or hardships. Yet, if the bible is true, it’s those hard times which make us strong and show our loyalty to God. Christians experience daily obstacles and struggles. Although you aren’t immune to life’s day-to-day challenges, you do […]
Tag: bless
Satan Is Your Enemy
I’ve learned that in life, some people are peace-stealers. They feel it’s their calling to aggravate you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can or can’t do. They’ll try to bait you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. But don’t take the bait! Nothing is worth […]
Satan Attacks
Sometimes I sit back and think that these attacks from the enemy never stop. With the more we do kingdom work for God, the more we seem to be his target practice. Jesus said, “Simon, listen to me! Satan has demanded the right to test each one of you, as a farmer does when he separates wheat from […]
God Has A Promise For You
This devotion begins with humans being called to reflect the rule and reign of God. But people turned away, seeking to build their own Kingdoms. This quickly turned to violence and oppression. Humans lived in rebellion rather than in harmony with God. Amidst this situation, God called Abraham and Sarah. He came into their lives […]
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!
Today’s verse is really an encouragement for all of us to raise our level of expectancy! It’s like God is saying to us, “You think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!”. I’m sure God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that, if He told you right now, […]
The Mother Of All Living
When sin entered the world, grief and pain entered the lives of Adam and Eve. Think of the joy this couple experienced at the birth of Cain. Genesis records her saying, I have acquired a man from the Lord. Then, shortly after, they were blessed with another son in the birth of Abel. It did […]
Giving: An Act Of Worship
When I was younger at our school play, I was asked to play one of the wise men. Can you imagine how the wise men felt, as they first looked upon our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? As part of their worship, they wanted to give Him gifts. They gave valuable presents to symbolize the love, honour and appreciation in […]
Have You Ever Been Bullied? Pt4? ?
Have there been people in your life that have caused you trouble? Like the youth say, “they just keep getting in your face.” In the Bible, Hezekiah was faced with enemies coming against him, causing him trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn’t get upset. He just kept abiding, kept being […]
Waiting Patiently
A few years ago, while in Tanzania, I spent days waiting to see the snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, but inclement weather was keeping the peak hidden. In the end, I went to sleep hoping the next day I would see it. Early the next morning, I opened my eyes to see that huge white […]
**Wisdom Wednesdays**
Wisdom Wednesdays began from a simple request. This request was ‘Lord, help me to write a weekly devotional that would bless others.’ Now I must confess, at the time, writing didn’t come naturally and I wasn’t sure I would be consistent in producing a weekly devotional that would be relatable, inspiring and biblical. But the […]
Good Gifts
God is a good God and He has good gifts for His children! He wants to bless you with provision and supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. He wants to pour out His abundant favour on you and cause everything you touch to prosper. He wants to bless you with spiritual […]
Joyful Swagger?
This morning on the breakfast show we had a joyous time. Did you know that it is God’s will for you to be joyful always? He wants you to be happy and carefree. He wants you to love your life no matter what your situation looks like. When you have joy amid difficult circumstances, it […]
Your Faith Will Meet Your Needs
Many people think that when they have a need, God will just automatically meet it. Though Christ definitely could, He is intentional with stating “According to your faith” it will be done, not “according to your demand” it will be done. This small distinction makes a big difference in how we interact with and understand […]
Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Good morning Everyone, We have all heard the sad news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She served this country for 70 years and demonstrated her faith in Jesus through these years. I personally thank God for the dignity, grace and humility in which she served. At this time, I would like […]
We have Super powers
Did you know that you have a superpower? Yes! Jesus has proclaimed us all to be Super Heroes! We can move mountains with our mind! We can cause seas to part! We can kill fig trees….? Ok, that last one doesn’t seem so glamorous but you get the point right? Jesus says “when you pray […]
The Journey of Faith
Can you see how God keeps His promises? Let’s dare to believe in God, knowing he is faithful, even when we are not! Picture Abraham with Sara, his wife, his nephew, his servants, and his herd of livestock travelling with a tent to pitch anywhere they needed to. Abraham believed in God with childlike faith. […]