If someone asked you what you wanted most for your children. Your automatic response would properly be, “Success!” As a follower of Christ, I’ve discovered things more important than success in and of itself. Our time on earth is short, and eternity is sure to follow. James 4:14 describes life on earth as, “a mist […]
Tag: eternity
The Journey of Faith
Can you see how God keeps His promises? Let’s dare to believe in God, knowing he is faithful, even when we are not! Picture Abraham with Sara, his wife, his nephew, his servants, and his herd of livestock travelling with a tent to pitch anywhere they needed to. Abraham believed in God with childlike faith. […]
The Battle for the Mind
In my book “Transforming Your Mind In 30 Days,” I allude to the fact, that there is a battle going on for control of your mind. Heaven and earth intersect there, and both spheres influence your thinking. God created us with the capacity to experience the foretastes of heaven, but we must somehow shut out […]
Suffering is a human reality. Christians are not exempt from the results of suffering. The Apostles suffered greatly and many of them died horrendous deaths. But it was all for God’s glory and a part of His divine plan for their lives. When trials come your way, unexpectedly, do you shake your fist, or do […]
Trials Are Momentary
Aren’t you glad that Scripture promises that our troubles and trial are only momentary? When compared with eternity, our troubles won’t last long, they are not eternal! The second part of today’s verse tells us, that when we stand strong in faith during times of adversity, we are building faith, which achieves eternal glory, which will always outlast […]
God’s Love
I’m always disheartened, bewildered and even confused by the way we use the word “love,” prompting the question “what is love?” We love food, movies, clothes and sports, but we also love our family or spouse. In the Word of God, we see God’s true definition of love. First Corinthians 13 tells us that “love […]
I Want To Live
Today, I’ve noticed that people look sad and down. The Bible tells us that Jesus came to give us abundant life. Not only did He come to give you life in eternity, but He desires that you experience abundant life here on earth. He wants your relationships to be vibrant and alive. He wants your […]
From God With Love
A few nights ago, I was sitting in my car reflecting on my day. I looked up and it was amazing – the lights, the stars and the bright moon all seemed so surreal, it shouted I love you! All through the world we see God’s love, even in the midst of chaos. There is […]
Love is such a precious gift from God. It’s a word that many take for granted. There is tremendous power in love! In the same way that a tree will grow taller and stronger when its roots grow deep, you will be stronger and rise higher when you are rooted and grounded in love. How […]
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Do you want to be satisfied? Did you know that respecting and honouring God will lead you to experiencing satisfaction? Yes, that’s right; no matter where you’re at, what is troubling you, or what has happened to you in the past, true satisfaction is close at hand. It’s found in a personal relationship with Jesus […]
The Best Choice You Could Ever Make!
In one day we make thousands of choices. Some are greater and more important than others. Some require lots of thought and the input of others. Making Christ the Lord of your life is the best choice you could ever make! Hallelujah! However, once you make the choice to surrender to God, you have the […]
Total Recall
These days are frustrating and sometimes overwhelming to say the least. During times like these that we have to be especially careful about what we think and say. It is said that our lives will go in the direction of our thoughts. Do you need to change your thoughts? In Psalm 77 the psalmist, while […]
Are You Ready For Jesus To Come?
If you believe you will meet Jesus one day, you likely also believe that you are ready for that occasion. But on what is that confidence based?