
Two Things You Need

The two things you need to make it through hard times are grace and peace. These two are powerful forces in the life of the believer. Grace empowers us, and peace directs us. It’s like this: grace is the petrol and peace is the navigation system. You need both to reach your destination. Scripture says that we […]


Don’t Worship Your Dreams

Have you heard the saying “what goes around comes around?” God has a system in place in order to bless you, and it works on the principle of sowing and reaping. What you pour out to others, it will come back to you in increased measure. When you give generously, a generous harvest will return […]


Blessings While We Sleep

In this day and age with viruses increasing daily and lock down lasting months, sleep is very important to our wellbeing. God promises to give blessings to His beloved in their sleep! He wants you to rest securely in Him and be rejuvenated nightly, mind and body. Sleep has great benefits – it builds your […]


The Kingdom OF God is Like…

While at seminary school I was told “you are what you’re becoming”. And in the new testament we are reminded that we are kingdom people now. So what’s God’s kingdom like? In God’s kingdom, when you give, it comes back to you pressed down, shaken together and running over. In God’s kingdom, you can have […]


Set Yourself Up To Prosper

What is prosperity? Prosperity simply means thriving, vibrant and alive. It’s a picture of vitality. When you are prosperous, you have more than enough to give to others. That means more peace, more grace, more hope, more love. When we “observe to do” what God has commanded, like it says in our text, we are […]


What Goes Around Comes Around

There is a principle called karma. Have you heard the saying, “What goes around, comes around” or “What you sow, you will reap?” These are really spiritual principles. God’s kingdom operates on a system of sowing and reaping.  Today’s verse tells us that when we sow righteousness, we’ll reap a sure reward. What does that mean? […]


A Spiritual Immune Booster

Daily, since the pandemic started, we are hearing about different ways to boost our immune system and stay in good health. Here is a Biblical health tip. The best thing you can do for your health is to set your heart at peace with God. Peace is such a powerful position. It is a position […]


God Make Me A Sower

In the book of Genesis, God set up a system of seedtime and harvest. Everything God does starts with a seed. The Bible also tells us that He gives seed to the sower. In other words, if you are a person who has a desire to bless others and sow seed, God will make sure […]


Young people have been turning the pain of their lived experiences into action

ICFREE are aiming to end of criminalisation of Black & Brown Youth in the Criminal Justice System & the Education System! #ICFREE# ICFreeNotIC3

faith life

Marriage 2.0: Software Review

A newly married man wrote this to a computer *Data Analyst*.


Is Project “Management”’”¹ the Problem?

Some folks say that managers focus on doing things right, while leaders are focused on doing the right things.


Project Graham: The Ugly Face of Road Safety

Meet Graham the only person designed to survive on our roads. Australia’s Transport Accident Commission and agency Clemenger BBDO Melbourne created a figure ‘with bodily features that could be present in humans if they had been designed to withstand today’s high-impact road traumas.


The Nature of Good ‘Project Chemistry’

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual project stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime. The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual project stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

Nicolini (2002) theoretical framework asserted that good project chemistry enhances the operation of project teams, quality of the final product allowing the early detection of problems.


Has Nigeria Become the World’s Junk Yard of Abandoned and Failed Mega Projects worth Billions?

Has Nigeria Become the World’s Junk –Yard of Abandoned and Failed Projects Worth Billions


A Day in the Life of a Project Manager

We’re all project managers – even though we might not realize it. We plan and organize resources, measure achievement of goals and make decisions on how to move forward and take corrective action. Understanding and paying attention to important project management details allows you to lead the way as a project manager.


Modular Eco-house System

Rammed earth modular housing with photovoltaic windows and roof garden


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