
Have you ever been bullied? Pt 3

The devil is our biggest bully. Daily he bombards us with challenges that try to move us away from God’s plan and purpose in our lives. You will be tempted to act out of character. You will be tempted to give in to the pride of your own thoughts, relying on yourself rather than fully […]


Overcoming Offences 

Some of the definitions for the word Offence are the act of provoking, annoying, irritating or causing pain or injury. It is also the reaction the offence produces, like indignation, resentment, or anger, which can lead to a breach in relationships. When someone sins against you, your flesh rises and demands retribution. But the way […]


Why We Get Into Trouble? 

Whilst talking to a young person on my radio show about street life, stabbings and shootings (which is on the increase in our communities) I am realising that folk act first and think later. One of the characteristics of a prudent person, is that they give thought to their ways. Too many people today just […]


It’s Time To Retrain Your Mind 

Repeatedly I hear people say, “I just want to be happy.”  Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life, is simply that they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction. They’ve trained their minds to worry. They’ve trained their minds to complain. They’ve trained their minds to […]


Don’t Get Yourself Into Trouble 

Talking to young people about these stabbings and shootings that are on the increase in our communities, I’m realising that folk act first and think later. One of the characteristics of a prudent person is that they give thought to their ways. Too many people today just act or react, based on their emotions or […]


Identity Crisis

Liking yourself is hard sometimes. You can watch your friends on Snapchat, Insta or Facebook, see their profiles and start to think, man I wish my life was more like theirs. It’s easy to start comparing what you have and who you are to them and begin to feel like you don’t measure up to them. […]


Don’t Panic Exercise faith?

Last week I had a prayer request from a woman who thought she was losing her baby. She pressed her hands on her stomach, but nothing. she tried moving around, drinking something cold, but nothing. Her unborn child had either been quiet for quite a while, or something was wrong. She had two choices. panic […]


We Can Do It! 

As the Israelites got to the borders of the Promised Land, Moses sent out scouts to assess the situation. Ten scouts returned with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. However, two of the scouts focused on the promise from […]


God’s Mind 

Have you ever thought about what it would be like peeking into the mind of God? Many of us bask in the knowledge of God’s presence with us. We find comfort in words like, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Or “Surely I am with you always.”  Our hearts ponder and cling to his […]


Erect A Spiritual Firewall

The battle for our minds and hearts is real and ongoing. Have you ever been ambushed by spontaneous impure thoughts — thoughts that undermine your faith? Lots, of distracting thoughts, sometimes infiltrate our minds, especially when we’re praying or contemplating God’s Word. I ask myself are they my thoughts or are they the strategic mind […]


Time To Change Your Mind 

When was the last time you changed your mind? Maybe it was when you changed your outfit a couple of times this morning. Maybe it was changing your mind on your mail just after the waitress took your order. Maybe it was changing your mind about the perfect birthday or Christmas gift for a friend. […]


Wisdom Wednesday

In the 25 years I’ve travelled I have always taken out travel insurance but never had to make a claim. That was until this trip. I have been tested to the limit and it is still not over. As I write, I am at a hotel in Washington Dulles after missing my flight back to […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s** If Any Of You Lacks Wisdom You Should Ask God

Indecision is no man’s land. There are no answers there and no place to go. You need to fill your thoughts with Me, seek My face, and come into My presence where I can give you direction and guidance. Wait for My wisdom about every situation. Stand still until you have clarity, and do not […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s** Keep Your Minds On Whatever Is True, Pure, Right, Holy, Friendly And Proper

**Wisdom Wednesday’s** This bible text speaks so clearly to the power we have to govern our own thoughts. The truth is our thoughts are one of the most powerful tools we have. Our thoughts can create something beautiful or cause death. Our thoughts direct our feels, our actions and our behaviour. How much time do […]


Wisdom Wednesday: Indecision is no man’s land

Indecision is no man’s land. There are no answers there, and no place to go. You need to fill your thoughts with Me, seek My face, and come into My presence where I can give you direction and guidance. Wait for My wisdom about every situation. Stand still until you have clarity, and do not […]


Crises Are A Catalyst For Prayer.

When was the last time you cried out to God about something other than personal issues? We’re often so absorbed in our own lives that we fail to see the crises others are facing. But whether a hardship impacts total strangers or hits close to home, do you ever feel some matters are just too […]