
He Paid It All

How would you feel if someone came up to you today and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills; I’m going to pay them”. You’d get pretty excited wouldn’t you? But it wouldn’t happen until you did your part to actually hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you […]


God wants to refresh you

Are you facing challenges in your relationships? Finances? Career? Does your soul need refreshing today? You can come to the Father to find what you need. God wants to refresh you. He wants to give you rest and peace. Think about that for a moment. What would cause you to rest? If you knew everything […]


Let Go Of Anger Before As You Sleep

Scripture reminds us that the Lord longs to pour out blessings on us even while we are sleeping! During these difficult times, many people struggle with sleeping at night. They stay awake or get poor sleep because they are constantly focused on their problems and worrying about tomorrow. But that’s not God’s plan! He wants […]


Do You Want To Walk On Water

To be a disciple is to follow Jesus, even into the water. Like with Peter, Jesus beckons us, “Come closer to me. Be my disciple and learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I am the only way, so I require you to focus exclusively on me in your obedience.” Peter became distracted. As he sees the wind whipping […]


Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever felt lost, unsafe and disoriented? It can be quite overwhelming. It might even be difficult to admit. I have some good news is you don’t need to worry or fear Jesus is near. He describes Himself as the Good Shepherd who cares so deeply about the one sheep who is lost, in […]


God Calls Me Friend 

Did you know that the all-Knowing, all-Powerful Creator of the universe wants to be your friend today? He wants to walk with you, talk with you and simply share life with you. That’s why He created you, for His fellowship and your worship. It’s as simple as opening your heart of faith to Him just […]


Don’t Worry Be Happy…? ?

Have you heard the popular song, “Don’t worry, be happy” or the phrase “don’t worry it’s really not that bad – everything will get better.” Are these words of encouragement or could this be denial of the pain and reality, the stifling down of emotions?  Thinking about these responses got me wandering. John had just experienced the earth-shattering, heaven-opening […]


Identity Crisis

Liking yourself is hard sometimes. You can watch your friends on Snapchat, Insta or Facebook, see their profiles and start to think, man I wish my life was more like theirs. It’s easy to start comparing what you have and who you are to them and begin to feel like you don’t measure up to them. […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s** Cast All Your ANXIETY On Him Because He Cares For You

Did you know that you can throw your worries, concerns and issues at God? It’s true, whatever challenges you maybe going through right now, no matter the complexity, whether it just happened or you contributed to it. The Bible says ‘Cast your anxiety on Him’. The word ‘cast’ means literally to throw or fling. So […]


Forgiveness and Deliverance Are Not The Same

Good morning from Zanzibar. It’s one thing to be forgiven of sin, however, there is still a need for deliverance. God is a mighty Deliverer! You may feel afflicted, overwhelmed, or burdened by the cares of life. God is working to bring you out of that difficult situation. It may not be how you thought, […]


Emotional Rest

How would you feel if someone came up to you today and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills; I’m going to pay them.” You’d get excited, wouldn’t you? But it wouldn’t happen until you did your part to hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you never release […]


True Comfort

With murders in the UK hitting an all-time high, prisons are bursting at the seams, divorce is still over 50% and mental health is growing at an alarming rate. Oftentimes when life has challenges, the natural tendency is to seek comfort in things that are familiar. It may be drugs, work, activity, or relationships; and […]


Be Delivered!

It’s one thing to be forgiven of sin, however, there is still a need for deliverance. God is a mighty Deliverer! You may feel afflicted, overwhelmed, or burdened by the cares of life. God is working to bring you out of that difficult situation. It may not be in the way you thought, but you […]


Are You Struggling With Worry? 

Are you struggling with worry? Do you wake up with issues on your mind instead of praise to the One who has kept you all night? If so, you’re not alone. When we worry, we allow our minds to dwell on our troubles. So, if we want to get rid of worry in our lives, […]


Don’t Worry ?

With casualties going up in Ukraine, and the economy at its weakest ever, it’s easy to worry. What are you worrying about today? Worrying means allowing something to revolve in your mind repeatedly until it stresses you out. God doesn’t want you to live worried or anxious about anything. He knows that worry steals your […]


God Is Always Working 

Have you ever sent a text message to a friend, in hopes of having a question answered quickly? Their phone’s messaging service showed that they had read the message, so you waited anxiously for a reply. As moments pass, you grow frustrated, groaning in annoyance at the delay. Irritation eroded into worry; you wondered whether […]


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