
Let’s Support

According to recent news, four out of every ten children in our culture live in homes without their . Close to half of our children are being raised by single parents or find themselves part of a “blended” family. The so-called nuclear family consisting of two parents and their children is no longer the norm. […]


God I Receive It!

This devotional is an encouragement to each of us to raise our game and our level of expectancy. It’s like God is saying to us in the scripture, “you think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!” God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that if He told […]


Just Do It!

Nike has a slogan that says, “just do it.” Did you know that before Nike the Bible had a similar slogan? Jesus performed His first miracle, at the wedding celebration in Cana. Mary His mother knew that in order to see His power at work, there was one key: “Whatever He says, she said, do […]


God I Receive It!

This devotional is an encouragement to each of us to raise our game and our level of expectancy. It’s like God is saying to us in the scripture, “you think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!” God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that if He told […]


God Make Me A Sower

In the book of Genesis, God set up a system of seedtime and harvest. Everything God does starts with a seed. The Bible also tells us that He gives seed to the sower. In other words, if you are a person who has a desire to bless others and sow seed, God will make sure […]


The Bank of England has a Diversity Problem

Parliamentary committee criticises slow growth in minority representation, with ‘little evidence the gap is closing’


Can Tithing Make You Rich?

When we talk about money, the subject of giving is often a distant afterthought. That’s unfortunate, because tithing—that is, the practice of giving 10 percent of your income to charity (typically a church or religious community)— has been espoused for centuries, both by those in and outside religion.


The Brexit Vote Is Set to Cause a Second Revolution in the City of London, But What Would Jesus Do?  

In the corporate world, there is a growing recognition that strong relationships with customers can form the bedrock of future innovation.


7 Secret Things You Didn’t Know About Successful Procurement Teams

Some senior members of staff see procurement expenses as a necessary evil and overlook any efficiency improvement methods for this sector.


The Nature of Good ‘Project Chemistry’

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual project stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime. The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual project stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

Nicolini (2002) theoretical framework asserted that good project chemistry enhances the operation of project teams, quality of the final product allowing the early detection of problems.


7 Astonishing Abandoned Projects” Surreal Riveted Sea Forts Once Protected the Kent Shores from German Attack”

Abandoned projects including building, engineering and infrastructure development projects litter the whole of the world.


How To Deliver On The Promise of MegaProjects

Due to the large scale and outlook attached to them, mega-projects have a large opportunity for failure. Typically, the failure begins at the outset of the project, whether that be due to poor justification for the project, misalignment among stakeholders, insufficient planning, or inability to find and use appropriate capabilities.


9 Suggestions for Overcoming Barriers to Good Design When Using Modern Methods of Construction (Mmc)

The term ‘Modern Methods of Construction’ (MMC) embraces a range of technologies involving various forms of prefabrication and/or off-site assembly.


The Hard Side of Change Management

Change is good. It’s also often hard. But to succeed in business, you must run toward it.


29 Awesome Quotes on Risk Management

29 Awesome Quotes on Risk Management


4 Lies about Procurement You Probably Believe

The world of Procurement is seemingly full of impassioned people absolutely certain about how, what, why Procurement is all about. Like other great lies, many of these half-truths and misleading ideas sound agreeable to the ears and come packaged as good advice from influential people.

How many of these popular lies have you fallen victim to?


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