
Law And Love

Law and love are nicely united in today’s scripture. The word of God that we are called to obey, is the law of God. When we obey it, God’s love is made complete in us—because we are living by God’s law of love. This is pleasantly simple, and circular. What shall I do? Whatever the […]


Dedicated Disciples ?

Becoming a serious Christian, around 15 years ago, was the most liberating moment of my life. It was also daunting. A world that once was familiar now appeared foreign, simply because most people I knew were not free. However, I knew I would need a family of fellow believers, for strength and survival.   With […]


‘Jesus is more precious than my same-sex attraction’

A young woman has spoken out about how she is pursuing Christ in the face of her struggle with same-sex attraction.


Controversial Topics in Church Today

The drama that we find in our churches today remind me of soap operas or telenovelas.


The Powers That Be Don’t Really Care. Do You?

Did you ever have a “friend” in high school that loved causing fights? You know the kind. They act like your best friend but whisper bad things about others in your ear. Then they turn around and say nasty stuff about you to others. They strike a match, sit back and enjoy the flames.


“Britain should take pride in its Christian heritage” says Theresa May

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us celebrate all those selfless acts – and countless others – that epitomise the values we share: Christian values of love, service and compassion that are lived out every day in our country by people all faiths and none.


Christians Seen as ‘Dangerous and Offensive’ Says Former Liberal Democrat Leader

If you actively hold a faith that is more than an expression of cultural identity, you are deemed far worse than eccentric. You are risk to society, says Tim Farron


Gay Prayer Remarks for Prince George Described As “Un-Christian and Anti-Constitutional”

‘It is an unkind and destabilising prayer. It is the theological equivalent of the curse of the wicked fairy in one of the fairy tales. It is un-Christian as well as being anti-constitutional. It is a very long way from being a blessing for Prince George.’ – Gavin Ashenden, a former Chaplain to the Queen


Christian Expelled from University Over Anti-Gay Remarks Loses Appeal

Mr Ngole said his rights to freedom of speech and thought, enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, has been breached.


David Cameron: I am evangelical about Christian faith

David Cameron says that in a secular age Christians should be even ‘more evangelical’ about their faith and says he has felt the ‘healing power’ of the Church.


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