Local residents in Bedfordshire have launched a new social network to connect online.
Author: Godinterest
Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.
Life with Christ shouldn’t be shallow
But spiritual depth isn’t simply about knowledge (a common misconception), but about everyday life and relationships. And where better to begin than reflecting on how to have deeper joy in Christ?
Radio DJ Danny Baker has been fired from BBC Radio 5 Live after for posting tweet about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex‘s baby son that featured an image of a monkey
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and then some time later ? created emoji ? they said.
The Religion Blogosphere
Welcome to the world of Godinterest weblogs, (or blogs), and the cyberspace they all inhabit, known as the blogosphere.
Blogging Theology
Godinterest Launches WordPress Blogging Portal For Students And Teachers of Religion Over a week ago, using the fully hosted version of the popular open-source WordPress content management system, Dean Jones introduced a blog portal that focuses specifically on religion to help people share their faith online. Jones, a 36-year-old ex-lecturer from London argues that Godinterest gives […]
Young Christian bloggers
Some of the web’s most influential voices now belong to bloggers as young as 13.
he Russian Orthodox patriarch has warned that the popularity of smartphones is paving the way for the coming of the Antichrist.
What we need in the churches is the Holy Ghost and fire. We need what the old time saints had. More than anything else they had a dedication to God. When they prayed you knew that God was there.
It’s easy to ignore the painful, messy, universal experience of birth that Jesus was referring to.
Find God in Prayer
“Dear child, there is a reason, For I know what is best.”
A two-year commission called for public U.K. life to be systematically de-Christianized due to the decline of church-going and the rise of Islam and other beliefs
This is the story behind the heartbreaking image shared on social media almost one year ago of an aid worker photographed giving water to a severely emaciated child. A real-life story that Inspired and captivated the world in 2016.
Fighting for the right to pray. Has the media converted to Islam?
Traditionally, faith-based films were saddled with microscopic budgets and unable to draw big-name talent, either in front of or behind the camera. However in recent years there has been some extremely well-made and executed movies with religion as a theme that have received a lot of press and positive feedback from traditionally harsher critics and viewers.
Story of ‘Jesus’ Comes to Sight & Sound Theatres (Interview)