Life with Christ shouldn’t be shallow

The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

2 Timothy 2:19.

Pray for the impartation of the Holy Spirit and believe that it is for you. Search your own hearts, and prepare your mind for the reception of the Holy Spirit. Do not be satisfied with your present experience. Sincere Christians universally want to “go deeper” in faith and knowledge of the Scripture. 

Prayer should be the natural outflow of the soul – you should pray because you must pray, not because the set time for praying has arrived – but because your heart must cry unto your Lord.

It is the privilege of every believer in Christ to possess Christ’s nature, a nature far above that which Adam forfeited by transgression. He who sees the Son by faith and believes in Him, is obedient to the commandments of God, and in this obedience he finds everlasting life. You will not have a firm religious experience unless you dig deep, and build your house upon the Rock. But spiritual depth isn’t simply about knowledge (a common misconception), but about everyday life and relationships. And where better to begin than reflecting on how to have deeper joy in Christ?

Satan works through many who will be worked, blinding the perceptive faculties, paralyzing the senses with selfish ease and love of the world, and unless a special message direct from heaven comes to them they will not discern their peril.

Many believers waver between different opinions and actions showing feelings of hesitancy when studying the word of God. Many grasp the truth with their perceptive powers, but they sometimes refuse to separate themselves from the world.

Many will not consent to be God’s peculiar people. They know the truth of the Bible, but they do not want to obey, and they turn from the truth. They act out their unbelief, and darkness comes upon their souls. Choosing their own way they are left to be filled with their own devices. Truth is insulted, Christ ignored, and perdition will be their portion unless they turn and repent in the name of Jesus.

While these opposing influences are at work to lead away from the truth, away from conviction, away from heaven into the broad path of self-gratification, the agents of God are to work to save souls that are ready to perish.

Prayer to Seek Truth

Lord, help me to seek truth today
To find it in places and people I wouldn’t otherwise notice.
Teach me that in truth there is wisdom and understanding.
May seeking truth help me overcome my fears and frustrations.

Lord, help me to strive for truth in all that I do today —
That my thoughts, words, and actions may reflect Your goodness.
Show me that only in truth will I be free —
To live honestly and courageously,
To love wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Lord, help me to cherish truth —
Knowing that You are the author of all that is beautiful, good, and true.
May truth reign in my heart, no matter what I encounter today —
Lies, mockery, confusion, or betrayal.
Your truth gives me clarity and peace.

Lord, You created truth.
You are Truth.
Help me to know truth when I see it;
Learn truth when I am taught it;
Love truth,
Live truth.

Help me to share truth with others today —
Those who are lost and lonely,
The brokenhearted and weary,
Anyone who is suffering from visible or invisible pain.

When I am a son or daughter of truth, I am free to be
Fully alive
Fully myself
And an honest reflection of You.

Truth leads to greater knowledge
And excellence in all virtues.

Truth strengthens me
Guides me
Leads me
Protects me
Keeps me.
I am constant when I dwell in Your truth.
I am unafraid of what I may face.
I am vigilant and poised for speaking
The witness of who You are in truth.

Your Word is truth — may the truth of Your Word ring in the ears of all who are perishing and bring many perishing people to salvation in Jesus name we pray, 


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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

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Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

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One Reply to “Life with Christ shouldn’t be shallow”

  1. The Bible state that Gos is the God of truth but no where does it say that God is Truth. In the prayer it states God created truth then states God is truth, is God created by Himself? Of course not, truth is the statement of God’s character, conformity with facts of reality, and the precepts and laws of God. He is the God of truth, infinite truth, truth that is the Rock that we establish our faith.

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