
Repetition Deepens Impression

Notice in today’s verse, God’s people were commanded to go around saying continually, “Let God be magnified. He takes pleasure in prospering me.” I believe one reason they were supposed to say it all the time, is so that it would get down deep in their hearts. Reputation deepens the impression.  Remember, when we hear […]


Repetition Deepens Impression

One of the first words my older granddaughter learned (way before giving me a name) was ‘more!’ Coupled with ‘again!’, these are key words in a toddler’s vocabulary. She is gradually learning the value of manners (‘more, please!‘), but this desire for repetition (often to the point of mind-numbing boredom on the adult’s part — how many ‘Wheels on the Bus‘ videos can there be?!) is a key factor in the the child’s learning armoury.