Mega-projects come with big expectations. But a project’s success is often in the eye of the beholder.
65% of Mega-projects Fail
- Post author By GodInterest
- Post date February 12, 2016
- 5 Comments on 655 of Mega-projects Fail
- Tags Airports, Benefits, Bent Flyvbjerg, Budget Management, Budgets, Building, Capabilities, Causes, Change Management, christianbrand, Class, Communities, Community, Complications, Construction, Cost, Data, Design, Engineering, Environment, example, Execution, Failure, faithbased, focus, Funding, God Interest Ministries, Governments, Health, Infrastructure, Issue Management, jesus is love, jesusapparel, layers, Leadership, Learning, Maker, Mega Projects, Megaprojects, Money, Nature, notw, Optimism, People, Planning, Plants, Politics, Poor, Poor execution, Power, Power Plants, problems, Process, Procurement, Productivity, Project, Project Failure, Project Managers, Public, Railways, real, Religiosity, Researchers, Review, Risk, Risk Assessment, Risk Management, Root, Same, Schedules, Scheduling, Scope, Standards, streetwear, Success, Suppliers, the project, Unclear Scope, Weakness!, Why do Major Projects Fail, Worth