The Equality Act, a bill that is said to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in the workplace, public accommodations, and various other settings, was just passed on Friday 17th May 2019. The reasoning for this bill is that there are no federal laws explicitly protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination, but what is the real story […]
Tag: Western
Should I Do Yoga if I am a Christian?
As a Christian, should I do yoga? Am I allowed? Will Jesus love me less?
24 of Bonhoeffer’s Most Challenging Quotes
More than seventy years after his death, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on faith, the Church, ethics and the nature of God serve as a touchstone for all of us who seek to understand a Christian’s responsibility in the face of injustice and have gone on to have a profound influence on Western Culture and the legions of Christian thinkers who’ve encountered them ever since.
Concrete Proves Its Versatility Is Endless
It’s a big contributor to global warming with every tonne of Ordinary Portland Cement releasing 1 tonne of CO2 into the atmosphere.