Each year the President delivers to Congress the annual State of the Union Message and across America governors of their respective states deliver their State of the State messages to the various legislatures. Its purpose is to summarize the status of various things throughout the land and to make a change, for the chief executive to suggest legislative action…
I sat and watched the president give his state of the union message not too long ago. He started by saying that the state of our union is strong. He cited several achievements during his administration and glossed over several storms.
Today, what it would be like if God had come to the podium and delivered His state of the union message. I’ll bet he wouldn’t hold anything back or not tell it like it is.
I wonder what he would single out first. Perhaps he would talk about the rampant proliferation of pornography. Certainly, he would mention rampant sexual immorality. Maybe he would remind us that we are about to enter a post-Christian era as we have turned our back on Him. He would give reference to tolerance ‘which says we must tolerate the beliefs of others and not thrust ours upon them. He would challenge us to be bold in speaking of our faith. He would talk about a watered down feel good’ theology and modern preaching that de-emphasizes the salvation message. He might remind us that we seem to have forgotten Him while focusing our attention on ourselves and our hedonistic pleasures. Maybe He would talk about sexual disorientation rampant across our land. He would paint a grim prognosis for the land if its people do not return to him. Certainly, He would quote from Revelation.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, there are many opponents to Christians in the world today. Father, help me to have a healthy spiritual state and keep in the forefront of my mind that I am in a war, not against flesh and blood, but against the evil powers of the spiritual realm. Please God Embolden me to be a formidable soldier for You and join in the battle to fight for You. Clothe me in the Armor of God and energize my spirit. Make me bold. Make me strong. In Christ’s name Amen.
The Equality Act, a bill that is said to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in the workplace, public accommodations, and various other settings, was just passed on Friday 17th May 2019.
The reasoning for
this bill is that there are no federal laws explicitly protecting LGBTQ people
from discrimination, but what is the real story behind this?
The person behind
pushing this act, Nancy Pelosi, is a leftist- I could say case closed at this
point, but I’ll carry on! It is called ‘The Equality Act’, but is it not really
a diabolical way to force a homosexual and transgender ideology on every person
in America and eventually the world?
With the way that
America (and other Western countries) is going, is there not already an
acceptance and promotion of transgenderism? It is not acceptance that they
want, but control and free reign to do as they want wherever they want to do
This act pretty
much says that it would be illegal to prevent a man who wants to identify as a
woman from doing anything he wants to do. Would this mean that women’s sports
could come to an end? Think about it: the anatomy of a woman and a man is
entirely different, it is no secret that men fare better in sports than women,
that is why they are separated. But if a transgender person were to come along
and demand to be in, say, a weightlifting competition, no one would be able to
say no, right? And when he wins, no one could say that he had an unfair
advantage or they would risk legal action.
Taking it a step
further, what is there to stop a transgender person from gaining access to
women’s restrooms, locker rooms, showers… I don’t know about anyone else
reading this, but I’m not comfortable with a man being in the same restroom as
me just because he decided that he wanted to be identified as a woman.
Churches and
ministries would have to accept them into the pulpit or roles of leadership,
wouldn’t they? Personally, I don’t know why they would want to even be in a
church, but you never know, do you? I see our freedom of worshipping GOD
according to His Word being thrown out of the window here. If a church decides
to deny access to a transgender person, they are going to face some problems
because the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is not about to protect anyone
who refuses to comply with this bill.
As a parent, you’re
not going to be able to oppose this ideology being taught in schools, you
cannot stop your child from being forced to learn about it, and no hospitals or
doctors can refuse to perform sex change operations.
There is this
misconception that Christians hate the LGBTQ community, but that is not true.
We are to hate sin, not the person. Homosexuality is a sin, that is our belief
as Christians because GOD has condemned it. I have never ill-treated someone
who identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual etc. or had terrible thoughts towards
them. I have never spoken hateful words to them or offensively spoken of them.
However, I am firm in my beliefs and stand by them, knowing that it is GOD whom
I shall answer to at the appointed time.
A man called Aranda approached the little boy’s mom at a group at the mall on the 12 of April 2019. Landen mom asked him if they were in his way and should move. Without hesitation or warning the stranger picked up Landen and threw him from the balcony at the Mall of America.
Surprisingly, this isn’t the first time 24-year-old has committed crimes at the mall. Aranda has two prior assault convictions from 2015 and was apparently banned from the the Mall of America for a period of time. He was also instructed to undergo psychological evaluation following those earlier attacks.
Later that day Aranda admitted to throwing the boy off the balcony to Police after they captured on a light rail train leaving the mall. He also told the police that he had attempted to kill somebody the day before (preferably an adult), but it didn’t “work out.”
He is being held in Hennepin County Jail in lieu of $2million bail and is scheduled to appear in court on May 14.
The suspect’s uncle, Francis Aranda, told KSTP that his nephew had displayed violent tendencies since childhood.
‘He has a serious mental problem, he was diagnosed as a child,’ the relative said.
He added: ‘We are going to pray for that baby [Landen] because what happened is so unfortunate, but it’s going to bring light to mental illness, I hope he [Aranda] doesn’t go to jail, he needs help.’
Pastor Mac Hammond (above) at the church Landen Hoffmann’s family attends in Woodbury, Minnesota, updated the congregation on the five-year-old’s condition on Sunday, nine days after he was thrown off a third-story balcony at the Mall of America on April 12
In spite of being thrown off a balcony that could have killed him, doctors have reported that Landen is thankfully doing much better than expected to the point where even the medical staff are chalking it up to nothing but a “miracle.”
This is truly a miracle. It’s like he fell off a bicycle instead of off the third floor of the mall.”
Mac Hammon, the pastor of the family’s church, was contacted by Landen’s grandpa on Sunday during the Easter sermon.
The results were obtained after a 5-hour MRI. “Doctors said they found no brain damage – not even any swelling,” Hammond told church congregants on Easter. “No spinal damage, no nerve damage ”¦ doctors are saying it is truly a miracle.”
Mac Hammon, shared that the boy did suffer many broken bones, including fractures on his arm, leg, and face. He will also need to have his spleen removed.
The GoFundMe page set up for Landen posted this encouraging update a week after the incident:
“The power of prayer is simply amazing. We all have been extremely humbled by the outpouring of support and prayers from everyone. Thank you for showing us there is so much good not only in our community but across the globe. Condition is again similar to previous days, another peaceful night of sleep — small steps towards the healing process. Each new day is a good day. Landen’s recovery is expected to be ongoing for a long time, while it’s hard to estimate costs, this will change everything for their family and require much of their time and focus.”
Over 27,000 people have donated to a GoFundMe campaign that has raised more than $961,000 as of Tuesday morning.
Mental Health Facts, Stats, and Data
Over 44 million American adults have a mental health condition. Since the release of the first State of Mental Health in America report (2015), there has only been a slight decrease in the number of adults who have a mental health condition (from 18.19% to 18.07%)
Rate of youth experiencing a mental health condition continues to rise. Therate of youth with Major Depressive Episode (MDE) increased from 11.93% to 12.63%. There was only a 1.5% decrease in the rate of youth with MDE who did receive treatment. Data showed that 62% of youth with MDE received no treatment.
More Americans are insured and accessing care. We can continue to see the effects of healthcare reform on the rate of Adults who are uninsured. This year there was a 2.5% reduction in the number of Adults with a mental health condition who were uninsured.
…But many Americans experiencing a mental health condition still report having an unmet need. 1 in 5, or 9 million adults reported having an unmet need.
Mental health workforce shortage remains. Many states saw some improvement in their individual to mental health provider ratio. But in states with the lowest workforce there was almost 4 times the number individuals to only 1 mental health provider.
Pictured is the Higdon family. This photograph was taken in the year 1898 in Britain. Who were the Black Victorians? Mainstream history has virtually erased them from our minds and history books. We have been filled with images of slavery in America and across the world, but why is it that this chapter in black history was skipped? Why isn’t it equally common knowledge that in the midst of all of that darkness there was Victorian Britain have been revealed to the public for the very first time.
Delicate, rare and striking – forgotten photographs of black Britons in the late 19th and early 20th century have been unearthed from the depths of the Hulton Archive — one of the world’s oldest and largest archives holding over 80 million images.
Black Chronicles II, a photographic exhibition at Rivington Place in East London is currently showcasing over 200 images that explore black presences in Victorian Britain, the majority of which have never been revealed to the public.
“We have been doing this work around black representation through the prism of photography for 25 years,” says Mussa.
“What we wanted to do with this research project was to expand, if you like, the narrative back to the very early days – to the invention of photography in 1839.”
Going far back in time
The history of black people in Britain is most commonly traced back to 1948, when the “Empire Windrush” ship carried 492 Jamaican passengers to British shores, following an ad in a Jamaican newspaper promising affordable carriage on board for those seeking a new life and work in the UK.
Searching for images taken prior to this moment proved to be both exciting and overwhelming.
“We didn’t know what we would find in the archive.” Mussai exclaims.
“The Hulton Archive didn’t know what they had because they didn’t look at it with this particular remit in mind, and with 80 million records, you can imagine things get lost!”
After extensive rummaging, a wealth of hitherto unknown photographs, carte-de-visites (thin paper photograph mounted on thick paper card), cabinet cards and albumen prints resurfaced.
At one point in history, people of color were included in high society and walked the cobbled streets of Britain. The women wore intricate, voluminous gowns and wore their hair in curls and chignons. The men in suits and fair business. This may not have been the case for all black people in Britain, but for some it was.
The Victorian Era was ruled under Queen Victoria, an era that is described as an opulent culture, although there were underlying bouts of poverty and child labor. History would like you to believe that black people didn’t arrive in Britain until 1948 during “The Empire Windrush”, when many Jamaican descendants entered the country, but that is not so. There has been proof to suggest otherwise. There is documentation that proves that it wasn’t uncommon to see black faces at a Shakespeare show. We’ve been there all along, humming softly in the background.These images prove that you can’t take mainstream history at face value. Take the time to look behind the curtain and uncover OUR history. It’s as if our ancestors are just waiting for us to seek them out.
My journey into Billy Graham’s life was absolutely fascinating! I always loved M. Graham and his teachings but I thought, even if he inspired millions of people around the world, for sure, he must have gotten some inspiration from those who were closest to him.
Who was Billy Graham?
I’m convinced most people know who Billy Graham was unless you live under a rock! But just in case some of you don’t know who this man was…
The Christian evangelist William Franklin Graham was born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Billy Graham was an evangelist at revival meetings and on radio and television for over 40 years. He was basically the greatest evangelist there ever was. He preached the Christian gospel to as many as 220 million people in live audiences over 185 countries.He was credited with preaching to more individuals than anyone else in history, not counting the additional millions he has addressed through radio, television and the written word.
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
KANSAS CITY, MO – OCTOBER 7: The Rev. Billy F. Graham speaks to the crowd on a rainy night October 7, 2004 at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri. Graham is conducting his “Heart of America” crusade in Kansas City October 7-10. (Photo by Larry W. Smith/Getty Images)
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
How it all started for Billy
It was a traveling evangelist Mordecai Ham, who would set Graham on a profound spiritual path. At the age of 16, he attended a series of revival meetings done by M. Ham and his sermons really spoke to him. After high school, he enrolled in a conservative Christian school and later to the Florida Bible Institute.After graduating from the Florida Bible Institute with a bachelor in theology, Graham moved to Illinois and he enrolled at Wheaton College for further spiritual training. At the tender age of 19, he got baptized in a southern Baptist Church and one year later, he was ordained.
It was there, at Wheaton’s College that he met, Ruth McCue Bell, who would later become his wife.
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
KANSAS CITY, MO – OCTOBER 7: The Rev. Billy F. Graham speaks to the crowd on a rainy night October 7, 2004 at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri. Graham is conducting his “Heart of America” crusade in Kansas City October 7-10. (Photo by Larry W. Smith/Getty Images)
Throughout the decades, we have come to cherish many of his words, including his thoughts on prayer.
Then came Ruth
Ruth was born in China in 1920. Her parents, Dr. Nelson Bell and Virginia McCue Bell, were medical missionaries with the Presbyterian Hospital. Ruth never intended to marry, since she knew how hard the life of a missionary was but all changed when she met Billy at age 17, in 1937. She said, she loved Billy’s gentle spirit and prayed to God, she would be able to serve Him, with Billy, whom she wished would become her husband.
Ruth was an amazing Christian author and Billy respected her work very much. He was very proud of what she was accomplishing as a mother and as a writer. He said about his wife, that she was also a marvellous cook and a fabulous mother. He often turned to her for advice about his ministry. Often being away from home, He was so respectful of his wife that he swore he would never be alone with another woman other than her. He would ask members of his team, to go into his hotel room and check before he came in, just in case a fan might be there waiting for him. He also shared that his greatest temptation was wanting on a few occasion, to not listen to God and his calling because he wished he could stay home with his wife and children. He found leaving them to be very hard. He struggled many times with that. But he also knew how is calling was important and he did not want to disobey God.
Ruth knew how important her role was as a wife and mother. She treasured her role as Billy’s confident, advisor, administrator and closest friend. She preferred to stay away from the spotlight and was more at ease working behind the scenes. She helped him with the research for his books and was a very important helper when came time to prepare his sermons. She was an amazing writer and poet and she authored as well as coauthored 14 books.
Billy had Ruth as a firm anchor, she would stand by him and make sure he stood firm whenever he would become tempted to dive into politics which fascinated him so. In 1964, when rumors were circulating about Billy Graham running for the White House, she told him boldly, “If you run, I don’t think the country will elect a divorced president”.
Ruth always helped her husband who was always facing many temptations. She was a strong and talented woman. She was a gifted evangelist too but a more private one. She was sharing the gospel with their circle of friends including the First Families.
Reverend Graham’s wife had also a very witty sense of humour. Barbara Bush once said, that Ruth had been asked if she ever thought about divorce, she answered: “ Divorce? No. Murder? Yes”.
Like M. Graham said many times, he could not have done what he has, if it was not for the support of his dear and beloved wife who inspired him so. She was behind the scenes most of the time, but played a major role in Billy Graham’s life and who he became, which is the greatest evangelist there ever was.
Disclaimer: I acknowledge the fact that this article may be incredibly offensive to some, even those that I call friends. However, this article is in NO way saying that I hate transgender/homosexual people. I love and respect them as humans (and friends!), I just simply don’t support their decision. I want to freely express my views and this article happens to hold a view that has recently been quite controversial in American culture.
You are a parent who loves the LORD and seeks to obey Him in all things, and you raise your children to do the same (Deut 6:6-7). What happens though, when your child tells you that they do not like the gender that GOD gave them? Do you accept them as they are to avoid possibly ostracizing yourself from your child’s life, or do you call the fires of heaven upon them because their dislike of their gender will lead them away from GOD’S truth?
You’re going to have to just pause and really listen to your child. Ask them questions. Hear what they have to say about what they are feeling and believing. You need to remember that you remain an example for your child- if you, a Believer, chooses to speak rashly and say the first things that come to mind (which will most likely be negative) to your child, then you stand a greater chance of losing them. James 1:19 says: So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of GOD. You need to readily listen to your child, you must choose your words carefully and you cannot afford to get angry. After all, you are an ambassador of Christ (2 Cor 5:20), you cannot misrepresent Him.
If anything, be angry at Satan- he is the one influencing your child. Am I saying that your child is possessed and needs an exorcism? No, but you do need to be sensitive to the situation. Satan wants to lead your child away- he seeks to pollute every creation of GOD. Think about it for a moment: why on earth would GOD have your child be born male/female, and then, a few years later when they are able to give voice to their feelings, they believe that they should have been something other than what they are? Do you not know that Satan is a deceiver? Do you understand that all he wants is your destruction? What better way to cause destruction than to separate you from GOD? The Scriptures say this about our adversary: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Our Heavenly Father will continue to love your child- His love is not dependent on who you are, but who He is- but if they do not realize that being transgender goes against GOD, then they will be lost (it doesn’t have to be permanent).
Our feelings are not reliable, in fact, they can often lead us astray. You may find your child saying: “I don’t feel female, I should have been a male” and vice versa. Once their feelings and thoughts are strong enough and most likely justified by society, then they start to believe that they should be female/male. What makes them feel this way? Let me create a scenario for you: one day you wake up, and a sudden thought just pops into your head. The thought is that you find your neighbor annoying. You didn’t find him annoying yesterday, but you do today. You start to think of all the things that annoy you about your neighbor: he doesn’t close his car door properly, he sometimes talks while chewing gum etc. Now you’re working yourself up with all of these thoughts and feelings, but you have not even stopped to question them. You walk out of your house with these feelings swirling about in you and lo and behold, you see him doing the very things that you find annoying. Now you feel angry at him- why can’t he just shut his car door properly? Why doesn’t he just spit that gum out before talking to people? Doesn’t he know that it’s rude? You’re quite worked up now. The neighbor sees you and waves at you with a smile on his face. Oh, but you’re angry, so you glare at him and storm back into the house, banging the door closed behind you. The neighbor is naturally taken aback by your reaction to his friendly greeting- you were not like this yesterday! One day GOD tells you to speak to your neighbor about Christ, but guess what? Your neighbor does not want to hear anything that you have to say about Jesus because of the way that you once acted towards him. Now you’re questioning yourself- why were you so annoyed with him? Why did you get so angry with him when you really don’t have a problem with him? Do you want to know what happened? You didn’t filter your thoughts! You didn’t stop to think: is this thought mine? Or is it coming from somewhere else? You just accepted that you felt annoyed with your neighbor and then like a wildfire, it got out of control. You took it to another level. Do you know that Satan can put thoughts into your head? He cannot read your thoughts, but he can plant a thought in your mind. Why do you think we were given this Scripture: …casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). Jesus said to love your neighbor right? How were you showing love when you chose to accept that negative thought and so treat your neighbor poorly? Do you understand how your thoughts exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD? By accepting those thoughts and acting out your feelings, you disobeyed GOD and you gave Satan a stronghold in your mind (see 2 Cor 10:4). He planted a thought in your head and sat back to watch you run with it- you did all the work of disobeying GOD.
Let’s use this knowledge to now figure out what is going on with your child.
A thought gets put into your child’s mind- they do not feel male/female. Obviously, they do not think that there is an outside spirit force trying to influence them, therefore they accept the thought as their own: ‘I thought it, therefore it must be mine’. Guess what happens now? Since your child accepted the thought, the devil now has a stronghold in your child’s mind. You see, there are spiritual laws that all spirits must abide by. When GOD tells us not to do something, it’s for a reason! It’s not just about controlling us! When we go against GOD, we give the devil legal ground to afflict us.
Now your child’s mind is the devil’s playground. He is going to continue to inject thoughts contrary to GOD’S Word into your child’s mind. When under such an onslaught, your child has no way of fighting it, not on their own. Eventually, your child will not only be influenced by thoughts alone, but the devil will purposefully put certain people in your child’s life that will convince them that it is okay to feel and believe that lie.
Transgender people say they were assigned a sex that isn’t true to who they are. They will even tell you that it’s not about sexual orientation, how they dress or even surgery. It’s about how they feel inside. Did you know that suicide attempts are significantly quite high for transgender people? In particular for those who went as far as to have a sex change op? Go and research it for yourself. Even such actions as cutting oneself and other activities aimed at bodily harm are reported among transgenders. Now, if they were so certain about what they feel they should be, then why would they want to harm themselves or commit suicide? Professionals will chime in and say that it is a psychological problem, which is partially right- it did start in the mind after all. So they will either seek to align their patient’s thoughts and feelings with their ‘true gender identity’ or prescribe the medication to deal with their troubling thoughts. Do you see how everything revolves around thoughts and feelings? The devil is a master manipulator- we can never know where his blows are going to come from. What is worrying is that his lies have become mainstream truths. This means that GOD’S Word becomes the lie (in their eyes), and all who go against these mainstream truths are hypocritical, judgemental, unloving and dangerous people to society. What a mess.
So what can you, the parent, do? If you cannot reason with your child by using Scripture, then they need to know that you love them unconditionally, but you do not accept them seeking to change their gender in any way. Now it’s time for you to kneel down before the LORD in earnest prayer. You are going to have to pray and use the Word of GOD as a weapon against the forces of evil. Didn’t Paul the Apostle say that we ‘…do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places’ (Eph 6:12)? You’re not fighting against your child or even against the people that are trying to influence him/her. No, your fight is against Satan and his demons. They are the ones that are taking your child away, not just from you but from GOD as well. They want your child’s soul, and the only way to get it is to be separated from GOD through sin. When you pray, make sure to fast as well (look to Isaiah 58 to find out what a fast should be like). Prayer, fasting and using GOD’S Word are our weapons against evil principalities- ‘…for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…’ (2 Cor 10:4).
Some people might say that your child being transgender does not mean that they will be taken away from you, but those are just lies. Your child changes, not only physically (with the help of hormones, the sex op or clothes), but also in personality, beliefs, etc.
If you do not know where to start when using Scripture, read 2 Peter 3:9 and 1Timothy 2:4. These Scriptures tell us that God wants everyone to be saved- that’s the basis of your petition. In 1 John 5:14-15, it tells us that when we ask according to GOD’S will, then He will hear us and that we will have the petitions that we have asked of Him. That’s a promise!
Do not expect your child to change their minds overnight. Continue to pray and believe in GOD. It could take years, but your job is to continue to have faith in GOD and in His promises to us. Do not give up.
Ending Thoughts: The devil will most certainly try to deter you in any way that he can. His most powerful weapons against us are fear and doubt. Jesus has the victory (Col 2:15), so all he can do is try to get us to think contrary to GOD’S Word.
When in doubt, look to Luke 10:19 and Acts 16:31, and for fear, look to 2 Timothy 1:7. There are many other Scriptures that you can use, these are just the main ones that I use when I go into open warfare against the devil. Get deep into the Scriptures and study them. If you do not understand something, then ask GOD for wisdom according to James 1:5, but do not doubt, for if you doubt, do not expect to receive anything from GOD (James 1:6-8).
Can you remember a time when someone saw potential in you and called it out? A time that someone encouraged you, believed in you, and cast a vision for your future? These moments have the power to alter the entire direction of our lives.
In my upcoming book, God and: Spiritual Themes From the Life of Alexander Hamilton & the Broadway Musical He Inspired, I highlight different themes found in Hamilton that engage and challenge audiences in their own spiritual journey.
The first chapter from my book talks about the grace given to Alexander Hamilton when some local businessmen in the Caribbean read an essay he wrote, recognized the intellectual potential within Hamilton, and raised money to send him to America to get his education.
The resources given to Alexander represent a gift of grace that he could never have earned for himself. Everything that Hamilton would become in America was built on the foundation of this grace.
Recently, I recognized that an entirely different grace existed in this moment as well, in addition to the monetary gift. These businessmen offered a grace to Hamilton by encouraging him – by seeing the potential and calling that potential out of him.
I like to imagine the conversation between these businessmen and Alexander, and how deeply their words impacted him. Living as an impoverished orphan boy, with no one caring about him or his future, these words were quite possibly the most meaningful words ever spoken to him.
“Son, we read your essay. We see great potential in you.”
“Alexander, you have a rare intellectual gift. We want to help you develop that gift.”
“We expect great things from you Alexander. You are going to America. Never underestimate what you can accomplish there.”
I like to think that these words shaped Hamilton’s entire future. Certainly, the money given opened up a new world of possibility for Hamilton. But what if the words were spoken to him we just as important as the money donated? What if their belief in his potential inspired Hamilton’s belief in himself, and propelled him into his role in shaping our country?
The Book of Ephesians says that we should use our words “for building people up and meeting the need of the moment.” Never underestimate the power of your words. When you call potential out in someone else, your words contain the power to change the entire direction of someone’s life. Just like they did for Alexander Hamilton.
Partially paid for via crowdfunding website IndieGoGo, ‘The Golden Thread’ is Portland, Oregon singer-songwriter Andrew Serino’sfirst full-length album. An incredibly talented multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, Serino has been in bands for most of his life and made a name for himself on his local scene, as well as auditioning for American Idol. He plays every single instrument on the album, resulting in a time-consuming recording process that took many months to achieve. Now finalised and released, it’s an album that Serino has a right to be proud of, and will certainly get him some of the attention he deserves further afield from Portland.
‘Wake Up’ is essentially the opening track after the short ‘Introduction’ and it certainly sets us off with a bang. It’s a thumping, fist pumping post-hardcore/emo rocker that will sound familiar to fans of the likes of At The Drive-In, Fall Out Boy and Anberlin. “I know that feeling, believe me,” he admits in this catch and feel good song exploring the bad habits we can all easily find ourselves falling into, urging the listener to “wake up” and fight their way out of it, or even perhaps, to wake up and see the light!
Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread
Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread
‘Arrogance’ goes further down into the pop-punk style, as does ‘Broken Record’, which has the slick, modern feel of current Paramore and Panic! At The Disco, with yet another catchy chorus. Serino has said it’s “his version of a love song”, and it’s a track that could be taken at face value as an actual love song, or it could easily be a love song to God. It’s up to the listener to make up their mind and take from it what they will. Serino readily admits he’s like a broken record because of how often he talks about the subject of the song, declaring he “will try to find the tallest mountaintop just to prove what I’d do to show my love”.
Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread
‘Honestly’ is a stand out track, featuring an appearance from Justin Abel, who produced the record but has an excellent voice too! It’s got more of a metalcore/emo Pierce The Veil type feel, as does ‘Deal With It’, a fast-paced hard rocker.
“I’m not a perfect person, I’m not a perfect person man, I’m trying to stay humble and I do the best I can” Serino sings in the title track ‘The Golden Thread’ which finishes off the collection of twelve songs, before screaming, “don’t let me stay broken” in a desperate plea to God to help him. It’s heartening to see someone unafraid to expose their fears and imperfections in such a way, and readily admit that we can’t all be perfect Christians. Towards the end of the song, there’s a repetition of the chorus from ‘Wake Up’, which echoes the theme of the album perfectly. It feels like the whole thing is calling society to open their hearts to God and allow him to heal and help us.
Both ‘Unwavering’ and ‘Shadows’ show Serino’s softer side with beautiful soaring power ballads and swirling soundscapes, the latter of which features a duet with his wife Heidi. With lyrics such as “I question what is real but you fight for me still” and “I’ll always love you cause you have found me”, again, it’s ony of those that could work as a simple love song to his wife, or a love song to God, which makes it a perfect fit for believers and non-believers alike.
It seems to be a recurring theme in the style of his writing. Anyone could enjoy Andrew Serino’s music, and that’s the beauty of it. For those ‘in the know’, the lyrics have multiple meanings. They work on the surface as regular songs, but you can also easily see the spiritual nuances that are clearly important to Serino. Presumably the hope is that this way of writing will cause secular listeners to think on different levels and dig a little deeper, a subtle evangelising tactic which has merit and does actually work.
In short, it’s an excellent debut album with lots of potential for future growth. Andrew Serino is a vibrant, exciting songwriter with an important message delivered in an accessible and fresh style.
Hidden themes that ring true with Christianity can be found everywhere in life. Since the bible is the greatest story ever, it’s no surprise that the world imitates certain themes that began with God.
Although they certainly don’t portray the gospel in its entirety, these films may offer opportunities for conversation with family or friends about the way that we live our lives. As these films portray so many things that have gone wrong with the world, we can find redemptive analogies to help us learn and change the story for the future.
Note: May contain spoilers! Read on at your own risk.
Les Miserable (2012)
Set in the midst of the French Revolution, Jean Valjean is a former prisoner who has broken parole and turned his life around. He vows to a dying woman (who was forced into prostitution) that he’ll take care of her daughter, committing to raise her as his own. Based on the novel by Victor Hugo, this musical film follows Valjean as his past haunts him. While he receives grace and forgiveness to transform him from being a hardened criminal into a loving father, he is ultimately faced with the opportunity to sacrifice himself for the love of another.
Themes: Grace, forgiveness, social responsibility, personal sacrifice, redemption, freedom
Warnings: Some profane language, violence, sexual themes related to prostitution, war, alcohol abuse, suicide
Wall-E (2008)
In the animated film, Wall-E, future humans have made such a mess on earth that they just leave it behind for a robot to clean up. The robot, Wall-E, has developed a personality over hundreds of years and seems to be a bit lonely. As he becomes engaged in an adventure, Wall-E ends up on the spaceship where humans have become the epitome of laziness. As evil has begun to take over the spaceship filled with humans, Wall-E is faced with a choice of whether to help out.
Themes: Laziness, sloth, loneliness, stewardship of the earth, running away from problems, self-sacrifice
Warnings: None
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
This WWII film tells the true story of Desmond Doss, a pacifist soldier who refused to carry a gun. While he believed that the war was justified, he also believed that killing was wrong. The story tells of Doss’s plight on the front lines of the Battle of Okinawa as he aided in saving 75 men, for which he received the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Themes: Faith, sacrifice, standing up for personal beliefs
Warnings: Intense violence, moderate use of profane language, alcohol use and smoking, nudity
The Book of Eli (2010)
Based on the theme of post-apocalyptic life, this film follows the journey of Eli, who travels west through America’s destroyed landscape. The story of this futuristic thriller begins to reveal that a critical part of human civilization is being carried by Eli in the form of a book. As books are being burned at a rapid rate by evil-doers, the preservation of this particular sacred book is critical.
Themes: Sacrifice, protection of scripture, good vs. evil, journey with a purpose
Warnings: Violence, profane language
Wonder Woman (2017)
One in a line of DC Comics films, Wonder Woman offers a new sense of accomplishment for the Justice League. Tackling difficult themes about human nature, the message of this film is highly compatible with the gospel message. Diana, who was raised by Amazons, learns at an early age about people who are created good but are then corrupted by evil. In the throes of war, Diana heads out to conquer the source of evil. She decides that, even though humans are corrupt and deserve to die, they are still worth saving—and she is ultimately inspired to believe in love.
Themes: Fall of humans, pursuing peace, value of human life, self-sacrifice
Warnings: Violence, sexual references and implication, mild profane language, alcohol and drug use
The Good Lie (2014)
Following the destruction of their village in Sudan, orphan siblings make the harrowing journey to a refugee camp and eventually settle in Kansas City in the U.S. As they make peace with their past and come to terms with re-settling in a new land, Carrie, an employment counselor, helps them to find jobs and search for their sister from whom they were separated. In the process, Carrie learns a lot about her own journey. One of the refugees has a strong faith and deeply desires to become a pastor. Many of the actors in this film are former Sudanese refugees—two were even child soldiers—allowing this film to accurately portray the true heart of the pain of war and difficult elements of starting over.
Themes: Helping others, sacrifice, redemption, starting over
Warnings: Sex implied but not shown, war violence, minimal profane language, alcohol and marijuana use
Schindler’s List (1993)
This film set during World War II tells the true story of a German, Oskar Schindler, who is seeking to take advantage of the war by becoming rich. Schindler’s character is hardened as shown in relationship to a concentration camp, but he becomes more sympathetic as he arranges to protect the Jewish employees who work in his factory. His motivation is originally greed, but eventually, he conjures up a way to save the lives of thousands of Krakow prisoners.
Themes: Discrimination, greed, power, helping the helpless, the value of human life, sacrifice
Warnings: Profane language, nudity, sexual themes, violence, war, drunkenness
It is important to note that most of these films contain very adult themes and problems, whether “fictional” or not. This is not meant to advocate for a glorification of violence, gratuitous sex, or other cultural troubles. But these are honest themes that the bible addresses on a regular basis—because they are part of this broken world. As these films portray the depravity of this world, I believe that we can find ways to share our hope in the One who came to set all things right.
Hamilton is no longer just an American sensation. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smash hit Broadway Musical opened last week in London, at the Historical Victoria Palace Theatre. The musical has been met with five-star reviews from the London media, crossing a cultural boundary with little resistance.
Manuel didn’t sense much difference from the audiences across the Atlantic.
“I was here for all of tech (rehearsals) and I was here for the first few previews, and the audience is exactly like New York,” he said.
Miranda believes that making the jump to London would make Alexander Hamilton smile. “Alexander Hamilton had so much admiration for Britain and Europe but never left US soil. So to have his story on the stage here in London, well – I think he would be very proud.”
The overwhelming response of London wasn’t a slam dunk. Some wondered if a story about the Founding Fathers of America, fighting for their independence from Britain would resonate as deeply with London crowds. But the London success points to the reality that this story resonates with audiences, even across national and cultural boundaries.
Matt Trueman writes in his Variety review, “Hamilton is going to be just fine here in London”¦Reviewing it feels like sizing up the Mona Lisa or Beethoven’s Fifth and, in truth, Hamilton lands on the London stage looking every inch the classic.”
He closes his review with the thought that “it is Hamilton’s story that stirs.”
Hamilton’s story does indeed stir something powerful in us, a point I make in my upcoming book, God, and Hamilton: Spiritual Themes From The Life of Alexander Hamilton & the Broadway Musical He Inspired.
One universal reason this musical stirs audiences so deeply is that Hamilton’s story is a deeply spiritual one. His story intersects with our lives across a number of significant spiritual themes.
His story is a story of grace, as his entire life in America was made possible by a generous financial gift by someone who saw great potential in him. His story is a story of shame, as he never quite escaped the stigma from being an illegitimate orphan. His story is a story of forgiveness, as his wife Eliza wrestled through forgiving Alexander for betraying her in the worst possible way. His story is a story of redemption, as the musical ends with Eliza singing about the orphanage she built out of love for her late husband.
This story stirs us because it is a spiritual story. It stirs us because it is our story. We too live our lives built on the foundation of grace. We too struggle mightily with shame from our failures and shortcomings. We too must give and receive forgiveness for all the mistakes we make in our lives. Hopefully, our story is one of redemption, where God takes all the broken pieces of our lives and makes them beautiful.
The story Hamilton tells stirs audiences, no matter the culture, the nationality, the race. It does so because it tells a deeply spiritual story, one that intersects with our lives, and has the power to transform our lives if we let it.
Even, apparently, across the great expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.
My upcoming book: God and Hamilton is available June 2018 on Amazon.com, (www.godandhamilton.com).
On June 22, 2015, Karen Fleshman posted on LinkedIn,
“White People, If You’re Not Part of the Solution, You’re Part of the Problem”
A direct plea for white folks to examine how their everyday actions contribute to institutionalized racism. Karen Fleshman suggested ways to change their behavior to improve race relations. The post quickly went viral, with 20,000 views and over 400 comments, 85% of which were not only merely negative but outright cruel as follows. “bereft of any connection to reality,” appalling, asinine, delusional, divisive, garbage, hateful, inflammatory, insane, preposterous, puerile, rubbish, stupid and other terms we would not repeat.”
While Karen knew white people maybe ultra-sensitive about the topic of race, she believed that many white people would be saddened by the state of race relations around the world and strive to improve. It was in that spirit that Karen Fleshman wrote the post.
“American nationals are not at all on the same page when it comes to race, and from what I can observe, at a time when it is crucial we come together, we are drifting even further apart.” – Karen Fleshman
The root of the structural racism problem is said to be about millions of people with the same biases who make up the organizations, both public and private sector and act accordingly.
Unfortunately, many People of Color are reeling from a series of events that they interpret as evidence that British and American society finds them of no value. Hence the slogan:
“Black Lives Matter.”
There is no precedent for racial harmony in British or American history; we have to begin to create a world that is not predicated on white privilege but on a common humanity. Before any talk of reconciliation, we need to begin with conciliation, the process to “overcome the distrust and hostility.
“Talking about reconciliation simply avoids the painful process of confronting the brutality of white privilege that continues to wreak havoc on black lives.”
The racism of many personal interactions and microaggressions is real. This exists in the Church too. Racism is a social matter, not just a personal matter. It is cultural and intimately woven into our communities, our symbols and our formation of identity—even in places like London where crime rose sharply after the EU referendum, according to the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).
“Non-racism is a popular third option where politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech are paramount. It recognizes the evil of white supremacy but, like Pontius Pilate, washes its hands of responsibility.”
As Christians, we must recognize that there is no such thing as a non-racist. There isn’t a third option. Non-racism is merely a passive rejection of racism, but it is also a rejection of human dignity, solidarity, and the common good.
When people deny and dismiss the problem, it only makes it worse.
“Non-racism allows white people to acknowledge racism is a sin while continuing to reap the benefits of white supremacy.”
When the author of The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander speaks at churches, she says, “We’re all sinners and we’re all criminals.”
Today is the day for pastors and preachers and Christian university presidents and faculty and denominational leaders to loudly take a stand against racism in all forms. Denouncing it and categorically condemning it.
Michelle Alexander says “Confronting a system that benefits us might feel like a loss. We have to listen to hard stories, let go of some power, face discomfort and change our ways.”
“A group of Christians in Nazi Germany signed their names to the “Barmen Declaration,” in 1934 opposing Nazi ideology as antithetical to the Gospel. Christians feel the need to do the same thing almost Eighty years later.”
Confession creates all kinds of shameful feelings. We resist admitting our wrongs.
Confess your apathy and silence. Too few of us have said, enough. Too few have defended the cause of the marginalized and intervened in the face of blatant injustice.
The people of God can do better.
Christianity teaches that everyone is equal in the eyes of God.
The only question that remains is, will you remain on the sidelines – silent about the blatant racism all around – or will you join in leading the charge to end all the prejudice, and instead support all of God’s people?
This is your day to shine.
A state of racism exists between some of the citizens of the United Kingdom. Studies taken by the BBC in 2014 and 2015 claim racism is on the rise in the UK, with more than one third actually admitting they are racially prejudiced
In 2003, the Community Service Society published reports that 50% of the black men in New York City didn’t have a job, and in 2005, another report demonstrating that there are 170,000 young adults ages 16-24 who are not in school and not working, largely black and Latino.
Black Caribbean pupils are permanently excluded from school three times as often as white British classmates
Unemployment among black, Asian and minority ethnic people is nearly double that of white Britons
Theresa May, UK Prime Minister recently admitted Britain has a long way to go to achieve racial equality after a major review laid bare significant divisions in the way black and ethnic minority people are treated. The race audit is welcomed because the data it provides cuts through easy stereotypes about race and class and shows the limits of a “good education” Black and Asian students do well at school, but lose out in the jobs market.
Much like the statistics, the reasons for this disparity are not new. The time for talking is now over, we must now move to debating solutions.
Compared to people in other industrialized nations, Americans work longer hours, take fewer vacation days, and retire later in life. Busyness, once seen as the curse of the disadvantaged, has become equated with status and importance. Our work increasingly defines who we are.
“Godly rest (distinct from play, relaxation, or sleep) is inextricably tied to our identity as children of God.”
The solution perhaps is to be “Lazy Intelligent”?That sounds like something an unsuccessful, lazy slacker would say, isn’t it? Actually, it’s the opposite. One of America’s most influential and controversial science fiction authors Robert Heinlein uttered these words during his time. Despite his nod to laziness, Heinlein went on to pen hit titles such as Starship Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land.
Productive laziness is not about doing absolutely nothing at all. It’s not about just sitting around and drinking coffee or engaging in idle gossip while watching the non-delivered project milestones disappear into the horizon. In fact, this behavior would lead to a very short-lived project management career.
Laziness Is Not Synonymous with Stupidity
Instead, productive laziness should be viewed as a more focused approach to management. Adopting this mindset means concentrating efforts where it really matters, rather than spreading yourself thing over unimportant, non-critical activities that in some cases don’t need to be addressed at all.
According to the Pareto Principle — Also Known as the “80/20 Rule” — 80 Percent of the Consequences Stem from 20 Percent of the Causes.
While the idea has a rule-of-thumb application, it’s also commonly misused. For example, just because one solution fits 80 percent of cases, that doesn’t mean it only requires 20 percent of the resources needed to solve all cases.
The principle, suggested by management thinker Joseph M. Juran, was named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that 80 percent of property in Italy was owned by 20 percent of the population. As a result, it was assumed that most of the result in any situation was determined by a small number of causes.
Rest Is at the Center of God’s Design
Every smart but lazy person should consider the 80/20 Rule each day. For managers, the principle is a reminder to concentrate on the 20 percent of work that really matters.
Contrary to belief, 80 percent of success is not just showing up. In fact, only 20 percent of what you do during the day will produce 80 percent of your results. Therefore, it is important to identify and focus on that 20 percent during the working day.
When genius and laziness meet, the results can be magical. Being just the right combination of smart and lazy can bring you to have a real edge over others. Interestingly enough, smart lazy people are generally better suited for leadership roles in organizations. These people make great strategic thinkers and leaders. They do things in a smart way in order to expend the least effort. They don’t rush into things, taking that little bit of extra time to think and find the shortest, best path.
They question, contradict, and show dissent against inefficient methods or unnecessary tasks.
“Whenever There Is a Hard Job to Be Done, I Assign It to a Lazy Man; He Is Sure to Find an Easy Way of Doing It. — Bill Gates”
Bill’s not the only guy, who believes that laziness doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. German Generalfeldmarschall Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke was the chief of staff for the Prussian Army for 30 years. He is regarded as one of the greatest strategists of the latter 1800s among historical scholars and is the creator of the more modern method of directing armies in the field.
Moltke observed his troops and categorized them based on their intelligence, diligence and laziness. If soldiers proved to be both lazy and smart, they were promoted to leadership because they knew how to be successful with efficiency. If soldiers were smart and diligent, they were deployed into a staff function, focusing on the details. Soldiers who were not smart and lazy were left alone in hopes they would come up with a great idea someday. Finally, soldiers who were not smart but diligent were removed from ranks.
Like Moltke’s army, the lazy manager is all about applying these principles in the delivery and management of work. You’re likely not stupid since you’ve landed the management position, but how are your lazy skills? Applying smart-lazy tactics will not only allow your work to be more successful, but you will also be seen as a successful individual and a top candidate for future leadership roles.
Think return on investment (time spent versus money earned ratio) rather than busy work and don’t restrict yourself to a certain way of doing things just for the sake of the status quo.
These people make great strategic thinkers and leaders. They do things in a smart way in order to expend the least effort. They don’t rush into things, taking that little bit of extra time to think and find the shortest, best path.
In the wise words of Bill Gate’s and American automotive industrialist Walter Chrysler, “Whenever there is a hard job to be done, assign it to a lazy man or woman for that matter; as he or she is sure to find an easy way of doing it.”
For an overachieving people-pleaser like me, thinking of rest as an innate part of who we were created to be—not as a discipline or something to be earned—is compelling. It is yet another form of God’s infinite grace, one that’s needed today more than ever.
Co-Author Peter Taylor
Described as “perhaps the most entertaining and inspiring speaker in the project management world today”, Peter Taylor is the author of two best-selling books on ‘Productive Laziness’ – ‘The Lazy Winner’ and ‘The Lazy Project Manager’.
Due to the large scale and outlook attached to them, mega-projects have a large opportunity for failure. Typically, the failure begins at the outset of the project, whether that be due to poor justification for the project, misalignment among stakeholders, insufficient planning, or inability to find and use appropriate capabilities.
Underestimated costs and overestimated benefits often offset the baseline for assessing overall project performance. This is why it is important for organizations to first establish social and economic priorities before even considering what projects will answer their needs. Once social and economic priorities are established, only then can a project be considered. Selecting projects must be fact-based and transparent in order to ensure accountability with stakeholders and the public.
Successful Megaprojects Must Have Robust Risk-analysis or Risk-management Protocols
It’s also important to maintain adequate controls. Successful megaprojects must have robust risk-analysis or risk-management protocols and provide timely reports on progress relative to budgets and deadlines. Typically, progress is measured on the basis of cash flow, which is less than ideal as data could be out of date and payments to contractors do not correlate construction progress. Instead, project managers should deliver real-time data to measure activity in the field. For example, cubic meters of concrete poured relative to work plans and budgets.
Overall, improving project performance requires better planning and preparation in three areas: doing engineering and risk analysis before construction, streamlining permitting and land acquisition, and building a project team with the appropriate mix of abilities.
Project developers and sponsors should put more focus into pre-planning such as engineering and risk analysis before the construction phase. Unfortunately, most organizations and sponsors are reluctant to spend a significant amount of money on early-stage planning because they often lack the necessary funds, they are eager to break ground and they worry the design will be modified after construction is underway, making up-front designs pointless.
However, it’s proven that if developers spend three to five percent of capital cost on early-stage engineering and design, results are far better in terms of delivering the project on-time and on-budget. This is because through the design process, challenges will be addressed and resolved before they occur during the construction phase, saving both time and money.
It’s not unusual for permits and approvals to take longer than the building of a megaproject. However, if developers look to streamline permitting and land acquisition, that would significantly improve project performance. Best practices in issuing permits involve prioritizing projects, defining clear roles and responsibilities and establishing deadlines.
In England and Wales, developers applied these approaches to cut the time needed to approve power-industry infrastructure from 12 months to only nine months. On average, timelines for approval spanned four years throughout the rest of Europe. Likewise, the state of Virginia’s plan to widen Interstate 495 in 2012 was able to cut costs and save hundreds of homes thanks to land acquisition planning by a private design company.
Investors and Owners Must Take an Active Role in Creating the Project Team
When it’s all said and done, projects cannot deliver the best possible return on investment without a well-resourced and qualified network of project managers, advisers and controllers. Investors and owners must take an active role in creating the project team.
It’s not enough to have a vague overview of what the project might look like in the end. Instead, it’s necessary to review risks and costs and draft a detailed, practical approach to tackle various issues. An experienced project manager cannot do it all alone. The project team must include individuals with the appropriate skills, such as legal and technical expertise, contract management, project reporting, stakeholder management, and government and community relations among others.
Failure to Properly Plan for These Projects Could Have a Negative Impact on Society
While mega-projects are important in filling economic and social needs, failure to properly plan for these projects could have a negative impact on society. Take Centro Financiero Confinanzas (Venezuela), the eighth tallest building in Latin America at 45 stories, located in the financial district of Venezuela’s capital, Caracas for example.
To those unaware of its history, the Centro Financiero Confinanzas is actually home to over 700 families, a “vertical slum” that is a truly fascinating example of reappropriation of space in an urban environment. An ironic symbol of financial failure that was intended to represent the unstoppable march of Venezuela’s booming economy.
It’s much more than an unbuilt building, bridge or tunnel, failed mega-projects are a blow to the economic growth and social improvements of communities around the world.
Megaprojects are crucial to the future of most cities, states, and individual livelihoods, however, they also attract a lot of public attention because of the substantial impacts they have on communities, environments, and government budgets. The objective of these projects is to unlock higher growth paths for the economy, as such, they require care in the project development process to reduce any possible optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation.
The problem is that these projects often go off the rails, either with regard to budget, time or both.
The risks associated with MegaProjects, those costing 1 billion or more, are well documented. In one influential study, Bent Flyvbjerg, an expert in project management at Oxford’s business school, estimated that nine out of ten go over budget.
The first factor is that the size of a MegaProject can be so large and unique that it is difficult to model the costs and logistics. Another factor is that MegaProjects are backed by governments which are not typically known for their success in budgeting or efficiency.
In today’s post, we’ve identified the Top 6 most impressive MegaProjects of 2015. These MegaProjects will transcend time and continue to bestow wonder upon new generations.
1. Mall of the World, Dubai
Mall of the World in Dubai was announced in July 2014, location in Al Sufouh district, along Sheikh Zayed Road, different from Mohammed bin Rashid City.
Dubai has a very ambitious project on its hands. Dubai’s Mall of the World will have its very own Oxford Street and Broadway. It will also have galleons and waterfalls. However, the most challenging part of this project is that the area will be covered by a giant retractable roof during the summer months and be climate-controlled creating the world’s first temperature controlled city.
Dubai Mall of the World Set to Put Uae Retail ’20 Years Ahead’ of Gulf Region
Launched with a fanfare by the emirate’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, it is the first state-sponsored mega-project to emerge from Dubai since the pre-crash bubble. After years of stalled projects the big plans are back and they are more ambitious than ever before.
It is thought the huge construction will attract 180 million visitors a year and developers hope it will secure Dubai’s futures as a tourism hub.
2. Mall of America, Minnesota
Mall of America, Minnesota
Mall of America, Minnesota
The Mall of America (MoA) is a gigantic shopping mall owned by the Triple Five Group and is by far the largest mall in the United States. However, the $325 million expansion of the nation’s largest shopping center is now underway. The project consists of a luxury 342-room hotel, an office tower and more than 50 shops and restaurants. Some 1,000 jobs are expected to be created during the construction phase of the project, and 2,500 permanent jobs from retail, hotel and office operations.
The Triple Five Group, owned by Canada’s Ghermezian family, owns and manages the Mall of America, as well as the West Edmonton Mall. MoA is located in Bloomington, Minnesota (a suburb of the Twin Cities).
3. Zurich North America, Chicago, IL
Rendering of Zurich North America’s new headquarters in the northwest suburbs of Chicago
Rendering of Zurich North America’s new headquarters in the northwest suburbs of Chicago
The $333 million site is currently under construction and will be the largest build-to-suit office project in Chicago. Zurich a north america insurance company headquarters includes a 735,000 square foot building rising to 11 stories at its tallest, shaped something like the letter A resting on its side.
Zurich looked at a multitude of factors and in the end made the decision that investing in a new state of the art regional headquarters would be the right choice. The project is due to be completed late summer of 2016.
4. Dubai World Central Airport
Al Maktoum International Airport
Al Maktoum International Airport
This massive $32 billion structure sent its first commercial jet into the air in late October 2013. The project isn’t scheduled for full completion until 2027 and is expected to become the world’s busiest airport, however, with plenty of other contenders quickly taking shape in Asia and the Middle East, it’s has stiff competition.
Dubai World Central Airport is expected to shuttle 160 million passengers through Dubai every year making it the busiest airport on earth.
5. Bao’an International Terminal 3
Bao’an International Terminal 3
Bao’an International Terminal 3
Bao’an plays a pivotal role in the Pearl River Delta: It serves both Shenzhen and Hong Kong, via a connecting ferry. Terminal 3 is an expansion project designed by the Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas. The centrepiece of the expansion is a new runway, which is built on a 108,000-foot piece of land reclaimed from the River Delta.
6. Crossrail
Crossrail, London England
Crossrail tunnelling began in 2012 and ended at Farringdon, London in May with the break through of tunnelling machine Victoria. Eight 1,000 tonne tunnelling machines bored 26 miles or 42 km of new 6.2m diameter rail tunnels under London.
London is the fastest growing capital city in Europe and today it is home to 8.6 million people with the population expected to reach 10 million by 2030. TfL’s work is critical to supporting the continued growth and regeneration of London.
As we reflect upon these impressive feats by mankind, we can only imagine what the next big wonder will be. Is it the secretive Nicaragua canal? Could it be Elon Musk’s proposed Hyperloop concept? Or perhaps it will be a new state of the art high speed train developed by China, USA or the UK?
Did we miss one? Please let us know by commenting below.
Long Way from Home: The Housing Crisis Lingers On “Distinguished home in need of work” as listed with Vanguard Properties “Housing Special.” However, is this property a rich man’s dream or worst nightmare?
With rotting wooden shingles, peeling paint and boarded-up windows, this 1906 single-story home need’s a lot of work. But the price is what had people talking. The asking price was $350,000, for 2 bedrooms, one bath, and a mere 765 square feet, about the size of a hotel suite.
The Golden Gate City’s out-of-control Housing Market
Located at 16 De Long Street in the more affordable Outer Mission district, the house price reflects the out-of-control real estate market in San Francisco. Since 2012, the city has seen a 103% increase in housing prices. The average apartment in the city rents for $3,500 a month, and the median housing price reached an all-time high of $1.2 million and it’s expected to climb another 5.2% in the year ahead, according to Zillow. Manhattan rents in August, by comparison, topped $3,460, according to StreetEasy, a New York real-estate research firm that’s part of the Zillow Group Z, -2.95% .
The San Francisco Real-estate Market Is Probably the Hottest Market in the U.S Right Now
Not surprisingly, given the state of the actual building, the home’s value isn’t in the structure but in the land that it sits on.
Thinking of Moving to San Francisco to Make It Big in the Tech Industry
With the influx of tech workers driving up the housing market, along with a strain on the supply of houses to meet demand, it is understandable to brokers in San Francisco why prices seem so unrealistic.
$1.2 Million Is What It Costs to Buy a Shack in San Francisco, Literally
The home is an earthquake shack. These tiny homes were built after the 1906 earthquake to house people who lost their residences. Many still remain around the city and have been restored, updated and refurbished.
According to a report from Curbed San Francisco, the house had rats, black widows, mold, and hundreds of bottles of urine inside it when it went up for sale and was subsequently sold for $1.52 million.
The tiny home backs on to the eight-lane 280 freeway and a Bay Area Rapid Transit, or rail line that begins running at 5 a.m. and doesn’t stop until nearly 2.a.m.
On the flip side biking it to the local station only takes eight minutes and getting on to the freeway isn’t difficult either, if you want to get out of town or into the city by car. Three golf clubs are also nearby. And, for those late-night snacks, a convenience store stands just a few steps away at the corner of De Long and San Jose Avenue.
So maybe it wasn’t such a bad deal, after all? or is it a sign of how crazy the San Francisco real estate market has become?
Michael Lewis, writing for The New Republic, describes the negative effect of wealth on the moral behavior of wealthy people. He cites studies in which wealthy people, again and again, demonstrate a sense of entitlement and disregard for justice.
“As the recession lifted, poor and middle class Americans dug deeper into their wallets to give to charity, even though they were earning less. At the same time, according to a newChronicle analysis of tax data, wealthy Americans earned more, but the portion of the income they gave to charity declined.”
So rich people, statistically speaking, demonstrate disregard for their fellow citizens and the laws of the land. None of this should come as a surprise for Christians. Jesus warned of the dangers of wealth (Matthew 13:22) and of course Paul warns in 1Timothy, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” And yet solving the problem of extreme wealth in America is not so easy as spouting Bible verses. And for wealthy Christians, the solution to the problems of extreme wealth comes from entrusting that wealth to the Lord to the benefit of all.
America’s religious believers are facing a growing government push to censor expressions of faith and should prepare to put up a fight, a prominent Christian leader and author told the Family Research Council Tuesday.
Too often, religious beliefs are now regarded as “toxic waste” — something to be contained and kept at bay or underground by official policy, Dr. James Tonkowich, former president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, told the District-based traditional-values organization.
Recent examples include: Houston city officials seeking subpoenas for pastors’ sermons to scrutinize their stands on sexuality; colleges harassing or ejecting Christian ministries from campus for their faith; and courts and officials forcing Christian business owners to participate in same-sex weddings.
Christians and other believers should “recognize that the world is sinful,” expect problems, and prepare to respond with “holiness, virtue and heroism,” said Mr. Tonkowich, author of “The Liberty Threat: The Assault on Religious Freedom in America Today,” from St. Benedict Press.
Don’t allow “people around us to blow us off as haters or behind the times,” he advised.
But instead be prepared to suffer, even while “taking heart” that God has taken over the world, said Mr. Tonkowich, who worked with the late Chuck Colson and his BreakPoint Radio and leadership-building Centurions Program.
Godinterest is a work in progress. We do hope we get it right, and we firmly believe that getting it right means using our voice online, even on controversial topics. The Christian voice is important, and silence does no one any good. It’s worth the trouble to figure out how to do this, even if it means stumbling along the way.
We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love. (Ephesians 4:14-16)