
Transform Your Prayer Life and Become A True Prayer Warrior

Like it or not, all of us are caught up in the spiritual war that’s taking place between good and evil. If you don’t engage in the war, you’ll still be affected by it – and you’ll be much more vulnerable to evil than you would if you decided to fight as God calls you to do. So be active; not passive.


God and Hamilton: How Stories Transform Us

Why do audiences love Hamilton so much? Why do people pay thousands of dollars for tickets? Why do nearly a hundred thousand people line up in the digital lotteries each time new tickets go on sale? What is it about this musical that connects so deeply with people?  


God’s Secret of Dealing With a Mean Boss

For most people, the logical first step towards dealing with a work problem is to approach your manager. But what if your manager actually is the problem?


You Have the Victory, So Why Are You Walking Around Defeated?

Far too many Christians live as if we are going to lose the war. We see the long defeat of sin as a long, drawn-out defeat of ourselves, our churches, and even of God.


The Awkwardness of Witnessing at Work

How many Christians work in your office? Not sure? Maybe they’ve chosen to hide their true identity. Maybe your office is teaming with undercover Christians. Are you one of them?


Who am I in Christ?

Who am I? It’s a big question that we all endeavor to answer at some point. But can we truly answer it? Yes! Society often put labels on who you are, depending on your job, education, ethnic background etc. But these things don’t really speak to who you are.


Why Christianity Has Been Pushed Underground in China?

Millions of Chinese identify themselves with Christianity a reality that President Xi’s administration is fighting hard against. The number has increased gradually and this is seen as a threat to the government which is officially atheist and its power is being put to test.


Again I Ask, Do We?

Do we blame the weak mother who stayed with the alcoholic father and allowed it to happen?


Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.

faith life

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

Living in an over-sexualized culture, we hear messages about sex, wrong messages.   These messages become more a part of us than God’s truth because we hear them repetitively and churches are scared to address sexuality.


The Church, a Wolf, and Little Red Riding Hood

A girl, a wolf and a granny—these are the main characters in the famous story. What lessons can God’s people learn from the fable of Little Red Riding Hood?  


Top 11 Qualities That Make A Great Leader

Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It’s about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter.


Which of These 5 Types of Project Managers Are You?

The outcome of a project always largely depends on the behaviour of the manager as their actions directly influences the behaviour of the employees.


3 Tips for Dealing with a Manipulative Project Co-Worker

According to a recent survey, roughly 90% of folks who read this post are presently working with at least one person who, mentally, would be described as a manipulator.


Politics and Project Management, a Lesson in Leadership

Most people hate office politics, but if we want to move up the chain in an organization, we have to learn how to deal with people who have bad intentions.


Zero Inbox: The Power of a Fresh Start

I keep hoping that somehow the right technique, the right method or the right programme will move my inbox to zero, my desk trays to empty, and my latest to-do-list to all checked off. All in vain.

Then I turn to Christianity and, to my unutterable and indescribable delight, I encounter the rare and refreshing works: “It is finished!” Are there any happier words in the universe?