
Can Tithing Make You Rich?

When we talk about money, the subject of giving is often a distant afterthought. That’s unfortunate, because tithing—that is, the practice of giving 10 percent of your income to charity (typically a church or religious community)— has been espoused for centuries, both by those in and outside religion.


Who am I in Christ?

Who am I? It’s a big question that we all endeavor to answer at some point. But can we truly answer it? Yes! Society often put labels on who you are, depending on your job, education, ethnic background etc. But these things don’t really speak to who you are.


6 Ways Laughter is Good for You

Much evidence exists that God meant for us to laugh, to have fun, and to find ways to enjoy our lives. When God created our bodies, he made them in such a way that laughter is actually physically beneficial to us.


Album Review: Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread

Partially paid for via crowdfunding website IndieGoGo, ‘The Golden Thread’ is Portland, Oregon singer songwriter Andrew Serino’s first full length album.


Again I Ask, Do We?

Do we blame the weak mother who stayed with the alcoholic father and allowed it to happen?


Miscarriages: Do We Really Mourn With Those Who Mourn?

A mother’s womb is meant to be a place of security, but instead of producing life, it became a place of death. Perhaps you feel that you have failed as a woman, a wife, and a mother. The emotions that you go through are deep and painful, far deeper than we can ever imagine. Your thoughts are a place of darkness and woe. What can we, as the outsiders, really say to bring comfort?


You Need to Stop Pointing That Finger

We live in an age of finger-pointing. However, you can’t point your finger at someone without pointing at yourself. Try it right now. Extend your index finger and thumb in a pointing position away from you, and then notice in which direction the other three fingers are pointing. They point directly back at you.


Is it a Blessing or a Curse?

Even those experiences we deem calamitous can carry the seeds of a great blessing. It is often only in retrospect, however, that the benefit reveals itself. And whether or not it reveals itself and how quickly it does so, is dependent upon only one thing: our own individual perspective.


You Matter: God Knows You

“If God was real, He wouldn’t have allowed this to happen!” touted the skeptic after a hurricane blazed through his hometown, destroying everything he’s ever known.


Should I Do Yoga if I am a Christian?

As a Christian, should I do yoga? Am I allowed? Will Jesus love me less?


Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.

faith life

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

Living in an over-sexualized culture, we hear messages about sex, wrong messages.   These messages become more a part of us than God’s truth because we hear them repetitively and churches are scared to address sexuality.


Living Through Grief

Do you feel overwhelmed by grief and sorrow? Perhaps a loved one has died … or your spouse has left you … or you are dealing with the trauma of an abortion … or you have lost something very precious, such as your job, your health, your home, or a relationship.


How to Avoid News Anxiety and Still Be “In-the-Know”

Today’s world feels like a constant barrage of unpleasantness. And if you’re like me, the frustration of not being able to “fix” it can become taxing. We can get so consumed with the anger, heartbreak, grief, pity, outrage, petulance of bad news that it’s difficult to find joy in our everyday lives.


God Gave Me Power and Authority

With every problem or crisis that we acquire, there are two choices; fear or faith, and we must choose one each time we face a crisis. We make the choice, fear or faith, almost immediately and most of the time we aren’t even aware that we are making a choice.  


Will I Live the Radical Life Jesus Called Me to Live?

I commit to living a super-ordinary life in Jesus. I will live the radical life Jesus called me to live.