
The 8 Biggest Risks of Big Data Projects

The phenomenon of “Big Data” exacerbates the tension between potential benefits and privacy risks by upping the ante on both sides of the equation. Any project can fail for any number of reasons: bad management, poor budget management, or just a lack of relevant skills. However, big data projects bring their own specific risks.


Playing God: Swedish Train operator uses Big Data to ‘avoid train delays that haven’t happened yet’

In a sign of things to come, a Swedish train operator is using new technology that employs big data to predict the entire commuter train system two hours into the future.


43 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better Christian Leader

A curated list of great leadership quotes by Christian thought leaders and from biblical passages, and scripture.


From Outreach Ideas to Action in Three Easy Steps

A good idea is great. A good idea that’s executed perfectly can change the world. But a simple idea alone is useless.


Prefab Comeback

Prefab housing suffers from bad stigma but building homes from premade parts can save time and costs.


75 of the Most Inspirational Leadership Quotes

Sometimes all the inspiration you need to guide your team successfully can be found in a few simple words of wisdom.

No one can deny the power of a good quote. They motivate and inspire us to be our best.

Tweet them, share them, but most important, use them to help you become an even better leader than you already are.


Kirk Franklin Architect for a new American Musical Genre

Kirk Franklin has, without a doubt changed modern music more than any other artist in the last two decades. He has been called the architect of a new American musical genre. The 48 year old minister incorporated contemporary Hip-Hop music with traditional gospel choir arrangements to reach out to the youth with a positive and uplifting message.