
Your Giving Opens The Door To Abundance

When something is good, we often want as much of it as we can get. We want our glasses, bowls, bank accounts to overflow.  That’s how it is with God’s blessings, we all want more of God’s favour and goodness. The good news is we serve a God of abundance! He wants to pour out His […]


A Faithful Servant

Are you ready for a blessing? When we are faithful with what God has placed in our hands, we position ourselves for a blessing. Many people pray, “God bless me!” But God is saying, “Are you being faithful with what I have given you?” Scripture tells us that when we are faithful with the little, […]


The Seeds You Sow Determines The Harvest

Next to my home just outside of London there are two massive conifer trees. I often wonder how old they are, their trunks are bigger than the houses and they are as tall as skyscrapers. Have you ever looked at a large, old tree and wondered how long it has been there? It’s amazing to […]


Season = Ploughing, Planting, Watering, and Harvest

We are about to move into a new, better season. For me, spring is better than winter. God has ordained seasons in your life. It’s easy to get frustrated when our dreams aren’t coming to pass on our timetable. When that happens, we have to submit our plans to Him and trust that He has […]


Dreams & Desires

Three weeks into the new year, are you frustrated because a dream or a goal isn’t happening the way you thought it would? Be passionate about your dreams, but don’t let it become an idol. If that’s all you think about and you’re not going to be happy unless it happens, then that’s out of […]


Words Are Like Seeds

Did you know words are like seeds? When we say prayers, when we speak the Word of God, it’s like planting spiritual seeds. It’s a principle that God established at the beginning of time. The harvest is determined by the seeds we sow, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Think about how a planter waits for the […]


How To Wait On God

In this new year God has placed dreams and desires in our hearts. However there is always a season of waiting involved. You could be waiting for a relationship to improve, waiting on marriage, waiting for a job, or waiting to overcome an illness. A high percentage of life is spent waiting. However, there’s a […]


Are You Too Busy To Be A Blessing?

It’s easy to get so consumed with all the obligations we have on a daily basis. Zoom, mobile phones, computers, the internet have all made it so much easier to pack more into our days. And while technology is a great blessing to us, we have to remember that how much we get done, isn’t […]


How To Put God’s Blessings In Motion

You’ve probably heard the statement many times “God is a God of abundance!” It’s very true. He wants to pour out His blessings on you until you are so full that you are running over with His goodness.   Scripture says, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Your giving is what sets the blessing […]


Words For Good Or Evil

This week I have felt the wrath of someone’s tongue, as well as wise words spoken to encourage and uplift. It’s easy to use words as a weapon. We’ve all either been “cut” by the words of others, or we’ve used words to put someone “in their place.” The truth of the matter is that […]


God Make Me A Sower

In the book of Genesis, God set up a system of seedtime and harvest. Everything God does starts with a seed. The Bible also tells us that He gives seed to the sower. In other words, if you are a person who has a desire to bless others and sow seed, God will make sure […]


You Have Ambassadorial Authority

Did you know God wants to do His work on earth through you? You are His ambassador or representative. You have been given His authority and power to act on His behalf. It’s easy to get focused on this natural realm and all the things that we need, but do you realise that you are […]


I Have A Part To Play

Have you ever wondered how amazing it is that God can create so many people in the world, and give us all individual plans and purposes, then set up a plan for us to work together for His purpose to build the body of Christ. We all have a part to play.  Scripture puts it […]


Your Blessing Is On It’s Way

Do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.


Yes, You Are Called to Be a Leader for Christ

You don’t have to lead worship or even stand in a spotlight. You don’t have to go to seminary or train to know all the right answers. All you have to do is follow Jesus.


50 Quotes to Inspire Successful Leadership

Most people believe that the key to successful leadership is influence, not authority. Do you agree?