

This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But […]


What Do Others See?

We all like to dress up, some people spend large amounts of money on brand name clothes, how they look is important. They want to portray a certain image. When people look at you, do they see the love of God at work? Can they see growth and change? Do they know you are a […]


What Are You Saying?

After listening to comments made to Naomi Osaka about her mental wellbeing, I said to myself – words have tremendous power. No matter what you may be facing today, the words of your mouth can help set the course for victory or defeat.   When you wake up with an attitude of faith, hope and expectancy […]


Set Your Hope

Talking to some youth this weekend, amidst the optimism, there also seems to be a lot of hopelessness. It’s time to set our hope so we are not easily swayed by the trials of life. Setting our hope on God, means we set our lives in the right direction. One translation of today’s verse says, […]


Sealed With Power And Authority

Did you know that you were created with power and authority? Today’s scripture tells us that you have the mark of authority of the Almighty. We don’t often hear about signet rings anymore; but in Bible times, they were very significant. The signet ring was used to identify the message or messenger, and the authority […]


Think About It

Did you know that God wants us to live an abundant life? Scripture says that Christ came so we can have abundant life, but it all starts in our thinking. What should we be thinking about? The Scripture says, things that are noble, right, lovely, pure and praiseworthy.   When a thought comes to your mind […]


Abide & Remain

Our lives are like roller coasters, we all have ups and downs. There are seasons that are more difficult than others, when our character is being developed and our faith in God is being tested. Sometimes it can feel like you are taking two steps forward and three steps backward. If we’re not careful, we’ll […]


God Help Me Control My Tongue

I believe every word we speak has power. Have you ever said things you wish you could take back? Our words determine the direction of our lives. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue.   There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity […]


He Is Risen The Day After

On the Monday, the day after Christ rose from the grave, “Jesus is Risen” were the words on everyone’s lips. For many, that was a reason to celebrate, not only on that day but every day! Because He is risen, we can rise up too in every area of life. We can have victory over […]



What are you believing for God to do in your life today? Can you see it in your mind’s eye? Can you see yourself healed? Can you see yourself paying off that last payment? Can you see yourself at your ideal weight? Can you see yourself sharing the gospel with a family member or friends?   […]


Sweet Healing Words

With so much negativity around us, it’s easy to speak negative words of complaint and frustration. What words are you speaking? Hopefully pleasant words. In other words, are you looking for good and kind things to say about yourself and others?   Scripture says in the book of Proverbs that, “pleasant words are healing to the […]


The Seeds You Sow Determines The Harvest

Next to my home just outside of London there are two massive conifer trees. I often wonder how old they are, their trunks are bigger than the houses and they are as tall as skyscrapers. Have you ever looked at a large, old tree and wondered how long it has been there? It’s amazing to […]


God Help Me I’m In A Dark Place

Does something you need seem impossible? With man it may be, but we serve the all-powerful God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way when there seems to be no way, and open doors that seem closed forever! The Bible says, “in the beginning, God created the heavens and […]


Praise = Faith In Action

One of my biggest pet peeves is the lack of praise for God amongst believers. We were created to praise God. Praise is powerful! Praise is putting your faith in action. Just as putting your physical body into action to make it grow strong, putting your faith in action through prayer and thanksgiving will cause […]


You Have An Appointment Time

A couple of weeks ago I called my doctor because I was feeling unwell. I was told to make an appointment and at the appointed time I would be seen. I made the appointment and waited to be called. I had nothing to do with the day or the time, it was given to me […]


Watch Your Mouth

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? I’m sure you have. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity with our words, or we are sowing seeds of ruin and destruction. […]