
How To Change Bad Habits

Yesterday someone asked me how to change bad habits? Do you have habits in your life that you want to stop or change? Maybe it’s a bad attitude, bad behaviour, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start with changing your mind. You have to […]


Words Are Like Seeds

Did you know words are like seeds? When we say prayers, when we speak the Word of God, it’s like planting spiritual seeds. It’s a principle that God established at the beginning of time. The harvest is determined by the seeds we sow, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Think about how a planter waits for the […]


Flip Your Negative “What if’s”

Many people miss out on the good things because they allow fear to distract them and hold them back. They say, “What if I fail?” “What if people don’t like me?” “What if I make a mistake?” However, “What if you do succeed?” “What if people do like you?” “What if you do it better […]


Don’t Engage with the Enemy’s Lies

When that guy cat-calls you just to get a reaction, what do you do? You ignore him and keep walking. When that bully pushes all of your buttons just to make you mad, what do you do? you tune them out and move on. When somebody tries to convince you of something you know 100% […]


Declare It!

Did you know there is creative power in the words we declare? In the same way that God created the world with His words in Genesis 1, we “create” our own world with our words. We can create an atmosphere of peace, joy, power and love with our words, or we can create an atmosphere […]


Faith Gives Substance

Faith gives substance to the things you hope for. In other words, faith brings things into your life. Notice the verse below starts by saying, “Now faith.” It’s not “later” faith or “one day” faith. It’s faith for today, right now.  The basic definition of faith according to the Bible, is simply believing in God’s […]


Words Have Life

Anytime we speak something, either good or bad, we are giving life to what we are saying. Too many people go around saying negative things about themselves, their family and their future. Things like, “I’ll never be successful. This sickness is going to kill me. Business is so slow I will have to close it. […]


Attitude & Altitude

Have you heard “attitude determines altitude?” In other words, a positive, faith-filled attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-critical attitude will only bring you down. Our attitude affects the outcome during hard times. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to […]


Leap Of Faith: How Writing A Faith Journal Will Deepen Your Devotion

If you’ve never been in the habit of keeping a faith journal, you might think your meditative prayer and reading scripture has given you a strong spiritual life. But beginning your journaling journey can supplement your spiritual practices and make tangible much of the faith you’ve taken for granted. Staring a faith journal is a […]


How To Change Bad Habits

What needs changing in your life? A bad habit, a bad attitude, or even negative, evil thoughts. You have to start by changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts. When you make the decision to follow God in every area of your life, […]


Just Do It!

Nike has a slogan that says, “just do it.” Did you know that before Nike the Bible had a similar slogan? Jesus performed His first miracle, at the wedding celebration in Cana. Mary His mother knew that in order to see His power at work, there was one key: “Whatever He says, she said, do […]


His Goodness

In these uncertain times we can learn the attitude of the psalmist David. He was going through very tough uncertain times when he declared the words in today’s verse. He said in effect, “I’m not worried. I’m not upset. I am confident I will see God’s goodness.” In other words, “this situation I’m in may […]


This Is Preparation Time

In these uncertain times of lockdown and restrictions, I have heard folks saying they are bored and frustrated. We all go through seasons of waiting, and this could be yours. A lot of times, people just sit back and wait for God to do it all. But you have to remember to do your part, […]


A Spiritual Immune Booster

Daily, since the pandemic started, we are hearing about different ways to boost our immune system and stay in good health. Here is a Biblical health tip. The best thing you can do for your health is to set your heart at peace with God. Peace is such a powerful position. It is a position […]


Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams

Have you ever been passionate about a dream or vision, only to have it never come to pass? Scripture tells us that God has an appointed time to fulfil the visions, dreams and desires He has placed in our heart. Just because it has taken a long time, or you’ve tried and not succeeded, doesn’t mean it’s […]


I’m Restored

God wants to restore everything that’s been stolen from your life. He wants to restore your joy, your peace, your health and your finances. We serve a God of restoration! You may have had some disappointments or unfair things happen in your life; but don’t dwell on the past and live in defeat.   Restoration comes […]