
Seek Peace Not Strife

Many people fall into the evil trap of strife. Someone may say or do something that rubs you the wrong way, and before you know it, there is tension, quarrelling and division. The Bible tells us that strife opens the door to every evil work. It’s the enemy’s greatest trap to keep people from living […]


Words For Good Or Evil

This week I have felt the wrath of someone’s tongue, as well as wise words spoken to encourage and uplift. It’s easy to use words as a weapon. We’ve all either been “cut” by the words of others, or we’ve used words to put someone “in their place.” The truth of the matter is that […]


Avoid Strife And Live Honourably

Someone once said challenges are merely distractions meant to keep us from pursuing our destiny. Maybe someone at work isn’t as friendly to you as you’d like. Maybe you have a neighbour who always parks in front of your house and blocks your driveway. Those things may be frustrating, but they have little significance when […]


A Letter to YOU from the Devil

And this goes for everybody — no matter their race, religion, background, nationality or age.


What Does It Mean to Overcome Evil with Good?

These are difficult days in our country. 16 years from the attacks on the Twin Towers, the threat of terrorist violence still hangs over us and over freedom-loving people around the world.


You Have the Victory, So Why Are You Walking Around Defeated?

Far too many Christians live as if we are going to lose the war. We see the long defeat of sin as a long, drawn-out defeat of ourselves, our churches, and even of God.


Why Christianity Has Been Pushed Underground in China?

Millions of Chinese identify themselves with Christianity a reality that President Xi’s administration is fighting hard against. The number has increased gradually and this is seen as a threat to the government which is officially atheist and its power is being put to test.



How many of us can truly say that this is how we feel? Do our souls yearn for GOD in the night? Do our spirits long for Him in the morning? Or have our busy lives taken away the pleasure of being with the Almighty? Life has a sneaky way of drawing our attention away […]


Did you know that 750,000 of Youths are Into Gambling?

750,000 young people aged 14-21 years have a gambling addiction and this vice has spread at an alarming rate. The statistics serve as a wakeup call if these numbers are something to go by.


Can Rock Star Alice Cooper Really Be A Christian?

The shock-rock star was brought up as a pastor’s kid. But his later stage shows, which featured electric chairs, fake blood and snakes were designed to shock. In the 1970s Cooper became addicted to drugs and alcohol.


God Gave Me Power and Authority

With every problem or crisis that we acquire, there are two choices; fear or faith, and we must choose one each time we face a crisis. We make the choice, fear or faith, almost immediately and most of the time we aren’t even aware that we are making a choice.  


Can God Be Trusted?

In a world riddled with disappointment, malice and tragedy, what rationale do we have for believing in a benevolent God?


How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

If there is one thing that holds millions of people back each day from growing as an individual, achieving high levels of success and becoming the best version of themselves, fear is definitely at the top of the list.


2 Things to Remember About God’s Love

When you feel discouraged, do you ever doubt God’s love for you? If you’ve answered yes, you’re not alone.


If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

When a person becomes a Christian and they are striving to do the very best that they can to live the kind of life that the Lord wants them to, sooner or later they learn that they are going to be confronted with difficulties and challenges that are unique to being a child of God. And, indeed, there are burdens that we have to bear; things that, if we had never become Christians, we would never have to endure.


Politics and Project Management, a Lesson in Leadership

Most people hate office politics, but if we want to move up the chain in an organization, we have to learn how to deal with people who have bad intentions.


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