
God I Receive It!

This devotional is an encouragement to each of us to raise our game and our level of expectancy. It’s like God is saying to us in the scripture, “you think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!” God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that if He told […]


God I Receive It!

This devotional is an encouragement to each of us to raise our game and our level of expectancy. It’s like God is saying to us in the scripture, “you think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!” God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that if He told […]


Don’t Judge Me

If you know me I can be very critical at times. Just recently I had to learn this valuable lesson, criticism given in the wrong way can make us feel anxious and in some cases, worthless. But when it’s given fairly and constructively, with real care and encouragement, not only does it show us where we’re going wrong, it […]


You Have Ambassadorial Authority

Did you know God wants to do His work on earth through you? You are His ambassador or representative. You have been given His authority and power to act on His behalf. It’s easy to get focused on this natural realm and all the things that we need, but do you realise that you are […]


Are You Fed Up? – Encouragement for Today

I share this for somebody who woke up, fed up, messed up and tired. I am sharing this for you who feel as if nothing you do, works and no matter how you pray, you cannot seem to get ahead.


‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized Highlighted in Gospel for Asia Special Report

‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized Highlighted in Gospel for Asia Special Report


I Promise

The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in all He does” (Psalm 145:13). The mothers of the nation of Israel, Sarah and Rebekah, both have stories marked by the power of God. They both saw God move in wonderful and amazing ways, in impossible situations. Wouldn’t you think they, of all people, would trust God completely?


Fear Not

“Fear not . . .”  Isaiah 43:1 “Fear not” – words that make us stand a little straighter and feel a little stronger.  “Fear not,” (and words of a similar context) are found in the Bible more than a hundred times.[1]  We’re taught that fear and faith cannot coexist.  A fearful saint is not a […]


Hamilton and the Life Altering Power of Encouragement

Can you remember a time when someone saw potential in you and called it out? A time that someone encouraged you, believed in you, and cast a vision for your future? These moments have the power to alter the entire direction of our lives.



Do nothing from rivalry or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.


“Britain should take pride in its Christian heritage” says Theresa May

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us celebrate all those selfless acts – and countless others – that epitomise the values we share: Christian values of love, service and compassion that are lived out every day in our country by people all faiths and none.

faith life

Poem: The Unravelling of a Christian Marriage

Marry a cheater or liar, everyday will become April Fool’s Day.


43 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better Christian Leader

A curated list of great leadership quotes by Christian thought leaders and from biblical passages, and scripture.


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