
What Does ‘Put God’s Word First’ Really Mean?

There are so many things that clamor for our attention and devotion: our jobs, our kids, our spouses, our hobbies—the demands and distractions of life. And we have to be careful not to let them become more important or more of a priority than our relationship with God.


Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Show You Your Future

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” That’s not just some cool quote or a random idea from Google. It’s a Biblical concept.


Do You Love The American Dream More Than Jesus?

The American dream has roots in the nation’s loftiest ideals – the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So when did it also come to mean a house, a car and a college education?


Idle Words

Jesus said we are accountable for every “idle word” we speak


Can A Christian Be Angry and Not Sin?

To live in a world permeated with evil is enough to make you angry. Those we love can arouse deep anger within us as they purposely or unknowingly hurt us. People unleash enormous wickedness and suffering on the world at large, and suddenly we find ourselves sucked into evil’s vortex.


Worldly Peace Vs. God’s Peace

Do you ever feel like the world is out of control? I know some folks who won’t even listen to the news because of all the terrible and scary events being reported. Isn’t it wonderful to know that our Lord want us to have peace?


Let’s Talk About “Biblical” Discipline

The Bible calls it discipline, sometimes chastening. Society calls it hitting, spanking, and by its legal term, corporal punishment.


The Pain of a Prodigal: Why Children of Christian Parents Abandon the Faith?

Statistics show a rise in the number of people who hold no religion.   For Australia, an official tally shows a steady rise every 10 years. Nat Geo reports that “the religiously unaffiliated, called “nones,” are now”¦ the second largest group in North America and most of Europe.


Prayer: Are We Doing It Right?

Prayer is commonly viewed as talking to God, asking God for things, and being religious or pious. Are these right ways of perceiving what prayer is all about? When I talk with God, is that really praying? When I ask God for things, is that really praying? Is “tapping into the spiritual” really praying?


What Is The The Holy Spirit?

He is not an “it.” He is not a divine influence. He is not a fleecy white cloud and He is not a ghost or a concept, but He is a person possessing a will, intellect and emotions.


The Andy Savage Scandal: Two Things Churches Should Learn From

Church administration and policies are being doubted. What should have been done? What shouldn’t have? Some published articles ask, “How does the evangelical church handle sexual abuse cases? Do victims get justice?”


2 Things to Remember About God’s Love

When you feel discouraged, do you ever doubt God’s love for you? If you’ve answered yes, you’re not alone.


How to Experience the Outpouring of God’s Love

Therefore, May the Lord direct your hearts into the experience of love of God.


Let’s Talk About Being Gracious

Graciousness isn’t high on the list of modern values. But it ought to be.


Let’s Talk About Heavenly Calling

What is a heavenly calling? Is it common to all believers or is it unique and specific to each one?


How To Handle The Uncertainties of Life

Will I have a job in six months? Will we have enough money? What if my new boss and I don’t get along? Dealing with the uncertainties of life causes stress and anxiety—and there’s a lot of uncertainty in the air right now. With the recent election, regardless of which candidate you voted for, our stress is at an all time high.