

Did you know that emotions are God-given? If there’s one thing that can lead you away from your potential, and seeing the awesome plan God has for your life, it’s your emotions. Too often, people allow their circumstances to dictate their emotions and thoughts, instead of the Word of God.  When we allow our circumstances […]


More Hope Than Optimism

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, optimism is “hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something; a tendency to take a favourable or hopeful view.” Hope is the “expectation of something desired; desire combined with expectation.”


Transform Your Prayer Life and Become A True Prayer Warrior

Like it or not, all of us are caught up in the spiritual war that’s taking place between good and evil. If you don’t engage in the war, you’ll still be affected by it – and you’ll be much more vulnerable to evil than you would if you decided to fight as God calls you to do. So be active; not passive.


Biblical Quotes and Ways to help you Overcome Rejection

Rejection knows no bounds, invading social, romantic and job situations alike. And it feels terrible because “it communicates the sense to somebody that they’re not loved or not wanted, or not in some way valued.


Should I Do Yoga if I am a Christian?

As a Christian, should I do yoga? Am I allowed? Will Jesus love me less?


10 Things Every Successful Leader Should Do Everyday

But how and when on earth are we supposed to do all that is the reply received from newly qualified project managers only weeks into their new positions when we describe some of the activities they should be focusing on to be successful as leaders.