
Don’t Get Yourself Into Trouble 

Talking to young people about these stabbings and shootings that are on the increase in our communities, I’m realising that folk act first and think later. One of the characteristics of a prudent person is that they give thought to their ways. Too many people today just act or react, based on their emotions or […]


Scars: A testimony of a lost soul

I’m all alone in this world. I don’t know what I am doing. I always make bad choices. People say I’m ugly. My face is long, and my nose is big. So is my butt. I’ll never finish school. I can’t afford cute clothes. I had an abortion. I don’t deserve to live. My kids […]


True Freedom  

We aren’t bound to news feeds, opinions, and news reports. Statistics don’t have the final say in our lives. Christ does. He reigns over all because He defeated death on our account. Seated at the right hand of the Father, the name above every other name, Jesus Christ determined our freedom.  We will never forget the […]


Identity Crisis

Liking yourself is hard sometimes. You can watch your friends on Snapchat, Insta or Facebook, see their profiles and start to think, man I wish my life was more like theirs. It’s easy to start comparing what you have and who you are to them and begin to feel like you don’t measure up to them. […]


We have Super powers

Did you know that you have a superpower? Yes! Jesus has proclaimed us all to be Super Heroes! We can move mountains with our mind! We can cause seas to part! We can kill fig trees….? Ok, that last one doesn’t seem so glamorous but you get the point right? Jesus says “when you pray […]


Faith Through Adversity 

It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Paul spent his life serving Christ, and yet he experienced continual suffering. Why would God let one of His most faithful servants go through so much pain? This isn’t just a question about Paul; it’s an issue we face today. In our minds, the Lord should protect His loyal followers from […]


Faith That Pleases God

One of my favourite stories in the Old Testament is the story of David slaying Goliath he took 5 smooth stones and defeated the giant that was stopping Israel’s success. As I reflect today on these events, I ask myself the question what type of faith must it take to defeat giants in our lives?  […]


The Journey of Faith

Can you see how God keeps His promises? Let’s dare to believe in God, knowing he is faithful, even when we are not! Picture Abraham with Sara, his wife, his nephew, his servants, and his herd of livestock travelling with a tent to pitch anywhere they needed to.  Abraham believed in God with childlike faith. […]


Don’t Panic Exercise faith?

Last week I had a prayer request from a woman who thought she was losing her baby. She pressed her hands on her stomach, but nothing. she tried moving around, drinking something cold, but nothing. Her unborn child had either been quiet for quite a while, or something was wrong. She had two choices. panic […]


Lift Your Shield Of Faith 

Fear includes worry. We worry about our kids, our relationships, our finances, or any number of things, we are living in fear. And it can be paralyzing.  Fear displaces our faith. Faith is the assurance of God’s ability to help and strengthen us, giving us spiritual wisdom. When fear displaces our faith, we find it […]


End-Time Errors: Drawing Lines through Matthew 24

When I first began to wrestle with Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (which emerges from a heated Matthew 23, rests solidly in Matthew 24 and then ascends into end-of-days judgment by Matthew 25), I struggled. At one point, I thought I had it figured out. Like many others, I determined there had to be a line drawn […]


5 Christian Living Tips That Can Change Your Life

Christians face many challenges in their daily life, and the decisions made at their core are often the cause of many problems and hardships. The decisions that most affect the Christian are the ones to sin and live a life of sin, or to follow Jesus and live a life of obedience. The Christian life […]


Control Your Tongue

I believe every word we speak has power. Have you ever said things you wish you could take back? Our words determine the direction of our lives. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s** Keep Your Minds On Whatever Is True, Pure, Right, Holy, Friendly And Proper

**Wisdom Wednesday’s** This bible text speaks so clearly to the power we have to govern our own thoughts. The truth is our thoughts are one of the most powerful tools we have. Our thoughts can create something beautiful or cause death. Our thoughts direct our feels, our actions and our behaviour. How much time do […]


We Need Caleb’s Faith 

When the Israelites first approached the borders of Canaan, Moses sent scouts into the Promised Land to assess the situation. Ten of the scouts came back with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. Two of the scouts focused on […]


I Am Forgiven

If you’ve done things wrong (and we all have), the forgiveness that comes from God through the blood of Jesus can lift the guilt and shame, and take the weight from your shoulders. The key to God’s forgiveness is knowing and accepting that Christ gave His life to pay the price for the things you’ve […]