
8 Things Hings That a Single or Married Woman Should Never Do with the Opposite Sex

Ladies, we are walking on thin ice. There are just some things that you cannot do with the opposite sex, but so many women are falling into that trap.


How Different Are You from the Rest of the World?

Christians come in all shapes and sizes. They pursue practically the same diversity of occupations and interests as everyone else. They have political and economic opinions. Most of them spend their working lives balancing budgets, living in suburbia, paying off mortgages, raising kids (or electing not to have them) and generally coping from the cradle to the grave. So how unique are Christians compared to the rest of the world?


Controversial Topics in Church Today

The drama that we find in our churches today remind me of soap operas or telenovelas.


Religious War? Christians and Muslims Clash in Nigeria

Scores are dead after vicious weekend clashes in central Nigeria between mostly Muslim cattle herders and Christian farmers, with one report citing police saying 86 people were killed.


The Top 5 Christian Movies

We all love inspiring movies that are based on the Scriptures, whether they are a retelling of Biblical history or a movie with a message of faith, love, forgiveness and many other values associated with Christianity.


Transform Your Prayer Life and Become A True Prayer Warrior

Like it or not, all of us are caught up in the spiritual war that’s taking place between good and evil. If you don’t engage in the war, you’ll still be affected by it – and you’ll be much more vulnerable to evil than you would if you decided to fight as God calls you to do. So be active; not passive.


Pagan Europe? Most Europeans Identify As Christian

Despite low church attendance and unorthodox beliefs about Jesus and Christianity, most Europeans say they are Christian.


Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano Claims Lives in Deadly Eruption

The death toll from a massive volcano eruption in Guatemala has risen to 109.


Muslim Lands: Where Are Your Jews?

“I declare a Holy War, my Moslem brothers!
Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”
âÆ’ Haj Amin al-Husayni, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Chairman of AHC


Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be Christian

In 2017, Open Doors released their World Watch List (WWL). The findings and trends noted by Open Doors are both shocking and grim.


Ireland: Yes or No to Abortion?

Ireland goes to the polls on Friday 25 May to vote in a referendum that could end the country’s ban on abortion.


Kanye West’s Breakdown: A Christian Weighs In

In recent months, the internet has been abuzz with reactions from Kanye West’s latest tweets which have become quite reflective, political and controversial. As Christians, we may not necessarily be concerned about this sort of tabloid news, but amidst all the emotional and irrational responses of people, there is certainly more to it than what meets the eye.


Europe’s Rising Anti-Semitism Forces Jews to Leave or Hide

In 2017, a study authored by Dr. Johannes Due Enstad of the Center for Research on Extremism was released, providing the public with a methodological and comprehensive report that dissected the growth of Europe’s anti-Semitism problem.


Letter to a Backslider

Backsliding happens, but will you allow it to steal your salvation?


Is God Racist or Is It My Church?

In a time of even greater confusion and moral decline, we expect the church to set an example for all the world to see, but it seems that we are failing to be the light that we are called to be or the salt of the earth that the perishing world needs. We have allowed racism to continue in the church, perhaps under many disguises, but it is nevertheless racism.


Study: Adults Say Coffee, Sweets and Social Media Are More Essential To Their Day Than the Bible

If you were honest with yourself, what would you have chosen? Are you God-centered? I believe that we ought to all examine ourselves and identify our level of obedience to GOD because let me tell you, our GOD is an all-or-nothing type of ‘Person’, you’re either with Him all the way, or you’re against Him – there is no grey area.