Religious War? Christians and Muslims Clash in Nigeria

On June 24, Nigeria was full of the blood of Christians as Muslim herders clashed with Christian farmers. Fulani herdsman, who are predominately Muslim, attacked six villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state. These villages are home to many Christians. Many of those killed were Christians, and they were reportedly hacked to death.

As a result of this violence, many people have been forced to leave their farms and villages or face the threat of a grisly death. President Muhammadu Buhari has deployed military and police units to stop the bloodshed.

He tweeted, “The grievous loss of lives and property arising from the killings in Plateau is painful and regrettable. My deepest condolences to the affected communities. We will not rest until all murderers and criminal elements and their sponsors are incapacitated and brought to justice.”

The fuel behind these recent clashes between the religious groups is due to dwindling water and pasture resources, a direct result of Nigeria’s rising population. The estimated number of people killed by these clashes just this year is around 500 with central Nigeria being the most affected as people fight over access to land, water, and food.

However, some Christian farmers were not content to sit idly after being attacked. Many of them led an attack of their own on Muslim villages. These deadly clashes are not just seen as a battle over scarce land and farming resources; but as a religious war between Christians and Muslims. Some are claiming that the president, who is of the Muslim faith, is not doing enough to protect Christian communities.

These sentiments were expressed by Bosun Emmanuel, a secretary of the National Christians Elders Forum and a prominent Nigerian Christian leader. During a recent forum, he expressed his views over the matter, “Realistically speaking, Christianity is on the brink of extinction in Nigeria. The ascendancy of Sharia ideology in Nigeria rings the death knell for the Nigerian Church.”

Boko Haram holds the title for the most well-known Islamic terrorist group in Africa. They have claimed responsibility for the many attacks on Christians homes and churches and currently, hold many young girls captive. Many people, the majority of whom are Christians, have lost their lives due to this terrorist group. Some estimate the death toll to be more than 20,000 since 2009.

Due to this threat that Nigerian Christians are facing, Emmanuel believes that Christianity will cease to exist in Nigeria 25 years from now.

“In 2018, we can say in 25 years from now, we are facing the risk of being the last Christians in Nigeria. Therefore, Christians should be in the frontline of defending democracy in Nigeria.”

In an effort to control these violent clashes, the governor of Plateau state has imposed a curfew of 18:00 pm to 06:00 am.

While many believe that these continuous killings of Christians might spell doom for the Christian faith in Nigeria, I firmly hold the belief that GOD’S true people will continue to stand, even in the face of death. I appeal to all Christians to pray for their fellow brothers and sisters in Nigeria.

Resources: CBN News ‘The Death Knell for the Nigerian Church’: New Massacre Sparks Fear for Christians

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8 Replies to “Religious War? Christians and Muslims Clash in Nigeria”

  1. I know what you mean- I wouldn’t be able to stand by and watch harm come to my family either. As it is, I am in constant spiritual warfare against the witches in my community that seek the death of my family and I. It is all true insanity that is orchestrated by the devil and so many lives have been destroyed or taken by pointless acts of violence and terror. I, too, wait for Jesus’ second coming- that’s going to be one memorable moment!

  2. Yes, the devil is running rampant on the earth and is bringing fear into the lives of many- even Christians. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes and it’s scary when you do not understand that GOD is still in control. Yes, Satan is doing a great evil, but we already knew that he would go wacko in the Last Days. Praise GOD that he forewarned us of this. Thank you for the comment- I enjoyed the history as well.

  3. I know what you mean- I wouldn’t be able to stand by and watch harm come to my family either. As it is, I am in constant spiritual warfare against the witches in my community that seek the death of my family and I. It is all true insanity that is orchestrated by the devil and so many lives have been destroyed or taken by pointless acts of violence and terror. I, too, wait for Jesus’ second coming- that’s going to be one memorable moment!

  4. Yes, the devil is running rampant on the earth and is bringing fear into the lives of many- even Christians. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes and it’s scary when you do not understand that GOD is still in control. Yes, Satan is doing a great evil, but we already knew that he would go wacko in the Last Days. Praise GOD that he forewarned us of this. Thank you for the comment- I enjoyed the history as well.

  5. Sadly it is a religious war, the same one that was declared as jihad against all non-Muslims in the seventh century. The natural response of anyone attacked so savagely would be to strike back; I understand why the Nigerian Christians would attack in retaliation. But we as believers are also told that vengeance belongs to the Lord…God will always avenge us. Still, it’s hard to do nothing when you see your friends and family attacked…if someone walked into my church shooting people, I’d do everything in my power to stop them, may God forgive me. My prayer is that our Lord returns soon and puts an end to all of this insanity…

  6. It is tragic there is so much violence in this world and what you report is tragic. Christians should not fear Death.

    Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
    And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
    For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

    I see this increasingly violent World reflecting this 1900 year old Vision finally being played out.
    And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.(false beliefs about God in Judaism, Christianity & Islam. Written some 500 years before Islam, the 3rd arm from the Jewish religious record appeared)

    For they are the spirits of DEVILS, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth ( 1%, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senators, CEOs, and other Idols of the People) and of the whole world, (the rest of Humanity) to gather them to the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty. (the war is already underway Today between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, leading to the climax of that Great Day)

    Behold, I come as a thief. (when you least expect it)

    Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    Revelation 16:13-16

    Armageddon was derived from Har Megiddo, located in Judea and Samaria of occupied Palestine 2000 years ago. Israel as a kingdom disappeared some 800 years before Jesus walked in that area during the occupation.
    Har Megiddo/Armageddon still exists as a physical place in this material world, but is now under the control of temporal Israel re-created from the Bible after an absence of some 2800 years.

    After all those years, the occupation of Judea and Samaria in Palestine is still an unresolved, violent, open wound in the Middle East and this material world.
    American Zionist Christians want to see Armageddon come. They praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
    It’s the DEVIL’s work as the Scripture says, not God’s!

  7. Sadly it is a religious war, the same one that was declared as jihad against all non-Muslims in the seventh century. The natural response of anyone attacked so savagely would be to strike back; I understand why the Nigerian Christians would attack in retaliation. But we as believers are also told that vengeance belongs to the Lord…God will always avenge us. Still, it’s hard to do nothing when you see your friends and family attacked…if someone walked into my church shooting people, I’d do everything in my power to stop them, may God forgive me. My prayer is that our Lord returns soon and puts an end to all of this insanity…

  8. It is tragic there is so much violence in this world and what you report is tragic. Christians should not fear Death.

    Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
    And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
    For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

    I see this increasingly violent World reflecting this 1900 year old Vision finally being played out.
    And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.(false beliefs about God in Judaism, Christianity & Islam. Written some 500 years before Islam, the 3rd arm from the Jewish religious record appeared)

    For they are the spirits of DEVILS, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth ( 1%, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senators, CEOs, and other Idols of the People) and of the whole world, (the rest of Humanity) to gather them to the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty. (the war is already underway Today between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, leading to the climax of that Great Day)

    Behold, I come as a thief. (when you least expect it)

    Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    Revelation 16:13-16

    Armageddon was derived from Har Megiddo, located in Judea and Samaria of occupied Palestine 2000 years ago. Israel as a kingdom disappeared some 800 years before Jesus walked in that area during the occupation.
    Har Megiddo/Armageddon still exists as a physical place in this material world, but is now under the control of temporal Israel re-created from the Bible after an absence of some 2800 years.

    After all those years, the occupation of Judea and Samaria in Palestine is still an unresolved, violent, open wound in the Middle East and this material world.
    American Zionist Christians want to see Armageddon come. They praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
    It’s the DEVIL’s work as the Scripture says, not God’s!

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