
Compromise Does Not Pay ?

Abraham became a father, as God promised, but the pause between God’s promise and its fulfilment, spanned decades, causing Abraham to question the accuracy of God’s prediction. Like us, Abraham sought to reshape God’s promise into an idol he could touch, see, and understand. “Compromise was his answer,” he said. “I will sleep with the […]


Your Abba Father

God rejoices as your Abba Father. You are His child on the authority of His Word. He ordained you and brought you forth. “You brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother’s breast.” And “From birth I have relied on you…I will ever praise you.”  The Father wants to […]


Have You Ever Been Bullied? Pt4? ?

Have there been people in your life that have caused you trouble? Like the youth say, “they just keep getting in your face.” In the Bible, Hezekiah was faced with enemies coming against him, causing him trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn’t get upset. He just kept abiding, kept being […]


Dedicated Disciples ?

Becoming a serious Christian, around 15 years ago, was the most liberating moment of my life. It was also daunting. A world that once was familiar now appeared foreign, simply because most people I knew were not free. However, I knew I would need a family of fellow believers, for strength and survival.   With […]


How To Have a Prolonged Productive Life

So many people today are looking for ways to prolong their lives and renew their youth, but God already has a fail-proof system outlined in His Word. It says in Isaiah that when you put your hope in Him, He will renew your youth. Also, today’s verse tells us that keeping God’s Word close to […]


Wisdom Wednesday

Our word for today is ‘Integrity’. Integrity is the state of being undivided, together with the quality of brutal honesty. The first step to cultivating integrity is to recognize that we are not always honest. This can be difficult, it can throw up some aspects of ourselves we never knew existed. It requires sitting with […]


Patience? ?

Patience is more than just a word. It’s an action of love toward others and an action of trusting in God. As I said yesterday patience is a word I have feared for years. I constantly struggled with putting that word into action and living it out in a way that reflects Christ’s example.   Just […]


Overcoming Offences 

Some of the definitions for the word Offence are the act of provoking, annoying, irritating or causing pain or injury. It is also the reaction the offence produces, like indignation, resentment, or anger, which can lead to a breach in relationships. When someone sins against you, your flesh rises and demands retribution. But the way […]


**Wisdom Wednesdays**

Wisdom Wednesdays began from a simple request. This request was ‘Lord, help me to write a weekly devotional that would bless others.’ Now I must confess, at the time, writing didn’t come naturally and I wasn’t sure I would be consistent in producing a weekly devotional that would be relatable, inspiring and biblical. But the […]


**Wisdom Wednesdays**

We are all experiencing the pinch of the rising cost of living. Fuel is at a record high, food has gone up, and energy bills are arriving that are no longer affordable. What can we do? Many are worried about how we will make ends meet each month. The truth is as believers in Jesus […]


**Wisdom Wednesdays**

Our word for today is procrastination. It means the act or habit of putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention. Are you putting something off that needed to be done a few hours, days, weeks, months or even years ago? This something could be as serious as your health, finances, family, relationships, work, […]


It Hurts To Grow

As a child I was very short whenever I complained about aches or pains that had no clear physical explanation, my parental diagnosis was: “It’s just growing pains.” I used to imagine my muscles and bones hurting while they stretched and grew. While I know nothing about the scientific nature of this evaluation then, today […]


We Can Do It! 

As the Israelites got to the borders of the Promised Land, Moses sent out scouts to assess the situation. Ten scouts returned with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. However, two of the scouts focused on the promise from […]


Seek God presence your Life

We live in a world of uncertainty and unpredictability. Life can be full of disappointments and sorrow, but knowing Jesus provides us much more than a life free of suffering. If you’ve accepted His offer of eternal life, you know that He is with you no matter what life brings. Because of His great love, […]


Be A Spiritual Mentor

New believers who have never attended church often lack a spiritual mentor, which is understandable. But I also found that those who had been attending church or are in the body of Christ neglected to gather to instruct and encourage new Christians.  In scripture, Philip was mindful of others’ because he listened to the Holy […]


Control Your Tongue

I believe every word we speak has power. Have you ever said things you wish you could take back? Our words determine the direction of our lives. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity […]