
What Does The Bible Say About Gentleness?

The biblical qualities of meekness and gentleness are misunderstood and undervalued in today’s society of extremes — where all too often people tend to angrily overreact or passively underreact.


The Daniel Diet — What’s the Deal?

So a call for Christians to create healthier eating habits may be a good choice. On the other hand, John the Baptist ate locusts and I don’t see people developing new diet plans following in his footsteps?


She’s Interested and He’s Not Pursuing

There’s a joke going around: men in the church are like parking spaces. The good ones are either already taken – or they’re handicapped.


3 Ways God Speaks to You

Speaking is central to God. God himself is Word, and his speech commanded nothing to be everything (John 1:1–3). The question is, How do I understand it and tune in so that I can hear God’s voice?


Not an Act of God: Phil Robertson Say’s that America is “Focusing on the Wrong Weapon”

Some say “God is not a cosmic vending machine,” while others champion the power of prayer.


Is Russell Brand A Christian?

On the heels of a denouncement by Pope Francis that journalists are peddling fake news, I was recently reading a feature article by a popular Christian magazine, intimating that Russell Brand had become a Christian. The language was subtle but the message seemed clear. Brand believes that Christ’s teaching is “more relevant now than they’ve ever been”.


7 Secular Movies with Important Biblical Themes

Hidden themes that ring true with Christianity can be found everywhere in life. Since the bible is the greatest story ever, it’s no surprise that the world imitates certain themes that began with God.


What Does ‘Put God’s Word First’ Really Mean?

There are so many things that clamor for our attention and devotion: our jobs, our kids, our spouses, our hobbies—the demands and distractions of life. And we have to be careful not to let them become more important or more of a priority than our relationship with God.


What Does It Really Mean to Be a Child of God?

Most people do not have any idea what it means to become a child of God. As a result, they are missing one of the most amazing messages in the Bible.


How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

If there is one thing that holds millions of people back each day from growing as an individual, achieving high levels of success and becoming the best version of themselves, fear is definitely at the top of the list.


Idle Words

Jesus said we are accountable for every “idle word” we speak


8 Powerful Healing Plants from the Bible

Before the advent of synthetic compounds, injections, and expensive medications, the human body was accustomed to natural herbs and spices. Our planet Earth has thousands of healing plants that grew during biblical times.


Feeling Anxious? Beat Anxiety with 3 Biblical Steps

Anxiety, worry and tension are some of the most destructive forces we can face. They sap our strength and slowly undermine our faith, keeping us from maturing in the Lord (Luke 8:14).  


Can A Christian Be Angry and Not Sin?

To live in a world permeated with evil is enough to make you angry. Those we love can arouse deep anger within us as they purposely or unknowingly hurt us. People unleash enormous wickedness and suffering on the world at large, and suddenly we find ourselves sucked into evil’s vortex.


Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You

Part 1 of an interview with Kelly Johnson,Author of Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You The world can be a scary place, and the fear it produces can spiral us into a sort of paralysis that keeps us from speaking truth, living boldly, and encouraging others. To spur us […]


Is God Calling You?

Who am I that God is mindful of me, that God hears me when I call, is it true that God is thinking of me, how God loves me is so amazing!