When that guy cat-calls you just to get a reaction, what do you do? You ignore him and keep walking. When that bully pushes all of your buttons just to make you mad, what do you do? you tune them out and move on. When somebody tries to convince you of something you know 100% […]
- Tags 2 Corinthians, alone, believe, Book, Care, Change, child, Child of God, Children, Christ, christiancreative, commandments, Corinthians, dark, Devil, Doubt, dwell, Emotional, Enemy, eternal, faithbased, Faithit, Father, fault, Freedom, God, God Interest Ministries, Godinterest, Grace, Ground, Heart, hearts, holy, Holy Spirit, Home, I Believe, Idea, John, Joshua, Keep Walking, kill, knowledge, Law, Lies, Life, Live, Lord, Lord Jesus Christ, Love, Meditate, Nature, Night, notw, panic, peace, People, Power, Process, Proverbs, RE, Satan, Scripture, solution, spirit, streetwear, Study, Stupid, talk, the LORD, the truth, the Word, the word of God, Thinking, true, trust, Truth, Unsuccessful, USE, wearyourfaith, word, word of God, Words, Worth